The Film Daily (1935)

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r Intimate in Character International in Scope ' \dependent in Thought n The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Seventeen Years Old VOL. 67, NO. 137 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1935 TEN CENTS I Vitaphone Repeats 130 Shorts for 1 935-36 Season ASCAP PRICE FIXING CHARGED BY U. SJUTORNEY 140 Delegates Assemble for Para. Sales Convention Four-Day Meeting Will Get Under Way Tomorrow Approximately 140 delegates from e U. S., Canada and various foreign countries will assemble in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. for the first meeting of the four-day Paramount national sales convention. The group will include division, district, branch and sales managers, bookers, ad sales managers and members of Paramount's 100 Per Cent Club, together with sales and production executives from Paramount's home office, the Hollywood studios, the foreign sales department and the (Continued on Page 22) MORE MENATTENDING RKO SALES MEETING In addition to executives, branch managers and men in the field, office managers and chief bookers from all over the country will attend the RKO sales convention June 17(Continued on Page 3) Pathe-Natan to Release 25 French Pictures Here Importation of approximately 25 French features for distribution in this country, particularly the French-speaking localities, is planned by the Pathe-Natan interests. A tieup has been made with the Fifth Avenue Playhouse. Robert Hurel, Pathe-Natan executive, has returned to New York from Montreal. Tourney On Some 200 of the film industry's golftoday are out at the Progress CounClub, Purchase, N. Y., where, 'eather permitting, the 23rd Film Daily Golf Tournament will hold sway. Turnout for this year's event will break all records. Same goes for the array of prizes lined up and the festive program to follow in the evening. Adolph Zukor Offered U. A. Presidency? That Adolph Zukor, now Paramount chairman, had been offered the presidency of United Artists was reported in film circles yesterday. It was said that Douglas Fairbanks already had cabled his agreement in the matter. E. S. BLOOM ELECTED T OF ERPI Edgar S. Bloom, as forecast, was elected president of Electrical Research Products yesterday at a board meeting. He succeeds John E. Otterson, who is becoming president of Paramount. Bloom has been associated with the Bell System since 1896, when he became a member of the engineering staff of the New York Telephone (Continued on Page 22') Deutsch-Donada Deals Dropped by Joe Schenck London (By Cable) — Despite reports to the contrary, the Joseph M. Schenck conversations towards acquisition of the Deutsch-Donada circuit are understood to be definitely off. The new chairman of the Fox board, who sails Saturday on the Normandie for New York, is now devoting his time principally to a deal for purchase of the Ostrer brothers' controlling stock interest in Gaumont British. 100% SALESMEN CLUB STARTED BY WARNERS West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — A 100 Per Cent Club limited to top salesmen from which the company will select its future branch managers was announced at yesterday's session of the Warner-First National sales convention at the Hotel Ambassador. Initial members are John Padone, New Haven; W. D. Collins, Detroit; G. Simmons, Winnipeg; (Continued on Page 3) Specific Data Asked In Nebraska Action Lincoln, Neb. — Two separate motions were filed here yesterlay by Bob Livingston and Lincoln Theater Corp., defendants in the $444,000 State Theaters conspiracy suit, requesting in the 34 instances that either allegations be made more specific or stricken. The State is attempting to recover damages from a string of film companies and the two above-mentioned charging that (Continued on Page 3) 52 Two-Reelers, 78 Singles On Vitaphone9 s New Program Para.-Comerford-RKO Pooling Deal Approved Report approving the proposed pooling of the Paramount-Comerford-RKO interests in Rochester involving five theaters was approved yesterday by Special Master John E. Joyce and submitted to Federal Judge Cox. Wert Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Vitaphone will again deliver 130 short subjects for the 1935-36 season, the same number as in the past two seasons, it was announced by Norman H. Moray, executive in charge of shorts and trailers, at yesterday's afternoon's session of the Warner-First National sales convention in the (Continued on Page 23) Difficulties Over New Music Contract Are Cited at Trial Difficulties of motion picture exhibitors with Ascap during negotiations for a new contract last winter were cited yesterday by Andrew W. Bennett, Special Assistant Attorney General, as he opened the government's anti-trust action against the composers' society. Bennett related that Ascap had asked increases of 1,100 per cent from exhibitors for the use of music and had then consented to take a 100 per cent increase. Ascap fixes the prices, he said. Users of music can't force them to (Continued on Page 3) SUPPLYlALERS SET TENTATIVE PROGAM Program of the Independent Theater Supply Dealers convention to be held June 15-18 at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, tentatively includes addresses by E. A. Williford of the National Carbon Co., E. (Continued on Page 22) GB Film Field Activities Being Expanded Further Coincident with denial of circulated reports that GB would make ■manges in its major executives, Arthur A. Lee. executive vice-president, seated yesterday that not only do the Ostrers intend to continue at the head of the organization, but the "O^nany is amply financed and activities are being extended in every direction including additions to the (Continued on Page 2) 6 for U. A. on Broadway United Artists has six pictures on Broadway currently. Following is the list: "Richelieu," at the Mayfair; "Les Miserables," Loew's State; "Arrowsmith," Globe; "Born to Be Bad," Central: "Escape Me Never," Palace, and "Let 'Em Have It," Rivoli.