The Film Daily (1935)

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I Intimate in Character Jjiternational in Scope .©dependent in Thought VOL. 67, NO. 147 NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1935 TEN CENTS Inferior Quota Films, Rentals Attacked in England FEATURE FOOTAGE AVERAGE HIGHEST ON RECORD Warner Contract List Jumps to All -Time Peak of 182 38 Featured Players Are Added to Studio's Talent Roster West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Roster of contract talent at the Warner-First National studios has taken another jump to an all-time peak of 182, including eight associate producers, compared with 144 announced about a fortnight ago with the opening of the company's sales convention here. The increase is practically all in the group of featured players, which now stands at 93, compared with 55 a short time ago. There also are (Continued on Page 30) UNION RESCINDS STAGGER RULING St. Louis — General Executive Board of the I. A. T. S. E. in session here has voted to rescind the rule requiring members of Local 306 in New York City who were employed five days weekly and earned more than $57 weekly to take one day off a week to spread employment. The rule had aroused a storm of protest from the member (Continued on Page 4) 25 Foreign Releases On DuWorld Program DuWorld will relase 25 foreign pictures in this country during the new year. Titles include: "Iceland Fisherman," by Pierre Loti, in French; "Legong," produced by Henry de la Falaise; "Life Returns," produced in English by Dr. Eugene Franke; "Sans Famille," in French and with Robert Lynen; "Nocturno," in Checko-Slovakian; "Don Quix (Continued on Page 2) V See $11 a Share for Col. Wall Street estimates that Columbia in the current fiscal year will earn at least $11 a share, an all-time record for the company. For the first nine months the company reported $8.62 a share on the common stock. Pathe News and Fox Movietone Win Awards Atlantic City — At the Headliners Banquet at the Ritz Saturday night, Pathe News was awarded first prize for the best newsreel scoop of the year, on the Dionne Quintuplets. Fox drew second prize for its clip on the assassination of the King of Yugoslavia. Pathe also was awarded third prize for the flood pictures in Colorado Springs. Jack Connolly, on behalf of Pathe News, attended the banquet and accepted the honors for his company. Worried Over Flood of Westerns Major First-Run Plays New Orleans for Dime New Orleans — Major product has played first-run for 10 cents here. When the Liberty cut prices to 10 and 20 to meet the St. Charles slash, First National's "Red Hot Tires" was the feature. The film had also been previewed the night before for a quarter with an old feature, bringing dualling on major product in a first-run house. Grave concern is being expressed in independent producing and distributing ranks over the prospect of an unprecedented number of westerns being made for next season, the number of such films already announced totaling more than 100. The chief worry, as learned in talks with indie exchange men, is due to the greater participation of major companies in the production of westerns next season. Because of avail (Continued on Page 2) Katz Interests Opening Southeast Exchange A new exchange organization with headquarters in Atlanta and branches in Charlotte and New Orleans will be opened shortly by the Katz Amusement interests of Atlanta. Principals in the move include Ike Katz, who also is president, of the GFTA exhibitor unit; his father, M. S. Katz, president of Independent Theater Investment Corp., a GFTA subsidiary, and M. C. Howard, recently with First Di (Continued on Page 2) M-G-M to Distribute Two B.I.P. Productions Arthur Dent, B. I. P. managing director, has closed a deal under which M-G-M will handle American distribution of "Mimi," and one other picture, either "Abdul The Damned" or "Elizabeth of England," it was learned Saturday. "Mimi" stars Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Gertrude Lawrence and is based on "La Boheme." British Exhibs Meet to Fight Rentals and Poor Quota Films Ed Fay and RKO Talking Providence Pooling Deal Providence — A pooling deal between Ed Fay and RKO is reported under discussion, with the former to operate the Albee and Victory in event the plan is adopted. Fay now has Fay's, the Majestic and the Carlton. London (By Cable) — A big conference of exhibitors will open here Monday (today) with the principal purpose of attempting to reduce film rentals to 40 per cent maximum, and also to register strong complaint against the inferior qual (Continued on Page 2) The Film Daly Production Guide for 1935 will surpass all predecessors in size, appearance, advertising and editorial contents. — Advt. Unusual Number of Films Running 80 Minutes or Longer Average length of feature films this season has hit the highest mark on record, with an unprecedented number of pictures running 80 minutes or longer, it is shown in an analysis of The Film Daily reviewing records. Last season the average footage, including westerns, was around 72 minutes, compared with about 67 minutes the year before, while this season the average has crossed 75 minutes including westerns, or about 83 minutes not counting the westerns. Among the longer productions, "Midsummer Night's Dream" has equalled the "David Copperfield" length of 133 minutes. "Oil for the (Continued on Page 4) NOTEHOLDERSFAVOR FOX MET.-KAO PLAN Weisman Schenck reorganization plan for the Fox Metropolitan Playhouses circuit in which Keith-AlbeeOrpheum has a 10 per cent interest has been approved by the Fox Met. noteholders, it was learned Saturday. Hearing on final confirmation of the plan will be held Thursday. Winfield Sheehan Taking Two Months' Vacation West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — As soon as shooting has been completed on "Curly Top" and "Way Down East," Winfield Sheehan, vice-president and production head of Fox, will leave for (Continued on Page 2) Show Biz, or What Have You New Orleans — It's the amusement business. An exhibitor of Harvey, La., asked Ascap for a delay on his music license fees until he can get a job again as dealer at the dice table of a gambling house to reopen shortly. Permission was granted.