The Film Daily (1938)

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3fe Friday, May 13, 1938 4 "mU" fa*» Hdlywood "Ms // By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD Studio Tennis Finals piNALS in the Annual Paramount Studio Tennis Tournament will be held Sunday at the Beverly Hills Tennis Club. Erwin Gelsey opposing Dick Love in singles for the Bing Crosby trophy. Gelsey and John Howard opposing Love and H. Stack in the doubles for the George Raft trophy. Sam Frey is in charge of the tournament. T T ▼ RKO Seeks More "Saints" RKO is dickering for a group of "Saint" stories written by Leslie Charteris who wrote "The Saint in New York." Ned Brown of the Edington-Vincent Agencv is representing Charteris in the negotiations. Y ▼ Y Wanger Changes Title The title of Walter Wanger's "The Rising Tide" has been changed to "Blockade." Picture stars Madeleine Carroll and Henry Fonda. T T T Jack Dunn in Training Organizing two teams of fast hockey players, Jack Dunn, former Olympic ice skating champion and for four years partner of Sonja Henie, has gone into training for his first Brewster Co. Demonstrates New 3-Co!or Film Process (Continued from Page 1) way. Two films were projected, the first of which was made last December, and the second of which was produced recently. Former's subject matter is composed almost entirely of interior shots, while the latter features out-of-doors locales. Process is subtractive, and essentially photographic as distinguished from lithographic processes commonly in use, company's president, P. D. Brewster, explained. Pictures, on a positive film, Brewster said, are printed photographically and then developed to form silver images, which are chemically converted into transparent mordant images, and which are then treated with basic dye to form the color images. A particular advantage claimed for the process by Brewster is that currently it is the only one employing basic dyes, which are capable, he points out, of producnig pictures of purity and brilliance. Stated cost of prints is about five cents per foot. Company has developed a threecolor camera in which three separate films are exposed through proper color filters without the use of the bi-pack system. Brewster declared he, and company's counsel, Judge John Evans, will leave New York today for WHO'S WHO IN HOLLYWOOD • • • Introducing Interesting Personalities: No. 189 • • • CHARLES E. FORD. In charge of westerns and serials at Republic, b. Martinville, Ind., March 26, 1899. Attended Technical High School, Indianapolis. Married. Served as cameraman in the United States Army during World War. Started motion picture work in 1919 as a cameraman for Fox Newsreel, with headquarters at Indianapolis. Later joined Pathe Newsreel as a cameraman, and following that he was with International Newsreel. In 1929, was made managing director of Universal Newsreel. He spent 30 months making a tour of Europe by air and automobile. He has spent more than 2,000 hours in the air. For Universal he produced "Going Places with Lowell Thomas" and "Stranger Than Fiction" with Alois Havrille as commentator. "Camera Thrills" and "You Can't Get Away With It," and he also produced the Universal Newsreel with Graham McNamee as announcer. He produced "Bombing the Panay" and "Breathless Moments." Joined Republic early in 1938. picture for Edward Small Productions, which release through United Artists. Dunn will play three games a week between now and the middle of June, when his first starring film is put before the cameras by Producer Edward Small. The picture, as yet untitled, will have a West Point background. Will Do "The Chi House" Aleen Wetstein, who wrote the bin, has signed with RKO Radio to do the screenplay on "The Chi House." Peck's Bad Boy Titles Sol Lesser has set these titles for the Peck's Bad Boy series: "Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus," "Peck's Bad Mrs. H. Lazarus Increases Bryan Amuse. Co. Holdings New Orleans — Mrs. Henry Lazarus has increased her holdings in The Bryan Amusement Co. of Bryan, Tex., to 50 per cent, having bought the interests of the other heirs of her father, A. Schulman. The circuit, which is associated with the Jefferson Amusement Co., is now owned equally by Mrs. Lazarus and Mrs. Morris Schulman. Egypt, China Lead Drive RKO's exchanges in Egypt and China are leading the foreign branches in the Ned Depinet drive, with billings more than 40 p.c. over their quotas. G. E. Gregory is the Egypt manager, while Leon Britton is manager in China. Thelma Hiil Dies West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Culver City — Funeral arrangements are pending for Thelma Hill, 32, former comedienne for Mack Sennett. She died in a sanitarium on Wednesday. Hollywood to demonstrate the process, which has been perfected after 10 years of research and experimentation, to major company there. Latter will be empowered to make test reels with their own stars and production staffs. Tower Starts First 16 mm. Pix; Plans 30 Yearly for Schools West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Tower Pictures Corp. has started production on "Pinocchio," a feature-length talking picture beinsr made on 16 mm. film. Phineas Juster is president of the organization and Lewis Gumbiner secretary-treasurer. Leon Barsha is directing the picture. Tower plans an annual program of 30 features for release in schools, churches and home. Chas. R. Rogers Eastbound For "U" Board Meeting West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Charles R. Rogers leaves Sunday for New York to attend Universal's board of directors' meeting Thursday, May 19. He will also attend three Broadway plays for which Universal is negotiating. During his absence, Val Paul, studio manager, will be in charge. To Attend Allied Meet Chicago — Aaron Saperstein heads the Allied delegates to the Pittsburgh convention from Chicago. Others attending next week's session will be Ludwig Sussman, Van Nomikos, Jack Rubin, Joe Weiss, William Pearl, Tippy Harris and Jack Kirsch. Following service of papers on an executive of the United Long Island Amusement Corp. a hearing has been set for Monday morning in Supreme Court, Department I, Judge Rosenman presiding, at which time the New York State Labor Relations Board will attempt to obtain a court order to enforce its recent decision directing ULIAC to rehire six projectionists, it was learned last night. Martin M. Alpert, attorney for ULIAC, is expected to ask that the case be transferred to Department 2, in Queens County, and failing in that move to argue the case on its merits, asserting that any employer has the right to discharge employes who are insubordinate. Boy at the Zoo," "Pecks Bay Boy at the Summer Camp," "Peck's Bad Boy at the Big Game," "Peck's Bad Boy at Coney Island" and "Peck's Bad Boy at the Frisco Fair." First of these starts this su^f^er; the five others are to follow ai, the rate of one each year. Two More WB Color Shorts Warner Bros, has scheduled two more Technicolor shorts with a Hollywood background. Fritz Feld and Charlie Foy are slated to play the director and assistant director, respectively, as they did in "Out Where the Stars Begin." Production on the first of the two shorts will start late in June, with Gordon Hollingshead supervising. As yet titles are not set. "Donald's Lucky Day" Donald Duck will quack his contempt at the superstitious this Friday the thirteenth. This is his birthday and his lucky dav, and Walt Disney will start work on the first of his offerings for 1938-39, "Donald's Lucky Day," in which Donald is a messenger out to deliver a package on Friday the thirteenth. His errand takes him to 13 East 13th Street and brings him in contact with ladders, broken mirrors, black cats and other harbingers of illluck. LRB vs. ULIAC Case Will Come Before Court Monday Muldener Rites Tomorrow Funeral services will be held at noon tomorrow, in Walter B. Cooke's Funeral Home, 117 West 72nd St., for Louise Muldener, 84, veteran actress, who died on Tuesday morning in Lenox Hill Hospital. During her long career in the dramatic field, she essayed roles in many of the standout plays in which leading American and continental artists were starred. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Anna Hoffman, and two nieces.