The Film Daily (1935)

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12 CLAIMS AGAINST RKO GUT BY $13,000,000 (Continued from Page 1) been made as to whether the Thacher allowance of $9,605,628 on the Rockefeller claims would be opposed when it came up for confirmation before the U. S. District Court. Opposition to the claim would be partially determined by the possible effect on the speedy development of a reorganization plan, Lumbard said. It is believed that other RKO creditors will oppose the award to the Rockefellers. Lumbard pointed out that with the exception of the Rockefeller award, the trustee had been upheld on almost all other claims. New Orleans Notes New Orleans — Benny Dudenheffer, one time Fox manager who has recently been in other business, is scheduled to return to the exchanges as manager and partner of an independent exchange here. Dixon Ledbetter has taken over the theater at Baldwyn, Miss., from J. B. Gordon. William Cobb, in association with Bob Bailey, will get his tent show under way at Natchitoches, La., this week. Bailey has already announced he will build there. New enterprise is competition to D. L. Suddath's Amuse-U. Effective June 21, the St. Charles will reduce its top admission to 20 cents at night, with a 10-cent balcony. Feature will be a re-issue of "Hell's Angels." These prices are announced as a summer policy only. New Foreign Films Open "Johannisnacht" ("Johannis Night"), with Lil Dagover, and "Die Kalte Mamsell", with Lucie Englisch, both German features, open today at the 86th St. Casino. "Pesti Szerelem" and "The HalfPenny Express", Hungarian musicals, open Tuesday at the Tobis Theater. Major Edward Bowes Cliff Edwards Luther Reed Gertrude Turchin WARNER CONVENTION SIDELIGHTS T OS ANGELES— Leon Schlesinger, who entertained the delegates at his Beverly Hills home on Sunday, was among the speakers at the session devoted to short subjects. He is the producer of "Looney Tunes" and "Merrie Melodies" cartoons. * * * It was "old home week" for Moe Silver. He was in charge of the Warner Bros, theaters on the Coast before being transferred to New York. The stork is expected to pay a visit to the Silver household about Aug. 1. * * * H. Bradley Fish, San Francisco exchange salesman, bears a strong resemblance to H. Bareford, the Warner Bros, barrister. * * * Al G. Ruben, the insurance man, whose father was the co-founder of the Finkelstein-Ruben circuit, mingled with old friends among the delegates. Joe Marks, formerly with Warner Bros., hobnobbed with the visitors. * * * y Ralph Staub, director and pro ducer of shorts at the Burbank studio, was among the speakers at the Tuesday afternoon session. He directed "Keystone Hotel", which created much interest. * * * H. M. Warner, discussing the twoand-a-half-hour film version of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", said it is a far cry from the old type of two-reelers that once were features. * * i * Ed Hatrick, vice-president iof Cosmopolitan Productions, talked on the pleasant affiliation of Cosmopolitan with Warners. * * * Director Mervyn LeRoy paid a fine tribute to Marion Davies, starring in "Page Miss Glory", declaring her to be "the grandest girl 1 ever worked with." * * * Further conferences between studio executives, theater and production heads is the program for today at the Warner international sales convention here. Detroit Doings Detroit — Free summer shows are being planned by business men and organizations at Martin and at Shelbyville, Mich. Mrs. C. C. Alguire, owner of the Coloma Theater, Coloma, Mich., has returned from Florida. William London, Detroit circuit owner, has returned from an auto trip through the South. Fred J. Cassin, theater man and trade paper writer, has been appointed local advertising representative for Jacobs Bros, theatrical and show concessionaires. The Farnum Theater, Hamtramck, will be reconstructed by Louis Schlussel. Four hundred seats will be added. Local 38, I. A. T. S. E., has elected Jerry Brie of the State Theater, as business agent to succeed John Doyle. Ray Showalter is president, and Ed King secretary. Release "Broadway Joe" in August West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Production on "Broadway Joe," First National's new musical picture starring Joe E. Brown, will be completed in two or three weeks more. The film will be nationally released in August. Supporting Brown are Ann Dvorak, Patricia Ellis, William Gargan, Joseph Cawthorn, Henry O'Neill, Gordon Westcott, Arthur Treacher and the Maxellos, acrobats extraordinary. Busby Berkeley is directing the entire production. The two songwriting teams of Mort Dixon and Allie Wrubel, and Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby, have written the score. Indiana Items Indianapolis — Milton H. Feld, president of Monarch Theaters, was a recent visitor. Mildred Winer, formerly with Warners, has been appointed office manager of the Ger-Bar equipment company. Lawrence Schubnell has succeeded A. R. Blocher as head booker at Columbia. Blocher has joined Theatrical Managers, Inc., circuit operators. C. W. McKeam, RKO office manager, is on vacation. Joe Vogel, Loew theater official, spent several days here on business. Tom Muchmore, house manager at the Ohio theater, is listed as one of June's benedicts. Jack Schwartz of Louisville was seen along Film Row during the week. Articles of incorporation have been filed by Dolly Theater Corp., South Bend. J. J. Shinbach, Saul Silverman and L. D. Shinbach are the incorporators. Rowland Retitles Picture Broadway Productions has changed the title of the first feature in its series from "Romance Unlimited" to "Sweet Surrender," William Rowland said yesterday. Work begins July 8 at Eastern Service Studios, with Robert Milton directing. Poll Patrons on Duals Milwaukee — Theaters in Milwaukee county belonging to the Independent Theaters Protective Ass'n are asking patrons this week to mark ballots indicating whether they favor single or double features. WURTZEL QUOTA LEADS^ FOX'S 1935-36 LINEUP West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — In quota of pictures to be produced for the 1935-36 Fox program, Sol M. Wurtzel leads with a total of 14 already scheduled and others to be named later. Winfield Sheehan follows with nine set; Robert T. Kane, five; B. G. De Sylva, four; Jesse L. Lasky, three; Edward T. Butcher, three set and more to come; John Stone, three set, plus others to come, also Spanish pictures; Edward T. Lowe, three Charlie Chan pictures; Sol Lesser, four George O'Brien westerns; Joseph Engel, "Work of Art". Delay Transferring Of Paramount Assets (Continued from Page 1) out the reorganization plan even though Federal Judge Coxe approves the necessary proposals for consummation of the plan to be submitted to him on Monday. The trustees will not be discharged after July 1, though they will not have any voice in the company's affairs after that date. They will, however, be vested with authority to continue the two suits against past and present directors and officers of the company that are now pending. Hearing will be held today before Judge Coxe on approval of the agreements necessary to complete the closing under the Paramount Broadway reorganization plan. Pathe Decision Reserved Supreme Court Justice Edward Dore reserved decision yesterday on the application of Pat Casey for appointment of a receiver for Pathe Exchange, Inc., after giving Martin King, Casey's attorney, until tomorrow to file a reply to Pathe's answering affidavit to the receivership petition. The Pathe answer maintained that there was no reason for appointment of a receiver,, that the company was solvent and attacked the motives of the petitioner. NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT Irving Cummings used a speedometer to discover that during the first week of directing "Curly Top" he walked an average of six miles a day around the sets— DAVE EPSTEIN. i m