The Film Daily (1935)

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THE ■zm DAILY Thursday, June 13, 1935 Coming and Going JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holiday? at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. T. W. Alicoate. President, Editor and Publisher Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasure! and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Asso ciate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second clasi matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York N Y., under the act of March 3, 187 Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736. 7-4737. 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Ho y wood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest W Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris— P. A. Harlc, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 73/4 71/4 73/4 + Vl . 63i/2 62 Vi 62V2 — 1 35/s 35/g 35/g + Va 151/s 15 151/8 + Va 146 1/2 1443/4 146 +1 1551/2 1551/2 1551/2 151/4 147/g 14% — Va 421/4 41 5/g 417/g 106 1/4 106 1/4 106 1/4 — % 33/4 35/8 35/a • % % % + Va 10'/2 91/2 10 +5/8 . 21/g 2 2 43/8 41/4 41/4 — 1/4 Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. East. Kodak do pfd Fox Fm. "A" Loew's. Inc do pfd Paramount ctfs. . . . Pathe Exch do "A" RKO Warner Bros do pfd NEW YORK Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. Keith A-0 6s46 Loew 6s 41 ww Paramount 6s47 filed Paramount 6s47 ctfs. Par. By. 5V2s51 asd. Par. 5'2s50 filed . Par. 5'2s50 ctfs... Warner's 6s39 NEW YORK Technicolor Trans-Lux 26V2 251/2 26 — BOND MARKET II3/4 111/2 113/4 IH/4 H'/s Hi/4 + 1/4 813/4 81 81 1/4 — 34 104 104 104 — 1/4 90 90 90 — 1/4 90 90 90 — Va 57 57 57+1 91 1/2 91 1/2 91 1/2 — 1/2 92 911/2 92 66 1/4 651/2 653/4 — 1/4 CURB MARKET 25V4 241/2 241/2 — 3/4 23, 23/g 23/g Ampa Directors Meet Today Instead of the weekly general meeting, A. M. P. A. will merely hold a meeting of its board of directors at the Hotel Edison at 12:45 P. M. today. \mnm imw M W. «0lh ST NEW YORK CITY Ml SR \l. MllMl TlUfh H'll EVERY MOOD AND TYPF. OF PICTURE SEND FOR Ol*R CATALOG GUY ROBERTSON left last night via United Air Lines for Denver, returning Tuesday. DON HANCOCK of Van Beuren Corp. flies to Chicago on Sunday via United Air Lines to attend the RKO sales convention. MR. and MRS. JOE BRANDT and JERRY BRANDT sail from New York June 22 on the St. Helena for the Coast. AL LICHTMAN and HAL HORNE are scheduled to leave the Coast today by plane for New York. LOUIS HAYWARD, English actor engaged by Columbia for the male lead in "A Feather In Her Hat," Ruth Chatterton vehicle, arrives in New York today on the Bremen. E. J. SPARKS, Florida circuit chief, is in New York. TOM TYLER is due in New York within a few days from the coast. ANNA STEN and her husband, EUGENE FRANKE, sail today on the Majestic for a visit with Miss Sten's mother in Paris. She returns to Hollywood in about two months to consider new film offers. OWEN MARSH, dress designer, sails on the Majestic today for London with a complete set of costumes he created for Shelia Barrett's appearance at the Cafe de Paris. RKO convention delegates arriving today from abroad on the Manhattan include DOUGLAS LEISHMAN, RALPH HANBURY and HARRY W. LEASIM, all from London; CARL GERHARD WALLMAN. Scandinanvian representative; PIERRE CHARLES LELONG, Paris; NICHOLAS CAZAZIS, Area Film. Roumania; JOSEPH NICHOLAS ERMOLIEFF, distributor for northern Africa; MAX BOSMAN of Bosman & Bourland, Belgian distributors, and JOOST SMIT, Remarco Filmbebrijf N. V., Holland. WALTER HUSTON and ROBERT MONTGOMERY sail today on the Majestic for the other side. Huston is bound for the GB studios in England to appear in "Rhodes, the Empire Builder." LYLE TALBOT returns to the Warner studios after his appearance tomorrow night on the Rudy Vallee radio program. BELA LUGOSI, HEDDA HOPPER and FRANCES MARION are booked to sail June 28 from New York for England on the Aquitania. CAPT. A. C. N. DIXEY sails today on the Majestic for England. CHELLE JANIS is back from a two-month vacation in Hollywood and will resume management of Loew's Ziegfeld Theater. RICARDO CORTEZ has arrived in New York from Hollywood. JOE RAPF sails Saturday on the Virginia on his return to the Coast. MRS. EDDIE MANNIX is in New York from Hollywood. AL ROSEN has tentative plans for leaving New York tomorrow night by plane on his return to the Coast. BERNARD NEWMAN, RKO Radio fashion creator who has spent two weeks in New York studying new style trends, left for Hollywood last night by plane. ROBERT EDMOND JONES, who designed the color for "Becky Sharp," arrives in New York this morning by plane from Central City, Colo., to attend the world premiere of the picture at the Radio City Music Hall. He returns to Colorado tomorrow. MRS. DAVID SARNOFF and BLANCHE COLLINS, actress, also return to New York today on the Manhattan. NICHOLAS M. SCHENCK and MAURICE SILVERSTONE of British United Artists will arrive from abroad on the Normandie, June 20. INA CLAIRE is back from abroad. Roach Offers Job to Pitts Alabama Pitts, who gained naional publicity through being barred from professional baseball, has been offered a motion picture career by Hal Roach, producer of comedies for M-G-M. Roach, now in New York, proposes te teach Pitts the production end of pictures. He has also wired K. M. Landis, baseball commissioner, urging that Pitts be given a chance to play ball. GB Gives Party for Huston GB tendered Walter Huston a farewell cocktail party yesterday at its headquarters, with members of the press present. Huston sails today on the Majestic to work in "Rhodes." He will resume playing in "Dodsworth" upon his return to New York in two months. Zoe Akins for Columbia Zoe Akins, playwright whose "Old Maid" won the 1935 Pulitzer Prize, has been placed under contract by Columbia. Her first assignment will be the adaptation of "Maid of Honor" by Katherine Brush. Son for M. L. Ashmann Maurey L. Ashmann, manager of the Capitol theater, Saratoga Ave. and Dean St., Brooklyn, has been passing out the cigars in celebration of the arrival of a boy weighing six and a half pounds. Gordon May Rejoin M-G-M Max Gordon is understood planning to rejoin the M-G-M studio at the Coast. Gordon, who recently returned to New York from abroad, will again be associated with Sam Katz, who is producing musicals. Rolan Attending RKO Meet Ralph Rolan of "March of Time," which has switched distribution to RKO, will attend the RKO sales convention in Chicago next week. Starting with August the monthly "March of Time" release will be issued on the first Friday of each month. PROD'N CODE SERVICE BEING OPENED IN N.f (Continued from Page 1) Code Administration paralleling those available in Hollywood. The British producers requested that this be done in order to expedite the consideration by the Production Code Administration of stories and scripts submitted by British producers, and the reviewing by the ^Administration of British pictures, all this with a view toward facilitating the American distribution of foreign films. The service thus provided will be available for the use of any other producers, foreign or domestic, who find it more accessible to their needs than the West Coast office. The meeting also considered the industry's status under the Supreme Court decision affecting the NRA and the study of the matter will continue. Cleveland Court Denies Bank Night Injunction Cleveland — Citing the Supreme Court's NRA decision that unfair competition involves deceiving the public, Common Pleas Judge Frederick Walther yesterday denied a "bank night" injunction asked by Meyer Fisher, Fountain Theater, against M. B. Horwitz's Haltnorth Theater. The court said there was no deception involved. The question of lottery also was not at issue, the Judge stating that if "bank night" is a lottery it comes under the criminal act of the state's general code and should be carried to the criminal courts. Jerome Friedlander, defendant attorney, was granted $100 appeal bond. Ramon Novarro Heads Stage Unit Ramon Novarro will open June 28 at Shea's theater, Toronto, at the head of his own presentation unit. Booking was made by the William Morris Agency. WANTED Two positive negative cutters busy midwest commercial studio; permanent position if satisfactory; state qualifications, experience, salary in first letter. Box No. 952 1650 Broadway c-o The Film Daily New York City COMPLETEINDISPENSABLE The 1935 FILM YEAR BOOK FREE with a years subscription to the FILM DAILY and FILM DAILY SERVICE. THE FILM DAILY f .! 1650 Broadway New York City ^