The Film Daily (1935)

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Wednesday,Junel2,1935 liththi Dies oi *est. ■ a, D JAPHONE REPEATS WITH 130 SHORTS (Continued from Page 1) Hotel Ambassador. The program includes 52 two-reelers and 78 single-reel subjects, with 20 of the shorts to be made at the Warner studio in Burbank and the remainder, exclusive of the cartoons, under the supervision of Sam Sax at the Brooklyn Vitaphone studio. The Vitaphone release schedule has been split into eight series: 32 "Broadway Brevities" two-reel musical presentations, 20 two-reel Vitaphone comedies, 13 one-reel "Our Own United States," 13 one-reel "Pepper Pot" novelties, 13 one-reel "Merrie Melodie" song cartoons in Technicolor, 13 one-reel "Looney Tunes" cartoons, 13 one-reel "Melody Master" band numbers, and 13 one-reel "Big Time Vaudeville Units." 32 "Broadway Brevities" The 32 "Broadway Brevities" musical comedies will be composed of the following units: Seven two-reel Technicolor shorts, produced at the Burbank studios under the supervision of .Tack L. Warner, and to star such names as Winifred Shaw, El Brendel, Maxine Dovle, Phil Regan, Dorothy Dare. Philip Reed, Patricia Ellis, the Meglin Kiddies and others to be announced; 12 "Broadway Headliners," each one featuring a nationally-known stage name, including Sophie Tucker, Phil Baker, Hal LeRoy, Eleanor Whitney, the Duncan Sisters, Countess Albani. Armirla, Eddie Peabody, Bernice Clair, Kate Smith. Morton Downey, Irene Delroy and Fifi D'Orsay; six "Varsity Frolics," a new series, each number to feature a different personality, among those already set being Phil Harris. Hal LeRoy, Eleanor Whitney, N. Y. U. Glee Club, Georgie Price, and Columbia University Glee Club, and 7 "Presentation Revues," Vitaphone's new idea in screen revues with such star names as Jean Sargent. Buster West, Gogo Delys, Danzi Goodell. Ray Heatherton, Evelyn Dall, Ann Barrie. Evan Evans, Pesrgy Taylor, Barry McKinley, Lucille Page, Hal LeRoy, Grace Hays, Cherry & June Preisser, Ray Perkins, Frey & Braggiotti, Martha Mears, Johnny Hale, Deane Janis, Vera Van, Evelyn Poe and Thelma Leeds, already under contract. 20 Vitaphone Comedies Half of Vitaphone's schedule of 20 tworeel comedies will be made at the Brooklyn studio and will include four with the Yacht Club Boys, three with Bob Hope, and three co-starring Shemp Howard and Rosco Ates. The remaining ten will be made at the Burbank studios with such stars as El Brendel, Hobart Cavanaugh, Allen Jenkins, Frank McHugh, Henry Armetta, and the "Old Timers." who include Ford Sterling, Ben Turpin, Marie Prevost. Chester Conklin, Hank Mann and the entire Keystone Comedy Gang. 13 "Our United States" Numbers Vitaphone's forthcoming series of "Our lowing on their birthday: X William Austin Ann Rork WARNER CONVENTION SIDELIGHTS J^OS ANGELES— Among the first pleasant surprise announcements of the Warner-First National sales convention was the announcement by President H. M. Warner that A. W. Smith, Jr., Grad Sears and S. Charles Einfeld had been made vicepresidents of Vitagraph Corp., Warner subsidiary. The new officials rose from the ranks. Smith and Sears, now sales executives, began their careers as salesmen. Einfeld, head of advertising and publicity, began as an office boy in the publicity department, following an education at Columbia University. H. M. Warner's talk on how the company came through the depression without resorting to bankruptcy was received with acclaim. Saw E. Morris was given a big welcome when Major Albert Warner declared that the foreign sales head had been a great factor in enabling the company to weather the depression. PATRONS flock to the theatres with Robert Schless, head of the Paris office sales, and Joseph Bernhard, in charge of theaters, spoke about the problems of theater operation and reported that the outlook in that field is far brighter than at any time within the past four years. Harold Barefortf, Robert Mochrie, Carl Leserman, A. W. Schwalberg, Norman H. Moray, Sam Sax and Leon Schlesinger were among others who acknowledged introductions at the opening session. After the first business session, delegates had lunch with a groun of stars at the studio. Jack L. Warner presided, flanked bv his aides, Hal B. Wallis and William Koenig. United States" one-reel subjects is planned as a follow-up to the series of "See America First." shorts. E. M. Newman has alreadv sent a crew of cameramen to gather material for these shorts from prominent spots all over the countrv. These releases will cover the following ground: (11 Cosmopolitan America — old world customs in the new land: (21 Playgrounds — where and how America plays : (31 Curious Industries — oddities from north south, east and west ; (41 Beauty Spots — exclusive scenes of unusual beauty; (51 Steel and Stone — unusual thrills of engineering miracles: (61 Harbor Liehts — intimate glimpses of waterfront activities: (71 Nature's Wonders — thrilling views of marvel' carved by nature: (81 Marketing — mv ladv "■oes shopping in unusual places; (91 Vacation Snots — where America nlays in its snare time: (101 Curiosities — little known facts of "ccentric America: (111 American Snorts — how, where and who — plenty of action: (121 \ surprise reel, in preparation: (131 Highlights of America — from every state in the Un' on. Thirteen prominent radio commentators will supply the necessary running commentary on each of the subjects. Under contract are James Wallington, Don Wilson. Howard Cleanv. Milton Cross. John S. Young, Paul Douglas, H. V. Kaltenborn. Kenneth Roberts, Henry Vonzell. David Ross. with three more to be announced later, 13 "Pepper Pot" Novelties" Vitaphone will release 13 "Pepner Pots" next season, instead of 26 as on the current season's nuota. The Radio Ramblers, the Singer Midgets. Charles Ahearn and His Millionaire Tramps, Edear Bergen. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford, and the Ea=v Aces have already been signed for this series. 26 Cartoons — 13 in Technicolor For_ the first time, Vitanhone is usin" Technicolor's exclusive three-noint process !n nlmimr 13 "Merrie Melodies" car+oons. whi1the 13 "Loonev Tunes" are beiner set n« with a new cast of characters including M; = Cud. Porky Pig, Oliver Owl. Ham and Fv The latter series will he in black and white. ■Roth cartoon series wi" he produced on the West Coa't bv Leon Schlesinger for release throueh Vitanhone. 13 "Melodv Master" Band Numbers Popular musical ae^rega^ons of radio. ni°-ht clirh and stap-e have he=n signed for 1935-3fi's "Melodv Master" hand =erVs, including Little Jack Little. Claude Hopkins. Tack Dennv. Tohnnv Green, the Rimacs, Phil Snitalnv Art Jarrett, B. A. Rolfe. and Dave Apollon. 13 Big Time Vaudeville Units Following up the vaudeville reels which were part of the 1934-35 season's "Pepper Pot" subjects, Vitaphone is producing 13 such reels for the new season. Each will be a complete vaudeville unit, featuring big names of the variety staee. Each short will contain four standard "big name" acts, a top-notch headliner and three equally wellknown supporting acts. Two or three of the 13 releases will be composed entirely of circus type acts. Already under contract for this series are: Eddie Peabody, Aunt Jemina. Buster West, Babs Ryan & Bros., Hal Sherman. Radio Rubes, Aaron & Broderick. Rav Hulintr and Seal, the Four Mullen Sisters. Joe & Pete Miction, Seven Honey Boys, Nick Lucas. Lester Cole & Co.. Fritz Kc Jean Hubert, Sakuri Japs, Alf Loyal's Dogs, Fred "Pansy" Sanborn, Four Troians, Harrv Burns & Co.. Klutimr's Animals, Monroe & Grant, and Proski's Tigers. Over 100 Stars Already Signed Over 100 big star names have alreadv been signed for Vitaphone's impending product, while Sam Sax will sign up other names of stage, screen and radio as they appear on the entertainment horizon. In this way Vitaphone's aims to make its release schedule flexible, with the imp°nding shorts to contain the newest stars of the day , Detroit Doings Detroit — Sam Brown circuit has begun construction of the University theater, 2.000-«eater at LivernoJs and Six Mile Road. William Sheebnu has been transferred by M-G-M to Cleveland as student booker. Mannie Gottlieb. Universal manager, is mourning the death of his mother, who passed away last week in Dallas. Clarence Turk Ross, -formerly with National Theater Sunnlv, has joined National Theater Equipment Co. sales staff. John B. Sh^rrill. 77. former manager of the Front°nac theater, died recently. Joseph Abbott, fo^ni^r Thirst Division salesman, is back from New York. George E. Olson has been nam^ Ohio representative for Sampson premiums. RQfl Photophone offering A sound box office attraction. Unfailing sound satisfaction. Complete ownership. RCA super-service. RCAMANUFACTURINGCO.,Inc. Photophone Division Camden, N. J. A Radio Corporation of America Subsidiary FIDELITY