The Film Daily (1935)

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THE ednesdayjune 19,1935 DAILY n .o RKO Convention Chatter « « 'HICAGO — This is Morris Lefko's, ' Cleveland salesman, first year a salesman and attending a conntion in a ig town is something w to him. His teammates are raid Morris will get his tonsils nburned looking at the big build gs. A special reel of the foreign deletes was made by Pathe News, Ith Ned E. Depinet and Phil Reisan greeting each representative fore the mike and lens. Then each •.legate said a few words in his itive tongue, and these clips will ! rushed to their respective counies for insertion in the Pathe News lease there. Eddie (Bet on Anything) McEvoy lows 'em all, right, left and center, native of Massachusetts, Ed has ild pictures in every part of the nd. a Bill Dahler was out this way and * ?©p into Canada playing semi-pro )\iseball years ago. Bill still likes a tile diamond competition and is a ar with the RKO home office nine. IFor the Babylon of Tongues the >reign representatives, H. W. Lean, Continental Europe; Ralph ambury, United Kingdom; Regiald Armour, India; D. Lothering>n, Australia; F. Gulbransen, Panma; Luis Lezama, Mexico; Jacobo lucksman, Argentina; Pierre Leng, France; Max Bosman, Belgium; licholas Casazis, Roumania; Joost mit, Holland and Dutch East Inies; J. N. Ermolieff, North Africa; arl Wallman, Scandinavia. i5 Treasurer's Representatives eight j trong were early checkers-in, ready 5 o lend a hand to the figure and e oom jugglers. They are Jack De,. Vail, E. F. Clarke, Wm. McShea, '.. O'Brien, R. Holmes, R. A. Young, ,.]'. J. Schnitzer and Elmer Sedin. Leon Bamberger has been workag out here so long on advance for he convention that he can almost ake out citizenship papers. "Fore" was heard from carpets of Indoor golf, but it meant bucks as j mil as danger. Walter Branson, the youthful disrict manager with headquarters at he convention city, was a star halfiack at the University of Nebraska. Valter and the Chicago force, Branch Manager J. C. Osserman, Salesmen S. Gorelick, R. V. Nolan, f. J. Clarke, E. A. Phelps and Office Manager Mike Hassel, were gladlanding the visitors as they got or;ay' «d Sunday evening. I ll At the nineteenth hole we observed 1KO Radio's five district managers n a huddle, Harry Cohen, Harry Michalson, Walter Branson, Herb Maclntyre and Leo Devaney. Sayings of the New Yorkers — Bob Wolff, "What do you use for bait?" John Dacey, "You ought to weed 'em out of the business"; Eddie Carroll, "Hot Damn!" "Lou Kutinsky, "Have a cigar!" Vernie Kranze, "Yeah, man!" Jack Ellies, "Did Harry Pear come in yet?" Frank Fielding, "The bank balance is low again"; Phil Hodes, "Have you gotta pass?" Frank Drumm, "Are you buying?" Lowell Calvert, Pioneer Pictures executive, has a lot of color. Bernard Kranze and Louis Kutinsky, New York salesmen, have a couple of names to stumble over during the roll call. Frank Fielding, New York, has a name as smooth as silk, but Frank is said to have gone after the long whiskered blue law advocates in a rough way. Assistant Branch Manager Frank Drumm, New York, is right at home at the Drake, having hung up his hat here for a half dozen conventions. Salesman Paul Fielding, the Oklahoma City duck hunter, squints over Lake Michigan in search of water fowl. Out of the dust zone via Oklahoma City comes Branch Manager Ralph Williams, Salesmen Paul Fielding and C. D. Burton, and Office Manager M. J. Dowling. How they did breathe the air off Lake Michigan! Eddie Carroll, New York, had heard about chilly Lake Michigan and checked in with flannel under Office Manager E. S. Winward, Salt Lake City, is still looking over those greenbacks, and carefully. That was native pastime when G Men sounded the warning in the Mormon City. Harold Fuller, Salt Lake, is mourning the loss of material carried in the rear seat of his car — a shot gun, rifle, fishing paraphenalia, hip boots, typewriter, etc., etc. Harry Zeitels, New Haven, was up in the ball headlines when the roll was called this morning. Branch Manager Joe Ashby, Denver, had his usual pocket supply of cigars. Lee, Brown, Hughes and Bluck of Denver were quartetting it in evening style display in the Drake lobby. They're Joe Ashby's crack backfield. H. B. Loveless, Salt Lake City, is ready to double in brass, whistle or croon. PRODUCTION TUE NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM No Element In the Industry Is More Important To Everybody in Motion Pictures Than Production that's why the Coming 1935 Film Daily Production Guide (out in July) Will Be Used By Executives Every Day Throughout The Coming Year