The Film Daily (1935)

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1 Intimate in Character International in Scope dependent in Thought m The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Seventeen Years Old -1PDAILY VOL. 67, NO. 138 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 1935 TEN CENTS 10 Plays, 23 Novels Among Warner Lineup of 60 LICHTMANlEFINITELY SET FOR II. A. PRESIDENCY Mascot Joins Republic Pictures --Levine as VicePrexy ! Nat Levine Becomes VicePresident Under Affiliation In a move that results in four of the leading independent producers being welded together in one national organization, President W. Ray Johnston of Republic Pictures yesterday announced that Nat Levine had brought his Mascot Pictures into the Republic fold as an equal partner. Levine becomes vicepresident and a director of both Republic Pictures Corp., the distributing company, and Republic Productions. The Levine unit will continue (Continued on Page 4) 2 More Years of Federal Admission Tax Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Extension of various federal taxes, including the 10 per cent admission levy, for another two years has been approved by the House Ways and Means Committee. Action was recommended by the Treasury Department. U. A. BIDS FOR STOCK HELD BY ART CINEMA Rockefeller Claims oF $9,605,628 Allowed in RKO Reorganization Wilmington, Del. — Permission to sell 1,000 shares of common stock in the United Artists' Corp., controlled by Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Charles Chaplin, Joseph M. Schenck and Samuel Goldwyn, is sought by the trustees in dissolution of the Art Cinema Corp. The (Continued on Page 4) RKO Studio Executives Depart for Convention West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — The vanguard of RKO'S Hollywood contingent leaves this week for the company's international sales convention which opens Monday, at the Drake Hotel, Chicago. Heading the coast forces en route to the Windy City are J. (Continued on Page 16) Rockefeller claims against RKO under the leases of the two Radio City theaters and for space leased in the RKO Building are allowed in the RKO reorganization proceedings for a total of $9,605,628. according to a long-awaited report on RKO claims filed yesterday in Federal Court by Special Master Thomas D. Thacher. The Rockefeller claim under the (Continued on Page 4) Mayor Calls Conference To End Union Picketing Declaring that the wholesale picketing of theaters is against the public interest, Mayor LaGuardia has asked Police Commissioner Valentine to call a conference of theater owners and union leaders with a view of putting an end to picket activity. • It Was a Grand Tourney 5 1 Fair weather — a record turnout — and -a program that reeled off without a hitch — combined to make the 23rd Film Daily Golf Tournament, held yesterday at the Progress Country Club, Purchase, N. Y., the best of the series to date. Read all about the grand affair on pages 9, 12, 13 and 14. Production Code Facilities in New York At the regular quarterly meeting of the directors of the Hays Office yesterday afternoon it was announced by Will H. Hays that, in response to the request of the Film Group of the Federation of British Industries, the M.P.P.D.A. will conduct in New York facilities of the Production (Continued on Page 2) Allied Chiefs May Discuss Arbitration by Industry Prospects of establishing an industry system of arbitration may be dicussed at the Allied executive committee meeting which takes place today and tomorrow at the Hotel Warwick. Leaders who arrived in New York (Continued on Page 16) Silverstone is Becoming Chairman of U. A. in England Al Lichtman will be elected president of the American United Artists Corp., with Maurice Silverstone becoming chairman of the British organization, at the U. A. board of directors meeting to be held June 25 in New York, it was indicated in a telegram received by the home office yesterday from Hollywood and signed by Mary Pickford, Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and Samuel Goldwyn. The wire stated that the owners of United Artists had agreed on these appointments. Lichtman has been with U. A. for (Continued on Page 16) NEW COLUMBIA DEAL WITH LOEW CIRCUIT Six Westerns Also Included In Warner 1935-36 Program Rothacker is Acting As Otterson Advisor Watterson H. Rothacker, who from time to time has been reported as joining Paramount in an executive post, is understood functioning as advisor to John E. Otterson, new president of the company. Rothacker, who has been headquartering at the Coast, is now in N. Y. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Included in the 60 features scheduled by Warner-First National-Cosmopolitan for 1935-36 are 10 stage plays and 23 published stories, it was revealed in the outline of the product as presented at yesterday's session of the annual sales convention, at the Ambassador Hotel. Announcement of the program was made by Jack L. Warner, (Continued on Page 3) A product deal covering 1935-36, calling for greater representation in the circuit's houses than during 1934-35, has been closed by Columbia with Loew's Theaters. Contract calls for 100 per cent playing of the Columbia product in Loew's metropolitan houses and in the various other key cities and communities (Continued on Page 16) 11 District Sales Meets Are Set by Paramount Eleven Paramount district sales meetings are now planned under a revised schedule. Following is the program: Joe Unger's division, Philadelphia, June 19-20: Atlanta, June 22-23; Dallas, June 25-26; Cleveland, June 28-29; Buffalo, June 30-July (Continued on Page 4) U. A. Sales Meet July 8 Opening of the United Artists sales convention in Hollywood has been set for July 8. The sessions will extend for about a week, according to present plans.