The Film Daily (1937)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Nineteen Years Old VOL. 72, NO. 79 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1937 Warners Close Three Operators, Stag M-G-M IT BUYING INTOGB, ASSERTS L B. MAYER 30-40% of U. S. Revenue from Abroad —Adolph Zukor Finds Pictures That Click in America Succeed Anywhere l: London (By Cable) — Revenue of a 'Hollywood-made picture to the extent of between 30 and 40 per cent •eomes from territories outside of iAmerica, according to Adolph Zukor, jivho is now in London. A picture that clicks in the United States is certain to prove box ffice in any part of the world, lukor said, and declared that there s much picture talent dormant in hgland. Zukor plans to sail for New York ct. 9 on the Normandie. Boat ets in on the 14th. i ENGLISH TELE SERVES MY 1,000— SARNOFF In the year since television programs have been broadcast to the British public on a regular daily ' chedule of one hour in the after loon and evening, only 1,000 sets ave been sold to the public and it •k probable that two years will lapse before a second television ransmitter is erected in England, <)avid Sarnoff, RCA president, aniounced yesterday. Sarnoff, who has just returned rom London, said the major prob (Continued on Page 3) 00 Argentine Theaters Using 3 to 5 Pix on Bill Half of Argentine's 1,000 theaters lay from there to five features daily nd a move is afoot, already con'lurred in by six major companies, (Continued on Page 3) RKO Radio Signs Marx Bros. West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — RKO Radio has signed the Marx Brothers to a three-pix contract, with "Room Service" set as the first starring vehicle, it was announced yesterday by S. J. Briskin. Comedy will go into production early in 1938 with Edward Kaufman producing. Chi. Exhibs. in Drive to Re-win Kid Patronage Chicago — With the polio scare over and municipal ban on juvenile film attendance off, exhibs. generally here are making a concerted drive to win back kid patronage, lost for three weeks. Balaban and Katz and Essaness, among others, are stressing cartoon shorts on programs. INDUSTRYSTOGKSALES MADE PUBLIC BY SEG Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — O. Henry Briggs, disposing of 700 shares, has reduced his holdings of Pathe Film Corp. common to 100, according to the semi-monthly summary of stock transactions and holdings made public today by the SEC. The Chase National Bank of New York City sold under escrow agreement 379 shares of 20th Century (Contintied on Page 4) MPTOATRADEPROGRAM UP AT MEMPHIS MEET Memphis — President Ed Kuykendall of the MPTOA is expected to discuss his plans for reviving interest in his association's trade practice program when he addresses the annual convention of . the Tri-State organization at the Hotel Chisca tomorrow and Monday. Others slated to speak include: Fred M. Jack of Warner Bros, and L. C. Griffith of Griffith Amusement (Continued on Page 3) Warners Plan Expansion Program at Eng. Studio London (By Cable) — Tying in with the company's plans for making 18 features, Warner Bros, is planning an expansion program for its Teddington studio. Sam E. Morris, vice-president in charge of the foreign department, is conferring with Irving Asher, studio head. Hutchinson Cuts Short World Jaunt, Returning Cancelling part of his itinerary because of the unsettled situation in the Far East, Walter J. Hutchinson, 20th Century-Fox foreign manager, will return immediately to the United States. Sailing from Sydney, Australia, he will arrive in New York in early November. Warners Set Up Three -Year Pacts With Operators and Stage Hands Hearing on Screen Writers Takes Up Inter-State Angle West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Attorney Neil McCarthy at National Labor Relations Board hearing questions of fact in the Screen Writers' Guild petition to hold an election of writers to name an exclusive bargaining (Continued on Page 3) New three-year contracts with operators' locals in Hartford and Bridgeport and a similar-length deal with stage hands in Waterbury have been completed by Warner Bros. Circuit through conferences held at Hartford and New Haven by Frank Phelps of the circuit, Henry Needles, district manager and who also handles labor relations for the company, and John Gatelee, New Eng (Continued on Page 4) Company Has No Deal With Selznick States Studio Head M-G-M does not contemplate buying a piece of GB in association with 20th Century-Fox, stated Louis B. Mayer yesterday, following his recent arrival in New York from a European trip. No such deal is being considered, said Mayer, and explained that he did not personally figure in the earlier negotiations which failed to materialize in an arrangement. Production in England, as far as M-G-M is concerned, may range (Continued on Page 3) GFI FILES APPEAL IN CHARTER ACTION Wilmington — Consolidated Film Industries yesterday appealed to the State Supreme Court from the decision of the lower court holding a proposed recapitalization plan that would wipe out unpaid dividends on the Consolidated preferred stock was in violation of the state law forbidding recapitalization of stocks (Continued on Page 4) Rogers, "Air Cleared", Returning to Hollywood Charles R. Rogers, Universal's executive vice president in charge of production, left for the Coast on the Century yesterday, having satisfactorily completed a series of (Continued on Page 4) Harry, Jack Warner on Air Both Harry M. Warner and Jack Warner hit the air waves yesterday. Former was on the radio from the Coast studios where he was host at luncheon to a Congressional delgeation, half hour program via WOR at 4:30 p.m. being heard west of the Mississippi only. Latter, now at sea aboard the Normandie, was subject of a transcribed interview with Martin Starr, sent out by WMCA at 7:45 p.m.