The Film Daily (1935)

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THE •mw DAILY Saturday, June 15,193 Vol. 67, No. 140 Sat, June 15, 1935 10 Cents JOHN W. AL1COATE : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918. at the poat-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879 Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 7S/8 75/8 75/8 — Va Columbia Picts. vtc. 65% 63}4 64 + 1 Con. Fm. Ind 3y2 3ft 3'/2 — Va Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 15Vs 15 15'/8 + Vs East. Kodak 149'/s 147'/2 1483/4 + 3/4 Fox Fm. "A" 15'/8 HVi W3A — V\ Loew's, Inc 42'/8 41 42y8 + 1 do pfd 1073/s 107 1073/8 + 1 i/g Paramount ctfs. ... 35/g 3>/i 3% — Va RKO 2'/4 2 2'/8 — Va Warner Bros 414 4'/8 414 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . HVi "Vi HJ4 — V* Keith A-0 6s46.... 803/4 80% 80% — i/2 Loew 6s 41ww 104 104 104 — Va Paramount 6s47 filed 90}4 90y2 903^ + 5/8 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 90% 905/8 905/8 + 5/8 Par. By. 5'/2s51 . . . . 5734 573^ 573^ Par. 5'/2s50 filed. ... 92 92 92 Par. 5y2s50 ctfs... 92 92 92 — % Warner's 6s39 65!4 65V4 65% — y4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 25 21S/8 22% — 2% Trans-Lux 2% IV* ?>h THE STANDARD Reference Book of the MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY Given Fre« with ■ fear's Subscription to THE FILM DAILY and THE LM DAILY SERVICE 650 B'way. New York 30 Exhibits on View At Supply Men's Meet (Continued from Page 1) Strong Electric, RCA Mfg., General Electric Supply, Wenzel Co., Platter Sound Products, Brenkert Light Projection, Imperial Electric, DaLite Screen, Newmade Products, National Carbon, Peabody Seating, Projector Improvement Co., Gold-E Mfg., Cable Mfg., United Optical, Clough Brengle, Universal Elec. Welding Co., Goldberg Bros., Chicago Cinema Products, Air Controls, Century Electric, Vulcan Products, Ashcraft Mfg., Continental Electric, Ideal Seating, Raven Screen, and others. More Leave for RKO Meet Additional departures from New York today for the RKO sales convention which opens Monday at the Drake Hotel, Chicago, include Phil Reisman, S. Barret McCormick, Rutgers Neilson, • Jack Connolly, Jack Pegler, A. S. McCausland, William Clark, George Muchnic, R. H. Hawkinson, B. D. Lion, E. D. Leishman, Ralph Hanbury, H. W. Leasim, P. C. DeLong, N. Cazasis, Max Bostman, Joost Smit, Douglas Lotherington, Luis Lezama, Fred S. Gulbransen, Jacobo Glucksman, J. N. Ermolieff and Carl Gerhard Wallman, all departing on the Century. William Dahler, J. P. Skelly, Lou Miller, Sid Kramer, W. Marcus, Edwin J. Smith Jr, and Thomas Quin depart on the Lake Shore Limited. Finish 2 Paramount Shorts Two new Paramount shorts, "The Magic of Music," a Headliner produced by Fred Waller, with Richard Himber and his Orchestra, and the second issue of "Broadway Highlights," with clips of the recent Grace Moore testimonial dinner and shots of many celebs and backstage scenes, have been completed. The "Highlights" number was previewed at the Paramount convention this week. RKO Near Completion On Current Program (Continued from Page 1) ed prior to his departure for Chicago for the opening of the company's 1935-36 sales convention. The current shooting schedule presents the heaviest program of the year and includes the Merian C. Cooper's filming of "The Last Days of Pompeii", Katharine Hepburn's latest vehicle, "Alice Adams"; "Jalna"; "Old Man Rhythm", featuring Charles "Buddy" Rogers, and "Leander Clicks", with James Gleason and ZaSu Pitta. The two pictures being prepared for immediate production are "Three Musketeers," to be directed by Rowland V. Lee, and "Freckles," from the Gene Stratton-Porter novel, with Robertson directing. Frank Buck is expected to arrive in New York early in July. Republic Holds N. W. Sales Meeting Today Seattle — Edward A. Golden, sales manager of Republic Pictures, will preside at the northwest Republic sales meeting which opens today at the New Washington Hotel. A social session to which exhibitors have been invited will follow the business sessions of the forenoon and afternoon. Golden will leave for Los Angeles on Monday to attend the regional convention at the Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood, on Thursday. Famous Music May Quit Ascap Famous Music Corp., Paramount music publishing subsidiary, is considering joniing the Warner group of music firms in splitting away from Ascap, The Film Daily learns. W. B. Fulton Joins Bromberg Atlanta — W. B. Fulton has been appointed by Arthur C. Bromberg, executive head of Republic Pictures in the southeast, to handle sales in the Atlanta territory. He replaces E. A. Rambonnet. Jack Goldberg as Sales Manager International Road Shows, Inc., which recently opened offices in the Film Center, has appointed Jack Goldberg sales manager and Charles Ferrara technical director. An extensive campaign involving the distribution of a series of foreignmade motion pictures as road show attractions throughout America has been inaugurated. "Life Is Real," musical, is the first release. Jack Stern Back as Producer Jack Stern, who was associated with the old Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theater, and previously was actor-producer on the legitimate stage for over 20 years, will go back in the legitimate show business, opening his summer stock July 3, at Elverhoj Theater, Milton-onHudson, N. Y. Seiden Music Library Ready Seiden Sound Library, Inc., has compiled a library of original musical sound tracks and is now making this service available to producers. "Nell Gwyn" Opens Wednesday "Nell Gwyn," B & D production starring Anna Neagle and Cedric Hardwicke follows "Let 'Em Have It" into the Rivoli on Wednesday. U. A. is releasing. Edith W. Dobson Dead West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Edith Woodthorpe Dobson, 74, mother of James Home, director at the Hal Roach studios, died Thursday. She was a veteran ac';ress and with her sister built the Burbank Theater in Los Angeles. "U" Chain Liquidation Dividend Universal Chain Theaters has declared a third liquidating dividend of $2.50 a share on the 8 per cent preferred stock as of May 15. Payment is being made on presentation of stock certificates at the offices of the corporation in the Baltimore Trust Bldg., Baltimore. Coming and Goiri<J SAM SMITH arrives in New York next wee from England on the Normandie, which als brings JOSEPH M. SCHENCK and MAURIC SILVERSTONE. JOHN BEAL and MAY ROBSON arrive in Ne* York on Tuesday on the Santa Elena fro California. HARRY RAPF of the M-G-M studio is on trip to Dartmouth where his son, Maurice, a member of the graduating class. JULES E. BRULATOUR and MRS. BRULATOUS (Hope Hampton), VICTOR FLEMING, JOHN ROYAL of NBC and GILBERT GABRIEL, th drama critic, sail today on the Rex for th other side. JANE WYATT is scheduled to leave Nev. York today for Hollywood. JED HARRIS is due back in New York from the coast any day. HELEN MACK, who recently finished work in "Return of Peter Grimm" at the RKO studios, arrived in New York yesterday from Hollywood with her husband, CHARLES IRWIN. MRS. JAMES CAGNEY and JEAN CAGNEY, mother and sister of James Cagney, sail today on the Virginia for California. CHARLES SKOURAS and ARCH BOWLES of Fox West Coast Theaters flew to the coast yesterday via United Air Lines. M. H. AYLESWORTH and H. B. SWOPE will fly to Chicago tomorrow by United Air Lines, to attend the RKO Radio convention. E. H. ALLEN, Educational's coast production manager, left New York yesterday for Hollywood after several days of production conferences with E. W. Hammons, president. MAJOR L. E. THOMPSON leaves this morning via United Air Lines for Chicago. HAL HORNE left Hollywood on the Chief yesterday and will arrive here on Tuesday. AL LICHTMAN will leave Hollywood by plane today and arrive in New York on Sunday. DARRYL ZANUCK and WILLIAM GOETZ left Hollywood yesterday by train for New York. ARTHUR ISRAEL has gone to Salisbury, N. C, for the week-end. AARON SAPERSTEIN'S arrival in New York from Chicago has been delayed until today. RALPH JESTER, who is in New York, returns to Hollywood early in July. ABRAM F. MYERS returned to Washington yesterday from New York. FRED HERRINGTON has returned to Pittsburgh from New York. B MOM A (lev tie mai ilis pid pees 1 tit 0! ■ted b -action Klory Seoige I hi, Ro ::i«! of sSlitiai a Se tie, w! il Arnc liite, 1 li! ii Cist: Prestoemlt Atlantic City's Finest Boardwalk Hotel Sea Water Swimming Pool Turkish Baths. Marine Sun Deck American-European Plan Beautifully Furnished Housekeeping Apartments Cocktail Lounge Bar— Grill Write for Descriptive Booklet and Rates Camera pietl Direc mtji RKO K RATI mi *CTER Ther Klers His pi inocei trouble »»,ji bind, hero, I Scott i ijii H. retell 11111 s but th Cisi tfo to; Din fed MH ^■^^ mk ill