The Film Daily (1935)

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THE &S DAILY Wednesday, June 12, 1935 140 ASSEMBLING FOR PARA. MEET (Continued from Page 1) short subjects department. Meetings will be presided over by Sales Manager Neil F. Agnew, assisted by Division Managers J. J. Unger and Charles M. Reagan. Highlights of the first day's session will be the story of the company's reorganization, outlined by Vice-President George J. Schaefer. Awarding of the recent sales contest prizes and the 100 Per Cent Club awards will also take place at the morning session. In the afternoon John W. Hicks, vice-president of the Paramount International Corporation, will review activity in the foreign field, and Lou Diamond, head of the Paramount short subjects department, will discuss shorts and the newsreel. On Friday the company's product for the season 1935-36 will be announced by Schaefer, and sales policies for the coming year will be reviewed. At the afternoon session advertising and ad sales plans will be discussed by Robert M. Gillham, director of advertising and publicity; William Pine, in charge of advertising and publicity at the Hollywood studios, and Don Velde, ad sales manager. On Saturday, Schaefer, Agnew, Unger and Reagan will meet with the district managers, and specific sales policy matters will be discussed with the district, branch and sales managers. Louis Phillips, of Paramount's legal department will give a talk at the Saturday morning session. In the afternoon Cecil B. DeMille will address the meeting, and Loretta Young, Joe Penner and Sylvia Sidney will greet the assembled delegates in person. Mr. DeMille will screen a print of "The Crusades" which he brought with him from Hollywood. On Sunday individual district and branch managers meetings will be held with the division managers. Those attending from the United States are: District managers — M. S. Kusell, New York; P. A. Bloch, Philadelphia; W. H. Erbb, Boston; O. A. Morgan, Atlanta; J. B. Dugger, Dallas; J. E. Fontaine, Chicago; R. C. LiBeau, Kansas City; H. W. Braly, Denver; B. Blotcky, Minneapolis; H. H. Goldstein, 1 li eland ; M. H. Lewis, Los Angeles. Branch managers — M. Sattler, New York; H. Randel, Brooklyn; E. H. Bell, New Jersey; C. G. Eastman; Albany; K. G. Robinson, Buffalo; E. W. Sweigert, Philadelphia; H. Hunter, Washington; J. Himmelein, Cleveland D Kimelman, Pittsburgh; J. Oulahan, Cincinnati; J. H. Stevens, Boston; A. M. Kane, New Haven; E. Ruff, Maine; D. Prince, Atlanta; W. F. Bugie, Memphis; '. Kirl.v, Charlotte; S. E. Chesnutt, Jacksonville; H. F. Wilkes, New Orleans; H. E. Pickett, Dallas; C. E. House, San Antonio; S. R. Simpson, Oklahoma City; A Usher, Chicago; O. W. Bolle, Detroit; J. O. Kent, Milwaukee; J. T. Howard, Indianapolis; J. T. Manfre, Kansas City; M Schweitzer, A LITTLE from "LOTS" By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD ("HARLES WALDRON, Broadway actor, has been booked by the William Morris Agency to appear in M-G-M's "Here Comes the Band," in which Ted Lewis is to be starred. T T T Don Marquis, well known humorist and playwright, has joined the Fox writing staff and will get to work presently on a Shirley Temple story which B. G. DeSylva will produce. ▼ T T Colleen Moore, who has been exhibiting her Doll House in eastern cities, will bring it to Los Angeles next week. T T T John Stone, Fox director, announces that he will stage "Thunder in the Night," "Ramona," "Hawk of the Desert," "Ball of Fire" and "Strangers in the Night," as his contribution to the company's current season schedule. T T T Fred MacMurray is now the favorite son of Beaver Dam, Wis. When "The Gilded Lily" played the Odeon in Fred's old home town, he was billed over Claudette Colbert and many Beaver Dam merchants carried ads boosting Fred and the picture. ▼ ▼ T Our Passing Show: Sol M. Wurtzel, Roland West, Frank McHugh, S. J. Perlman, Seton I. Miller, Warren Duff, Thelma Todd, George Frank, John Lee Mahin, Patsy Ruth Miller, Morse Rabwin, Eddie Welch, Mushy Callahan at "Three Men on a Horse." T T T Martha Belle Cook, private secretary to Marco of Fanchon & Marco, will be married this summer to Carroll R. Brown. Miss Cook is a graduate of the University of California, at Los Angeles, as is Mr. Brown. Roger Imhof, having completed his role in "The Farmer Takes a Wife," has started work on "Steamboat Bill," Fox-Will Rogers starring picture. "Silk Hat Kid," is the final title for "The Lord's Referee," now nearing completion at the Fox studio with Lew Ayres, Mae Clarke, Paul Kelly and William Harrigan prominent in the cast. A few weeks ago, the Four Esquires felt fortunate in getting an engagement on KNX's amateur hour. Now they are singing in "Old Man Rhythm," being completed at RKO, and other major studios are interested in the young men. They were discovered by Harry DeShon of DeShon-Naylor, and later will be sent on a personal appearance tour throughout the country. Charles S. Belden is writing the screenplay for "San Quentin," for Warner Bros. He recently returned to the Burbank studio after completing an assignment at M-G-M. Harlan E. Knight, who plays an important role in "The Roaring West," the Buck Jones serial which will be released by Universal, will make a five-months' personal appearance tour in conjunction with the picture. Fred Wallace, Charles Locher, William Stelling and Fred Sylva, four of Fox's junior contract players, have been cast for featured roles in the Francis Lederer starring picture, "The Gay Deception." Frank Melton also has been assigned to a role in the picture. Roxy RFC Loan Held Up Action on application of Howard S. Cullman, trustee for the Roxy Theater, for a loan of $750,000 from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is being delayed because of the RFC's request for additional information. St. Louis; R. M. Copeland, Des Moines; A. Mendenhail, Omaha; W. P. Weins, Denver; K. D. Thomson, Salt Lake; C. N Peacock, Los Aneeles; G. A. Smith, San Francisco; F. C. Clark, Portland; H. N. East, Seattle; J. J Donahue, Minneapolis; A. R. Anderson, Sioux Falls; M. R. Clark, Columbus. Sales managers — U. Smith, Philadelphia ; J. Moore, Boston; E. J. Barnard, Chicago; C. .1. Hill, Detroit; I G. .White, Los Angeles; J. Bettencourt, San Francisco; W. D. Woods, Minneapolis. Ad sales managers — M. Gluck, New York; E. Walter, Buffalo; and A. H. Cole, special representative, Kansas City. B U-rs — Miss K Flynn, New York; Miss I. Bergson, Brooklyn; H. Roth, Cleveland; I. Lenahan, Milwaukee; J. C. Perley, New Jersey. Salesmen — I. A. Lesser, B. Brooks and M R Volck, Jr., New York; A. Gebhart and II A Kaufman, Jersey; T. Abet, Philadel phia; fi. Elmo, Pittsburgh; J. Harris, Bos ton; K. Price, Atlanta; H. Hamburg, Chi G. Hinton, Omaha; C. J. Duer, Den A Taylor, San Francisco; G. Sessler Sioux Falls; H. F. Leun, Brooklyn; F. A I > alias. From Canada: M. A. Milligan, general manager, Toronto; W. J. O'Neill, treasurer, Toronto; J. Hunter, branch manager, Toroni II Phaff, sales manager, Toronto; H. Q. Burns, ad sales manager for Canadian exchanges ; M. Brown, branch manager from Montreal ; T. Dowbiggan, sales manager, Montreal; P. J. Hogan, branch manager, St. Johns; W. Hansher, District manager, Vancouver; W. O. Kelly, branch manager, Calgary; D. Brickman, branch manager, Winnipeg; L. D Hatfield, salesman, Toronto. Home office distribution department — George T Schaefer, Neil F. Agnew, J. J. Unger, C. M. Reagan, G. B. J. Frawley, R. M. Gillham, Al Wilkie, H. J. Lorber, A. J. Dunne, F. A. LeRoy, J. Roper, M. Goodman. G. Knox Haddow, Larry Flynn, William Schneider, Rodney Bush, Vincent Trotta, Louis Nathan, William Pine, and Alec Moss. Ad sales department of the home office: Don A. Velde, Jay Haas, Weldon Waters, and Arthur Craig. Shorts and newsreel department — Lou Diamond, Max Fleischer, A. J. Richard, \Y. C. Park and Grantland Rice. Foreign department — John Hicks, E J. Zukor, George Weltner, Albert Deane, Morais Audley, D. Greenwald, A. Pines and Charles Gartner. From the foreign field are J. E. Kennebeck, Managing director, Australia; J. Rapoport, Manager, Cuba; Samuel E. Pierpoint, Branch Manager, Canal Zone; John B. Nathan, Manager, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay. Russell C. Holtnan and Henry S. Salsbury, will attend from the home office production department. Louis Phillips, I. Cohen, H. Luber and A. Israel will be present from the legal staff. E. S. RLOOM ELECTED* PRESIDENT OF ERm (Continued from Page 1) Co. Since that time he has occupied various executive positions with the different Bell system companies on the coast and in the middle west. From 1922 to 1926, he served as vice-president of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. and then became president of Western Electric Co., which posts he continues to occupy. Bloom is also a director of several other companies, including the Manufacturers' Trust Co., Interborough Rapid Transit Co. and the National Surety Corp. Supply Dealers Set Tentative Program (Continued from Page 1) S. Clifford on "Merchandising at a Profit Through the Printed Word;" Capt. John Gorby on "How To Sell Goods Profitably to Maintain the Exhibitor Good Will", and J. J. Finn on "The Services Projectionists and and Dealer Render to Each Other." On Sunday, June 16, there will be a joint meeting of supply dealers and manufacturers representatives. Nomination and election of officers will take place on Monday. The annual banquet and entertainment takes place that night. Regular business sessions will be held each day during the convention, winding up with a session on Thursday, June 18, when the convention city for next year will be selected. Lillian Craig at the Edgewater Beach Hotel is handling arrangements for ladies in attendance. Singer's Midgets In Short Singer's Midgets start work today in a one-reel novelty short subject at the Brooklyn Vitaphone studio. Lucille Sears, Flora Seaman, and Nadine Gae and the Gae Foster Girls will appear in support of the Lilliputian stars. Joseph Henabery will direct. Sideline Activity A. Griffith Grey and Lon Ramsdell are financially interested in the Maryland View Hotel at Long Beach, where Grey resides. Grey is also continuing his film business activities. Bickford Gets Many Offers West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Charles Bickford is getting plenty of new bids from studios since his standout performance in Fox's "The Farmer Takes a Wife," which has just been previewed. Finish Union Testimony After five months, the taking of testimony before Referee Robert McC Marsh on the suit of the Allied M P. Operators Union to enjoin Local 306 from breaching Allied contracts with I.T.O.A. members has been completed and Sept. 15 has been set as the final date for filing of briefs. e