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Film Daily (1938)

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9* DAILY Tuesday, May 31, 1938 MAJORS TO APPEAL DALLAS, PHILA. GASES (Continued from Page 1) Interstate Circuit, et al, to the district court in Texas for findings of fact and law. Similar reports have been in circulation in connection with the Perelman case in Philadelphia where the Circuit Court of Appeals recently re-affirmed its decision that the anti-dual clause in the standard contract was illegal. Indications are that the distributors will carry this case, also, to the U. S. Supreme Court if necessary. FitzPatrick to Complete Stanley-Livingston Pic {Continued from Page 1) that he intended to build up the Stanley sequences of the picture, background of which was shot in Africa where he visited authentic locales of the story. Picture will be distributed by Harry Thomas. Percy Marmont plays the part of Livingston and Hugh McDermott portrays Stanley. FitzPatrick also will dissolve his British company which last year made quota pictures for M-G-M. He will be gone about six weeks and upon his return will edit eight TravelTalks subjects which he made on his recent world trip. "Union Solidarity" to be lA's Convention Keynote {Continued from Page 1) cially desirous of spiking reports of Coast dissension, it is understood. The achievement expected to be given the greatest ballyhoo at the confab is Browne's feat in obtaining the first closed shop agreement in Southern California in the motion picture industry or any other industry. ST's Booker Quits Oklahoma City — Frank McCabe, booker for Standard Theaters and manager of the Criterion Theater, has resigned. Julius Kirsch succeeds. Best wishes from The Film Daily to the following on their birthday: MAY 31 Fred Allen Frank Mandell Edward Ryan • • • SMASHING OVER the New-Season Story telling the industry with dramatic force just what can be expected from their studios showing the exhibitor what the line-up is for his Screen and Box-Office methods may change in industry procedure in advertising technique applied to the product but there's one institution which has come down through the years to hearten the theater operator at the in-between season just before the summer doldrums when figures on his ledger begin to look a bit foggy and that Institution is the Annual Announcement of Product the major producer's yearly cavalcade in which he parades through the pages of the trade press his Story Properties, Stars, Directors and all the other associated assets that make his organization a dominant part of the industry T T T • • • THIS SEASON has produced two impressive examples of New-Season Announcements first, from 20th Century-Fox, and now from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in the 20th Fox trade press insert we liked that foreword statement of President Sidney R. Kent "We are about to begin a new season. General business conditions are unsettled. In view of this, we could, with justice, trim our sails or even lower the negative investment in our coming pictures. Instead, we have chosen the other road. To protect our customers in the season of 1938-39, we have planned the most ambitious program in the history of this company. We have taken this stand firm in the belief that in these troublous times only the greatest pictures can insure to our customers and ourselves the greatest profit." T T T • • • A CONSIDERED statement from one of the industry's most level-headed minds Mr. Kent has never been stampeded into wild statements he lays it right on the line with cold, hard facts so when you read that his company "has planned the most ambitious program in the history of this company," you know he's stating A FACT and the presentation of the product in the pages that follow in the Product Announcement amply bears out his statement T ▼ T • • • NOW WE come to the other company's Announcement as usual, the combined brains of Howard Dietz and Si. Seadler have smashed over a graphic presentation of the M-G-M product for 1938-39 we especially like that teaser doublespread leading up to the announcement proper "5 Things to Remember in 1938-39". .. .the human hand with pieces of cord tied on the fingers "M-G-M Has the Stars" "M-G-M Has the Stories" "M-G-M Has the Public" "M-G-M Has the Resources" "M-G-M Has the Promotion" those are the five Reminders Messrs. Dietz and Seadler modestly left out the one big truth that has kept M-G-M clicking consistently through the years "M-G-M Has the Seasoned Staff in All Departments" and there's nothing that can top that tremenodus asset T ▼ V • • • AND AS you peruse the pages of the Announcement in the trade press the incontestable proof of that Seasoned Personnel hits you plumb in the eye in every printed word Stability, Dependability, Experience, Knowing How and we must not overlook CONFIDENCE for confidence breathes in every statement the confidence compellingly conveyed to the showman of the nation that Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer is again offering him a Commanding Hand "Cut the Cards!" and so perfect is that M-G-M deck that no matter how the exhibitor cuts it, he'll deal himself a WINNING HAND N. DAKOTA HEARINGS TO START TOMORROW {Continued from Page 1) about 10 days and the outcome is likely to have a widespread effect on the producer-owned theater circuits throughout the countries Judge John B. Sanborn, St. Paul, and Judge Seth Thomas, Fort Dodge, la., both of the U. S. Circuit Court, and Judge George F. Sullivan, St. Paul, Federad district judge, will make up the court. The American Amusement Co., Minnesota Amusement Co. and Paramount Pictures, Inc., have brought the action against Gov. William Langer, Alvin Strutz, attorney general; and state's attorneys of Cass, Grand Forks, Stutsman and Ward Counties, where company theaters are operated. The act prohibits operation of theaters owned or managed by producers or distributors of motion pictures. The Fargo, Grand and State Theaters in Fargo and theaters in Grand Forks, Jamestown and Minot are affected. In Fargo to assist will be a battery of Paramount attorneys, headed, it is understood, by Austin C. Keough, vice-president and general council of Paramount. Coming from New York also for Fargo proceedings are Louis Phillips of the Paramount legal staff; Thomas D. Thacher and A. C. Bickford of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett; Sam Doverman, of Paramount's staff, and Y. Frank Freeman, head of Paramount's theater operations. John J. Friedl and L. J. Ludwing, Minneapolis, Minnesota Amusement Co. officials, will be here. Joseph W. Finley, counsel of the firm, subsidiary of Paramount, will represent the company here. Defense will be headed by John P. Devaney and Louis Schwartz, attorney for Allied Theaters of the Northwest, and Abram F. Myers, general counsel of Allied States association, named special assistant attorney generals for the action. W. A. Steffes, northwest Allied unit head, at the annual meeting in Pittsburgh recently, issued a call for exhibitors, who wish to act as voluntary witnesses in the case. 2C yE4C/ AGC IN PICTURES FROM THE FILM DAILY for Friday, May 31, 1918: NEW YORK— Jesse Lasky has banned all stories of a religious, tragic or costume nature for the duration of the war. NEW YORK — William A. Brady has concluded a deal whereby Felix Feist, of World Film, will personally handle distribution of "Stolen Orders." NEW YORK— Sol Lesser leaves for Frisco after purchasing state rights to "The Hearts of the World," "The Still Alarm," "Ninetenths of the Law," "The Crucible of Life," "The Grain of Dust' and "Just a Woman" for 11 states. Yes, 20 Years is a Long Time in Picture si