The Film Daily (1938)

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1W DAILY Monday, May 2, 1938 N. Y. ALLIED ELECTS OFFICERS TOMORROW (Continued from Page 1) Samuelson, past president and now member of the executive committee, and Arthur K. Howard, national recording' secretary and business manager of the New England unit, are scheduled to address the sessions. Officers and directors will be elected at tomorrow's meeting and a constitution and by-laws will be submitted for approval. Exhibitors representing approximately 75 theaters are expected to attend. Arthur Howard spent the weekend in contacting exhibitors in upstate New York and stimulating interest in the first state meeting of the organization. He returns to New York today to make final preparations for the conclave. Columbia Sending Pines To Fill Post in Panama (Continued from Page 1) Joseph A. McConville, manager of Columbia's foreign department. Under a new setup, the Panama territory will include all Central America, the Republic of Panama, Canal Zone, Jamaica and Ecuador, under the supervision of H. B. Prosdocimi, former assistant manager in Cristobal. Pines left for Panama Friday by air. Bell moves into his new post in Trinidad after eight years in various Columbia home office departments. His territory covers Trinidad, Leeward and Windward Islands and British and Dutch Guiana. ALCNG THE "Robin Hood" Twin Debut Warners' "The Adventures of Robin Hood" will have simultaneous world premieres in New York and Los Angeles on May 12. Pix will open at the Hollywood and Downtown theaters, Los Angeles, coincidental with the premiere of the film in New York's Radio City Music Hall. Charles Stanton Dead Pittsburgh— Charles Stanton, 40, president of Atlantic Film Co., is dead here from a heart attack. Best wishes from The Film Daily to the following on their birthday: MAY 2 Dennison Gift William Bakewell Walter Strenge with PHIL M. DALY • • • FUNNY THING this show biz a distributor puts out an idealistic camera study of a native people living their picturesque lives in the exotic setting of Bali in the South Seas and because there are some beautiful bronze bodies of native girls and an authentic presentation of the strange ritualism of witchcraft some critics within the industry raise their eyebrows in shocked surprise T T ▼ • • • THE SAME identical scenes and customs are described in even more frank detail in the current best-seller, "Island of Bali," by Miguel Covarrubias and critics hail it as a great contribution to the authoritative chronicles of native customs and people and some years ago the famous traveler and lecturer, Burton Holmes, chalked up one of his most popular lecture tours before audiences of our very ~best people with his film of Bali yet now that Harry Thomas presents his Bali picture, "Wajan," the best he could get was a spot on Broadway that automatically stamps the picture as sensational and more or less honky-tonk the fact of the matter is that "Wajan" is a great exploitation natural with a double-drag for the Masses as well as the Classes it can be played in a nice neighborhood with the same appeal as to a Burton Holmes audience it can be ballyhooed to big grosses in a pop-price house the same as it is now being handled garishly on Broadway or, it can be intelligently handled in any good situation in a manner to draw the Masses and the Classes for it is one of those very rare productions that has this double-barreled appeal what we are trying to say is: A real Showman can go to town with it for a Clean-Up T T ▼ • • • THE SCENE is the wind-up banquet affair of the SMPE convention in Washington, D. C the dais is crowded with technical experts, engineers, scientists, masters of the mysteries that make sound motion pictures possible practically all the Great Minds of sound engineering are present on the dais or at the tables suddenly as a speaker spouts learnedly on some deep technical problem of sound, the public address system goes blooey the speaker's voice comes out through the loud-speaker with a z-z-z, a b-r-r and a grr-zuz-plunk the speaker pauses, and goes into a huddle with seven other great engineering minds as to what to do but nobody seems to know just what to do so the speaker tries again and again the audience is greeted with a z-z-z, a b-r-r and a grr-zuzplunk by this time sound engineers all over the banquet hall are in excited hubbub, or scribbling notes and shooting them up to the speaker, telling him what to do finally, a waiter, who has a yen for monkeying with his home radio set, walks over to the mike, makes a couple of passes at it, screws it a li'l tighter and, presto the speaker's voice comes through the P A system as clear as a bell T T ▼ • • • GALA Big Apple Tournament with RKO Theaters looking for New York's champ B.A. dancers via a citywide contest to be staged in its theaters a trophy signifying the metropolitan championship will go to the winners with cash and oher prizes for the semi-final winners T T T • • • HO-HUM Dep't In the midst of production on the Leni Zunk picture for Colossal featuring the glamorous foreign star from South Brooklyn Director Burp discovered that the undersea spectacle with Leni as a mermaid couldn't be done, because she couldn't swim a stroke so they made her a lady diver instead of a mermaid and made the leading man the mermaid instead of the diver he looks like a fish, anyway DflTC BOOK Tonight: Professional Music Men's annual benefit, Alvin Theater. May 2: A. Charles Hayman testimonial dinner. Hotel Statler, Buffalo. May 2: Annual meeting of Independent Theater Owners of Southern California, Los Angeles. % May 3: Allied Theaters of New York tion meeting, Hotel Astor. May 3-4: CB regional sales meeting, Blackstone Hotel, Chicago. May 3-4: MPTO of Nebraska and Western Iowa convention, Hotel Loyal, Omaha. May 3-5: Republic national sales convention, Hollywood. May 5-6: GB regional sales meeting, Denver. May 5-7: 20th-Fox Continental sales convention, Paris. May 8: Local 306, IATSE, 25th anniversary banquet, Hotel Astor. May 8-10: Monogram convention, Netherlands Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati. May 9: Peter T. Dana dinner, Ten Eyck, Albany. May 9: John J. Maloney testimonial dinner, Hotel William Penn, Pittsburgh. May 9-11: Warners' Eastern sales meeting, Roosevelt Hotel. May 10: Screen Playwrights, Inc., annual meeting, Hollywood. May 12: Metropolitan Motion Picture Council third annual conference, New York Uni versify. May 12-14: 20th-Fox British sales convention, London. May 16: Detroit Screen Craft Club banquet, Northwood Inn. May 16-18: Warners' Western sales meeting, Dallas: May 17-19: Allied States national convention, William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh. May 21 : Morris Rosenthal testimonial dinner, Hotel Stratford, Bridgeport, Conn. May 27: Actors' Equity election. June 5: IATSE convention, Cleveland, 0. June 5-7: Southeastern Theater Owners Association convention, Chattanooga, Tenn. June 13: MPTO of Virginia mid-summer convention, Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach. June 13-19: American Federation of Musicians' convention, Municipal Auditorium, Tampa, Fla. June 19-21: MPTO of North and South Carolina summer convention, Ocean Forest Hotel, Myrtle Beach, S. C. June 20:23: National Conference on Visual Education, Francis W. Parker School, Chicago. June 20-24: CEA Conference, Folkestone, Eng. June 21 : Paramount stockholders meeting, New York City. Aug. 8-28: International Film Festival, Venice. Oct. 31: SMPE fall convention, Detroit. Advertise Starting Time, Warners Urge Exhibitors Exhibitors playing "The Adventures Of Robin Hood" have been requested by the Warners home office to insert in their ads a list of starting times for the feature so that patrons may see the pix from the beginning. WB Sets 2 More for June Warners will release "Little Miss Thoroughbred" on June 4 and "When Were You Born?" on June 18, it was disclosed Saturday.