The Film Daily (1935)

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THE -cBZH DAILY Friday, June 28, 1935 Vol. 67. No. 151 Fri.. June 28. 1935 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holiday at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. V by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. \V Alicoate. President, Editor and Publisher Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasure: and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Asso ciate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managirr Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New Yor' N. Y., under the act of March 3, 187° Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreigi$15.00. Subscriber should remit with order Address all communications to THE F1I f DAILY. 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone. Circle 7-4736. 7-4737. 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address; Filmday, New York. Hollv wood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle. La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Am. Seat 8V8 Columbia Picts. vtc. 68 Con. Fm. Ind 3% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd... 147/8 East. Kodak 146'/2 1 do pfd 1583A 1 Fox Fm. "A" 143A Loew's, Inc 41 Vi do pfd 107 1 Paramount ctfs 414 Pathc Exch 5/8 RKO 2i/8 Warner Bros 4 do pfd 2334 NEW YORK BOND Net Low Close Chg. 73A 81/8 + Vl 67 67 + 1/2 33/4 33/4 + V4 14% 147/8 + 1/4 44% 145 5834 15834 — 21/4 143A 143/4 4. l/g 40% 403/4 + l/g 07 107 + V4 4'/g 41/4 + l/g % 5/s 2 2 — l/g 3% 4 2334 2334 — 11/4 MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . 103/4 1034 103/4 Paramount 6s47 filed 94l/4 933/8 933/8 — 1 1/8 Paramount 6s47 cHs. 94'A 94 94 Par. 5'/2s50 etfs. . . . 95% 953/8 95% — 27/g Warner's 6s39 . . . . 64i/4 63 1/2 63% — % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 21% 20'/g 20 1/2 — % Trans-Lux 2l/4 2y4 2l/4 Vi Laura D. Polly Moran Fred W. Futter Wilck lewmg . . . the passing parade (Continued from Page 1) about the thoroughness with which the Rockefeller Foundation investigates the merit of an undertaking, and appraises its value to human welfare, in order to fully appreciate the honor bestowed on the movies by this bequest. Cooperation of the producers with the venture is earnestly recommended. Van Beuren Puts "Aces" Under 5-Year Contract Van Beuren Corp. has signed the Easy Aces, tri-weekly NBC radio feature, to a five-year exclusive contract for picture work. The comedy duo, which is making six shorts for Van Beuren-RKO release this season, will appear in 13 next season. Robt. Hill Plans 8 Mellers Eight feature melodramas are planned by Robert F. Hill, former Universal director, who will make the pictures at the Coast. He leaves New York today for Hollywood after making distribution plans. 8 Vita. July Releases Eight Vitaphone subjects are set for July release, as follows: July 6, "Husband's Holiday", with Hobart Cavanaugh; "Rah, Rah, Radio", with Ralph Kirbery, and Borrah Minevitch and His Harmonica Rascals in a "Melody Master" subject; July 13, "Marching Forward", in the See America First series; and "Country Mouse", Merrie Melody cartoon; July 20, "High, Wide and Hansom", featuring Herb Williams, and "Buddy Steps Out", Looney Tune; July 27, Duncan Sisters in a two-reel musical. Fox Met.-RKO Product Deal Deal between the Fox Met. circuit and RKO under which RKO gets Fox first-run product locally and in return gives Fox Met. firstrun RKO pictures and whatever other first run-product RKO acquires has been extended four years to 1941 under new contracts. The agreement gives RKO the product of 20th Century for next season. Ed (Para.) Sullivan Marrying Ed Sullivan, assistant manager at the New York Paramount, marries Doris Hamilton tomon-ow. He was given a party by his associates and friends Wednesday night at the Plymouth Hotel. Set Four Strand Bookings Following "In Caliente," Warner's New York Strand will play "Front Page Woman," "Broadway Gondolier," "The Irish in Us" and "Page Miss Glory." "G Men" Breaks Records Abroad Opening of "G Men" in London, Paris and Havana broke the records in those foreign capitals, according to cable advices received at the Warner home offices. Columbia Assets Rise; Surplus Nearly Doubled Total assets of Columbia as of March 30 amounted to $9,619,873, compared with $7,407,359 a year ago, according to the company's latest consolidated balance sheet. Earned surplus on March 30 of this year totaled $4,499,595, compared with $2,685,440, while capital surplus was $75,463, against $58,995 the year before. Cash on hand increased from $712,664 to $1,440,297. Inventories rose from $4,177,219 to $5,228,124. The New York Stock exchange has acted favorably on Columbia's application to list voting trust certificates for 5,148 additional shares of common stock and 211,066 shares of common stock. Republic N. Y. District Holds Sales Meet July 6 Sales meeting of the new Republic Pictures Corp. of Greater New York and New Jersey, formed through the affiliation of Jack Bellman's Hollywood Pictures and Herman Gluckman's Majestic Capitol Films, will be held July 6 at the Park Central Hotel here. W. Ray Johnston, Republic president, and Edward A. Golden, sales manager, will address the meeting. Harry Levine, Philadelphia manager for Republic, will attend with his staff. The new metropolitan exchange, with Dave Sohmer as manager and Sidney Picker as assistant to Bellman, who will occupy the post of sales manager, opens July 9 in the former Majestic offices in the Film Center. The Philadelphia office opens July 10 at 1236 Vine St. Senate Acts on Tax Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Concurring with earlier House action, the Senate yesterday approved the conference agreement extending nuisance taxes, including the admission levy, for two years from Sunday. The conference report was rushed to the President. GB-Skouras Product Deal All Skouras-operated houses, approximating 400, will play GB product next year under a deal now being closed, with George W. Weeks, general sales manager, representing GB. Deal covers Fox West Coast as well as Skouras houses elsewhere and covers 16 features. Omaha Items Omaha — S. H. Stern, manager of the Omaha and Des Moines offices of Capitol Pictures Corp., spiked a rumor this week that the Des Moines office would be discontinued. Joe Foley is in charge here. Randall Mclllvaine is relieving Johnny Quinlan, assistant boss of the Brandeis, while the latter is on the coast. Regina Molseed, recent secretary of the code board and prior to that secretary to the Omaha Film Board, is pinch-hitting for the latter organization, cleaning up odds and ends. Coming and Goi: tf>! JOE PENNER leaves Monday for Hollywood] to start work in Paramount's "Collegiate." HOWARD S. CULLMAN of the Roxy returned] yesterday aboard the Majestic from a honeymoon abroad. FRANK LAWTON and his wife, EVELYN I LAYE, left New York by plane yesterday for J Hollywood. PHIL REGAN and WINIFRED SHAW, two I of the principals in First National's "In I Caliente," following their personal appearances at the Broadway premiere of the picture on Wednesday night, have left for Buffalo, where] they open today for a series of eastern engagements in conjunction with the picture. From Buffalo they go to Washington and Philadelphia. JOSEPH DE VALDOR, correspondent in New ] York for La Critique Cinematograph and Mon Film, of Paris, and La Cinegraphie Beige, Brus j sels, sails tomorrow on the lie de France for | Europe. HEDDA HOPPER, who recently finished work in RKO's "Alice Adams." sailed this week to fill a British film engagement. DAVE CHASEN is driving east from Hollywodo, where he last played a comedy role in RKO's "Old Man Rhythm." LUIS LEZAMA sailed from New York yesterday on the Orizaba for Vera Cruz. RLAPH HANBURY and JOOST SMIT sail tomorrow on the Majestic for London and Amsterdam, respectively. MAX BOSMAN of Brussels, PIERRE LELONG of Paris and NICHOLAS CAZAZIS of Rumania sail tomorrow on the lie de France from New York. BEATRICE LILLIE sails tomorrow for a vacation abroad. GEORGE TRENDLE left New York last night on his return to Detroit. JIM LOUGHBOROUGH returned to Washington yesterday from New York. ROBERT F. HILL leaves New York today on his return to the Coast. FRANK Z. CLEMENTE has returned to New York from Cuba. SOL GORDON has returned to Texas from New York. SAM SOLTZ returned to Baltimore yesterday from New York. ARTHUR PRICE, JOE BRODY and WILLIAM HICKS, who have been in New York, have returned to Baltimore. SIDNEY LUST has returned to Washington from New York. ARTHUR DENT has a booking on the Washington, which sails Wednesday. LOUIS B. MAYER left New York yesterday, returning to the Coast. It is an interesting fact that many Executives in this industry Use FILM DAILY Reference Books in Preference to Information and Statistical Data in their own files — Another compelling reflection on Film Daily Accuracy, Completeness and Reliability. 1935 YEARBOOK Free to Subscribers tc- THE FILM DAILY% and FILM DAILY SERVICE 1650 Broadway N.Y.C.