The Film Daily (1937)

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I DAILY Friday, Oct. 1,1937 Vol 72 No. 78 Fri.. Oct. 1. 1937 10 Cents JOHN W AUCOATE : fub'ishcr DONALD M MFRSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B BAHN :::::: Editor \ I ami Holidays at 1 ' .iv. NVw York, N. Y . ! Ims ami Film Folk. Inc. J. W Publisher; Don jH M. Mel -rrc:>u. Secretary • Treasurer; Artlmr \V Rddy. Associate Editor. En trrr.l as second class matter. May 21, 1918. at-thr . -w York, N. Y. under the act of Match 3, 1879. Terms (I free) United Suites outside of Creater New Vork $1 I one > 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 1501 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Phone. BKvant 9-7117, 9-7118. 9-7119. 97120. 9 7121. Cable l ilm lay, New York. Hollywood. mis— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood London — Ernest W Predman. The Film Renter. 127133 Wardour St., \V. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbiiehne. Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris— P. A. Harle. La rinrmatocraphie Francaise, Rue de la CourNones, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 20 193., 1934 + V4 Columbia Picts. vfc. 21 \ 21 21 Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind. 2'8 2'8 2'8 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 9 8'i 8^ + % East. Kodak 175'2 175 175 — V* do pfd Gen. Th Eq. 19'8 19'4 19' '2 + Vl Loews. Inc. 72^ 713., 7214 4 % do pfd Paramount 1858 17'8 17% — % Paramount 1st pfd. Paramount 2nd pfd. 16S8 1638 1638 — l/4 Pa the Film 838 8 8 — Va RKO 6' j 6', 6' 8 — '/8 20th Century-Fox 30' j, 2938 30' g 4 % 20th C:ntury-Fcx pfd. 37'2 36'2 37V2 +1 Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros 11'4 103 j 103 j — Va do pfd NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith A-0 6s46 9S'4 9534 95^ — V2 Locw 6s41ww 99' 4 99 99' 4 + % Para. B'way 3-55 67 '4 67 '4 67 '4 4 s£ Para. Picts 6,55 100 100 100 — Vfc Para. Picts cv. 3'is47 86 843., 85'2 4 % RKO 6s41 Warners 6s39 88' 8 8758 875'8 4 2 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc Grand National 2'4 2V£ 2'8 4 li Monogram Picts. 2 2 2 — '8 Sonotone Corp. 2 134 lT-g 4 V6 Tcchn:coor ... 25% 25% 25'8 — 38 Trans-Lux 3'4 3'g 3'g — '8 Universal Picts. N Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCK MARKET Bid Asked Tathc Film 7 pfd 97 102 Fox Thea. B!dg. 6'2s 1st '36 8'2 9^ Loew's Thea. Bide.. 6s 1st '47 91 '2 93 Met. Playhouse. Inc. 5s 43 66 68 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 6'„s 1st 43 49'2 51 Vi GN Gets N. O. Break New Orleans — Grand National will get its first break with a big house here when "Something to Sing About" opens at the Saenger on Oct. 9. Another Grand National picture, "The Girl Said No," will open at the Tudor Theater on Oct. 16. Coming and Going ADA SCHULBERG. who arrived In New York yesterday from England, leaves for the Coast in four days. SONIA HENIE, after arriving in New York yesterday from abroad, flew to the Coast immediately. She was accompanied by her mother. MRS. SELMA HENIE. DANIELLE DARRIEUX. who arrived in New York from Europe yesterday, departs for Hollywood Tuesday. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR., who landed in New York yesterday on the Normandie, flies to Hollywood today. LOUIS B. MAYER. BEN THAU. I. M. NOBEL. HEDY LAMARR and GRISHA GOLUBOFF leave New York Monday for Hollywood, following their arrival yesterday from abroad. GEORGE SCHAEFER. UA general sales manager, entrained for the Coast yesterday. WILLIAM PALEY landed in New York yesterday from the Normandie. FERNAND GRAVET, who arrived in New York yesterday from Europe, leaves for the Coast in four days. MONROE GREENTHAL, UA advertising-publicity head, flies to the Coast today, returning in about a week. HOWARD HUGHES flew from Stratford, Conn., to Floyd Bennett Field yesterday in his new speed plane. HARRY COHN left by plane for the Coast yesterday. IRVING HOFFMAN flies to the Coast today. F & M Survey Shows Demand for Duals in lst-Runs, Nabes St. Louis — Picture theater patrons want all that they can get for their money, whether they patronize the biggest de luxe house in town or the smallest of the neighborhood theaters. That is the outstanding conclusion to be drawn from the tabulation of the returns in the Fanchon & Marco-St. Louis Star-Times survey of local fan preferences. A digest of the first 40,000 questionnaires out of some 50,000 so far sent into the newspaper show: On the question of stage shows in conjunction with motion pictures the first-runs voted 13,700 for and 5,700 against and the neighborhoods 10,985 for and 5,341 against. On the query as to double feature picture bills against only one feature with short subjects the votes show de luxe houses favoring two features 10,682 to 7,833 while the nabes voted 12,198 for two pictures and 3 536 for a feature with shorts. The returns yesterday showed no change among the players leading in the voting. The first five in each classification are: Actors: C'ark Gable, 4,317; Robert Tavlor, 3.212; William Powell, 2 848: Paul Muni, 1,914, and Spencer Tracy 1.906; Actresses: Myrna Lov, 4.287; Lorotta Young, 2,236; Claudette Colbert, 2 036; Ginger Rogers, 1,796 and Alice Fave, 1,686; Child Stars: Shirley Temple. 14.381; Jane Withers, 8 594; Freddie Bartholomew, 3,568; Deanna Durbm, 2,653; and Mickey Rooney, 2,152. JACK L. WARNER, vice president in charge of production at Warner Brothers, accompanied by MRS. WARNER, sails for Europe today on the Normandie. KEN THOMPSON, Screen Actors' Guild executive secretary, leaves tomorrow for Hollywood by auto. JACK COHN, board chairman of Columbia Pictures, and MRS. COHN, leave New York today on the Normandie for Europe. HERBERT MARSHALJ., who is vacationing in New York, leaves for Hollywood the latter part of next week. EMANUEL SILVERSTONE, Alexander Korda's American sales representative, leaves New York today for a tour of United Artists' MidWest exchanges. SHIMEN RUSKIN, stage actor, is en route from New York to Hollywood. CHARLES BOYER, French film star, and his wife, professionally known as PAT PATTERSON; GILBERT MILLER, producer; GERMAINE AUSSEY, Continental screen actress; and CHARLES A. VALLEE, father of Rudy Vallee, leave New York for Europe today aboard the Normandie. WALTER WANGER arrives in New York today from Hollywood. VICTOR J. SCHOCHET, accompanied by MRS. SCHOCHET and their children, VICTOR, JR. and BARBARA, sails from New York tomorrow on the Santa Clara for Lima, Peru, to open a branch office there for United Artists. SEYMOUR POE leaves today for Chicago. Omaha Theater Polio Ban Will be Lifted Tomorrow Omaha — The six-week ban on juvenile attendance at local theaters, which has caused business losses of from 25 to 50 per cent, will be lifted tomorrow. The infantile paralysis epidemic has subsided to a point where only a few sporadic cases are being reported. Downtown houses suffered the 25 per cent loss, while neighborhood business was off 60 per cent, several houses even being forced to close in midweek. Earlier estimates of 50 per cent losses for first-runs were revised after a comparison of local grosses on certain pictures with the grosses in other cities. Linger Closes Para. Deal With Durkee Md. Circuit Paramount, through Joseph J. Unger, eastern division sales chieftain, has closed a film deal with the Durkee circuit operating about 26 houses in the Baltimore area. Unger recently completed a deal with the Griffith Amusement Co., with houses in Texas and Oklahoma. He has returned to New York from Baltimore and Washington. 20th-Fox Pacts With Chi. Indies Said Running Ahead Chicago — Twentieth Century-Fox's new product contracts with independent theater owners are running for ahead of last year, says Clyde Eckhardt, Chicago branch manager. U. S. Army M.P. Service Managers Meeting Monday Branch managers of the Army Motion Picture Service will hold their annual convention in St. Louis on Monday. Seasonal plans for operation of theaters under War Department administration will be completed at the parley at which R. B. Murray, service director, of Washington will preside. The managerial meeting will follow a conference of Army projection engineers now being held in St. Louis. Illinois Allied Takes No Action on Rental Issue Chicago — Allied Theaters of Illinois, meeting here yesterday, failed to take definite action on the issue of increased film rentals, although opposition was expressed. The new operators' contract also was discussed, but terms, believed to include provision for a slight increase, were withheld pending a meeting of the Operators Union's executive board Oct. 7. Approval of the contract is expected at that time. Reserve "Ecstasy" Decision Albany — Appeal from the decision of the state censor board in refusing to license exhibition of the film "Ecstasy" was argued before the Appellate Division yesterday. Decision was reserved. AL GOODMAN Dear Friends: You are cordially invited to "attend" my return to Your LUCKY STRIKE HIT PARADE for my seventh series, over CBS Saturday, October 2nd, at 7 P. M. P.S.T. Sincerely,