The Film Daily (1935)

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RADIO ! N E R S . . These short features will present a wide variety of entertainment including musical reviews and bright comedy novelties, and will feature such personalities of stage, screen and radio as Gene Austin, Leon Errol, Ruth Bring, Walter Catlett. EDGAR KENNEDY Continuing the ups and downs of the darndest family that ever lived. SMART SET RADIO FLASH Hilarious, rough-and-tumble, custard pie, slapstick comedy. Honest hokum and pokem to make the folks come back for more. REE i roM p DIES Produced under the supervision of Lee Marcus by these well-known comedy directors and writers: Alf Goulding, Joe Fields, Al Boasberg, John Grey, Fred Guiol, Les Goodwins, Ben Holmes, Jack Townley, Arthur Ripley, Eddie Moran, Lee Jason. ■■■■I