The Film Daily (1935)

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-^FDAIIY VOL. 67, NO. 139 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1935 TEN CENTS Para. Sets Dates on 1st Quarter '35-36 Releases CLAIMS MAINST RKO REDUCED BY Sj3j)00,000 Allied Group Sees Will Hays on Overbuying Protest Viewing . the passing parade in !■= By DON CARLE GILLETTE : ; THINGS happen either very, vecy fast, j 1. ;■ or very, very slowly in this moving fj picture business. jo' There doesn't seem to be any middle ; Ai course. All in the space of a few weeks, for instance, 20th Century has become part ind parcel of Fox; Joseph M. Schenck has ,,| I umped into the chairmanship of Fox-20th I Century; Darryl Zanuck has been made \ I t'ortiiij «i. oft rice-president of the same amalgamation; lohn E. Otterson has switched from Erpi o the Paramount presidency; Edgar S. Bloom has been made Erpi president; Republic Pictures, nee Monogram, has taken nto its fold M. H. Hoffman of Liberty, Nat Levine of Mascot and Herman Gluckman of Majestic; and Al Lichtman has jeen selected as the new United Artists president. What motion picture turned out by Hollywood can equal this one for action? — • — AMONG the events of more leisurely development, there is the sponsoring lKlS Ijf legitimate stage productions by the film companies. j Frequently pointed out as an inevitable ' equisite to provide a training ground for icreen talent and a test laboratory for erfain types of material, it has taken 'ears for movie executives to fully appre:iate its value. Now, partly spurred by the big success )f several Warner ventures in this line, he stage activities of other film firms is lefinitely on the increase. Coming at a time when the FERA is geting ready to finance a flock of dramatic .■flows all over the country, the move has . i double incentive. V There is no comparison between subsidized entertainment and that which is >ut on to sell solely on its merits, but low is the public to know this unless it the professional stuff? low Jets — • — r HOUGH the idea was scoffed at only a short time back, Shakespeare may soon >e matter-of-course screen entertainment. Warners already have finished "A Midmmmer Night's Dream," and M-G-M will nake "Romeo and Juliet." The screen moves on. Chicago-Loew Situation Is on Schedule for Today's Meeting A protest against reported circuit overbuying was brought to Will H. Hays personally yesterday when a committee representing Allied interviewed him as a follow-up to the association's annual convention in Atlanta last month. Hays listened to the complaint but, it is understood, did not indicate an attitude (.Continued on Page 8) DELAY TRANSFERS OF PARA. ASSETS Transfer of assets by the Paramount tx*ustees to the reorganized company will not occur until July 1, The Film Daily learned yesterday. This is due to the manifold legal requirements which must be met in connection with carrying (Continued on Page 12) Depinet Heads Contingent Off for RKO Convention Headed by Ned E. Depinet, president of RKO Distributing Corp., a group of RKO home office men will leave today on the 20th Century for Chicago, where the company's international sales convention takes place (Continued on Page 8) Senate Passes NRA Bill Wash. Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — After an all-night filibuster staged by Senator Huey Long, the bill to create a stop-gap extension of the NRA until next April was passed by the Senate yesterday and sent to the House, where quick action was anticipated by administration leaders. QUIZ NBC MUSIC MAN AT ASCAP COURT TRIAL Rigorous cross-examination of Thomas Belviso, manager of the NBC music library, by Nathan Burkan, Ascap counsel, to refute the contention of government counsel that continuous radio programs cannot be presented without using Ascap music occupied the entire third day of the trial of the U. S. anti-trust action against Ascap and (Continued on Page 8) Midwest Attendance Helped by Weather Lincoln, Neb. — Due to cool weather holding back the draw of outdoor amusements, movie theater business in this territory is reputed 15 per cent better this m^ bh than at the same time last year, so cooling system has been used here yet. Total Ruled on By Special Master Thacher Set at $25,800,000 The report of Special Master Thomas D. Thacher on the RKO claims reduces the claims against RKO by about $13,000,000, it was said yestreday by J. Edward Lumbar d, Jr., of counsel for the Irving Trust Co., RKO trustee. Lumbard said that the claims on which Special Master Thacher had ruled totaled $25,800,000 and that the ruling reduced these claims to between $11,000,000 and $12,000,000. Lumbard said no decision had yet (Continued on Page 12') NEW PARMT SETUP CALLED HARMONIOU Release Dates on 19 for '35-36 Announced at Para. Meeting Circuit Product Deals About Same as Year Ago New season product buys of major circuits operating in the New York territory are expected to be virtually the same as during the past year, it is indicated by deals already completed and others now under discussion. The Loew purchase of the complete Columbia lineup, as announced yesterday, takes up the (Continued o» Page 2) Release dates for the first 19 pictures on Paramount's schedule of 65 features for 1935-36 are being announced by Vice-President George J. Schaefer at today's session of the annual sales convention taking place in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The dated product covers the company's feature releases for the first quarter of the new season, and includes pictures that are either now completed or are in the final stages of filming (Continued on Page 10) Assurance that the new setup at Paramount is a harmonious arrangement with everyone working together was voiced by Eugene J. Zukor, assistant treasurer, speaking at yesterday's session of the Paramount sales convention in the Hotel (Continued on Page 10) M-G-M Legit Deal Being Signed Today The agreement under which MG-M will finance stage productions for Sam Harris and Max Gordon will be signed today, it was indicated last night. Under the deal the picture company will receive 15 per .ent of the *■ ofits. "Jubilee," Harris-Gordon ^oduction, will be included in the arrangement. Majestic Carrying On Although Majestic Pictures manpower, including Herman Gluckman, president, and Mannie Goldstein is becoming a part of the Republic Pictures organization, the Majestic company will continue its identity and will fulfill its commitments, it was stated yesterday by Gluckman and by Thomas A. Branon of Atlanta who is a stockholder, director and franchise holder in Majestic.