The Film Daily (1935)

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DAILY Wednesday, June 12, 193 Vol. 67. No. 137 Wed., June 12. 1935 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holiday at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasure' and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Asso ciate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managirv. Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918. at the post-office at New York N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1?" Terms (Postage free) United States outsidr of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with ordeAddress all communications to THE FTLV DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y Phone. Circle 7-4736. 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739 Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildrmehne Friedrichstras3e, 225. Paris— P. A. Harl^. La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK High Am. Seat 7 1/4 Columbia Picts. vtc. 643/8 Con. Fm. Ind 3% East. Kodak 145Vi 1 do pfd 155V2 1 Fox Fm. "A" 15% Loew's, Inc 417/8 Paramount ctfs. ... 3% Pithe Exch 5/a do "A" 9i/2 RKO 21A Univ. Pict. pfd 31% Warner Bros 4V2 do pfd 26y4 NEW YORK BOND Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 12 Keith A-0 6s46. . 82 Loew 6s 41ww 104% 1 Paramount 6s47 filed 90% Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 90V8 Par. By. 5V2s51 . . . . 57 Par. 5!/2s50 filed . 92 Par 5l/2s50 ctfs.. . 92 Warner's 6s39 66V2 NEW YORK CURB Technicolor 26% Trans-Lux 23/8 MARKET Net Low Close Chg. 7% 7% + % 63% 631/2 31/2 31/2 — % 443/4 145 + % 551/2 1551/2 + V2 147/g 15 — Vs 41 41% + 1 31/2 3% + % % % 9% 93/8 — % 2 2 31% 313/4 + 1/4 43/s 4% 26 26% + % MARKET 111/2 113/4 — % 81 82+1 04% 104% 89% 90% + % 90 90% + 7/s 57 57 + 2% 92 92+1 91% 92 + % 66 66 MARKET 25% 25% — 1% 2% 2% For Late Comers at the Golf Tourney If you don't happen to be one of the lucky 160 who made arrangements to be at the Progress Country Club. Purchase. N. Y., bright and early this morning for the startoff of the 23rd Film Daily Golf Tournament, you can still go out later in the day and join in the banquet and prize-awarding festivities. Here's how to get there: By Motor: Through the Bronx and up the Boston Post Road to Hutchinson River Parkway. Continue to the end of the Parkway and turn right on Westchester Avenue to Purchase Street, recognized by a police booth and a school on the corners. Turn left into Purchase Street and continue direct to the Progress Country Club which lies on the left about 200 yards beyond Anderson Hill Road, identified by another police booth and a center-post traffic light. By Train: Trains leave Grand Central Terminal for White Plains, the nearest station to the club. Take a taxi from White Plains station to the club. Club has special flat rate of $1 from the station. By Bus: A Free Atlas Bus leaves the M. P. Club at 12 noon today from the 46th Street entrance, and any entrant is entitled to take it to the Club. THE STANDARD Reference Book of the MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY Given Fre« with • Year's Subscription to THE FILM DAILY and THE FILM DAILY SERVICE 1650 B'way. New York Republic Rearranges Regional Sales Meets Regional sales meetings being held by Republic Pictures have been revised with today's scheduled session in Denver having been called off. The first session will now take place Saturday at the New Washington Hotel, Seattle. Arrangements for the subsequent gatherings will be completed in a day or so. Legit Houses in Bad Way Out of 68 legitimate theaters in the Times Square district, 47 or 70 per cent are now in the hands of banks and mortgagees who have foreclosed or have been taken over by estates, according to a survey made by Irving Maidman of O'Gara & Co., real estate firm. Only 12 of the houses are actually owned by theatrical producers. Three were taken over in a year by broadcasting interests. Increased interest taken by film companies in backing Broadway plays is expected to benefit the legit situation. GB Film Field Activities Being Expanded Further (Continued from Page 1) GB circuit, enlargement of the activities of its equipment company and the expenditure of more money on forthcoming productions. Besides its production, distribution and exhibition interests, Lee pointed out that GB also has large interests in co-relative organizations, such as its own recording process, its own company for equipping theaters from street to screen, its newsreel known as GB News, its broadcasting station and television. Lucas-Jenkins Adds 3 Lucas-Jenkins, Famous partner, is taking over two houses at Athens, Ga., from J. B. Joel and Andrew Erwin, and also a house at Elberton, Ga. E. A. Schiller retains his interest in the Athens theaters. Herzbrun, Lubitsch Talks Continue "Contract deals between Paramount and Ernst Lubitsch and Henry Herzbrun, studio chieftains, are progressing agreeably", a spokesman for the conferees said yesterday in New York. The production executives are conferring daily with Austin C. Keough and other Paramount officials. Rouben Mamoulian in Air Interview Rouben Mamoulian. director of RKO's "Becky Sharp", which opens tomorrow at the Radio City Music Hall, will be interviewed at 6:30 P. M. today over WMCA by Sam Taylor, movie commentator for the network. M-G-M Buys Novel M-G-M has acquired motion picture rights to Albert Halner's novel, "Tho Foundry," which Viking; Press nrbMsher] last year. "Public Hero" Holds Over M-G-M's "Public Hero No. 1" will be held for a second week at the Capitol, along with the stage show headed by Sophie Tucker. 2 More for Brandt Circuit Harry Brandt is adding two more houses to his circuit. They are the Arion, Middle Village, L. I., which will be operated by the R. O. R. Amusement Corp., and the Electra, Brooklyn, which will be controlled by the Pulch-Hubner company. Previewing King George Film "Regal Cavalcade," depicting the 25-year reign of King George V, will be shown to an invitation audience Friday night in the WaldorfAstoria's Grand Ballroom under the auspices of Alliance Films, Ltd., subsidiary of B. I. P. Among those invited to attend are Sir Gerald Campbell, Will H. Hays, Mayor LaGuardia, Governor Lehman, Lyle Talbot, Tullo Carminati, Jacqueline Logan, Lila Lee, Capt. A. C. N. Dixie, Alfred E. Smith, William Rowland, Peggy Hopkins Joyce, Herbert Hoover and others. After Releasing Deals Releasing arrangements for features they plan to produce at the coast are being sought by Abe and Julius Stern, veteran producers, who are now in New York from Hollywood. Sam Alexander is with them. Rodner Honored by Masons Harold Rodner of Warners has been designated District Deputy Grand Master of the seventh Manhattan district by the Grand Masonic order in this state. G U ARANTEED MOTION PICTURE RECORDING SYNCHRONIZING MUSIC SCORES EFFECTS LANGUAGE DUBBING M. HOFFMAN STUDIOS 130 West 46th St., New York Coming and Goiig^ JANE FROMAN, star of radio, signed Warners for featured roles in pictures, v. leave soon for the coast to begin her screB career. M< | JANE WYATT, Universal player who recer; ,j.w ly closed her stage engagement in "The Bish , Misbehaves," will fly to the coast on Frid;!Pit ( MAURICE SILVERSTONE, managing direel for United Artists in London, who arri\ in New York the middle of next week the Normandie, will attend the U. A. sa convention on the coast in July. JOE COOPER is in New York from Okl homa City. MR. and MRS. BILL WOLF, RKO manaj at San Francisco, who are in New York, lea Saturday for the RKO convention in Chicaf JAMES MULVEY returns to New York fn the Coast late this week. mpel scede tap, kra ABRAM F. MYERS and other Allied lead arrive in New York tonight preliminary the exhibitor association's executive comm tee meeting tomorrow and Friday at the W; wick. ice-ti: d th men to 1 ire! LEWIS SEILER, Fox director who recen' completed "Ginger," arrives in New York I f VI day from the coast to gather story mater and film scenes for his next picture, "Pol Parade." GUY KIBBEE, Warner featured player, a Mrs. Kibbee are on vacation in British Colu bia. They return to Hollywood late in Jun us' KELLY is in New York from Hoi BRUCE BARCLAY, tenor in the Broad* musical production, "Great Waltz," leav shortly for England to appear in a musi picture. AL JOLSON leaves New York on Monc for the cosat to start work in his next W. ner film. I Jl.I E. R. GOURDEAU of Interworld Fil m Studios, London, has arrived in New York i ! K is making his headquarters with J. H. Ho berg Co. He will remain for several wei to arrange deals for releasing "The Invade with Buster Keaton, and other British films MARK wood. ROBERT HUREL has arrived in New Y from Montreal. ABE and JULIUS STERN, with SAM ALE ANDER, are in New York from Hollywood. JOHN MAXWELL has deferred his sail from tomorrow to Friday, when he leaves the Bremen. MRS. A. P. WAXMAN sails on the Prt u'ent Roosevelt today for an eight-week I »«»] abroad. JOHN B. NATHAN, managing director Paramount's organization in Argentine, U guay and Paraguay, arrives in New York morrow on the Northern Prince. S. E. PIERPOINT, Paramount manager Cristobal, Canal Zone, is in New York en ro | i to England on leave of absence. He will main here to attend the sales convention. •V UNITED AIR LINES New Overnight Service from New Yor and Chicago to Los Angeles and Sa Francisco. Fastest, shortest to most citiel on the Pacific Coast. Leave New Yor 4:25 P. M. (D.S.T.) Ticket Office: 58 E. 42nd St., MU. 2-730 Hotels ; Travel Bureaus ; Telegraph Offio men | of agi Co: lose Ids Mil 'llll'il I he *! file |u WANTED Two positive negative cutters I midwest commercial studio; perma position if satisfactory; state qualifications, experience, salary in first letter.] Box No. 952 c-o The Film Daily 1650 Broadway New York Cit