The Film Daily (1938)

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Mil I NIL lJ IUI I J U— , 2 ? W /,+ T H ST ~!1 Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old 74, NO. 76 NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1938 TEN CENTS Wear Mark Ostrer May Come for Schenck Conferences MPTOA MAPS 14QUESTI0NSF0R CONVENTION STUDY Denial of Films' True Art Draws Fire of Will Hays M PPDA Prexy Answers Critics, Sees "Slander on Democracy" Will H. Hays, MPPDA prexy, peaking yesterday at the dedication )f a tablet marking the site of the irst theatrical showing of motion oictures, at Koster & Bials' Music Hall, 34th and Broadway, in 1896, ;ook occasion to answer "those critics who refuse to find true art elements in this newest and greatest (For color story of yesterday' s tablet dedication, turn to "Along the Rialto" on Page 3.) pf all arts because of the very fact that it is universal in its appeal and truly democratic in its service." "There are still those few who (Continued on Page 3) FRIEDGEN AND GERING TO MAKE PIX IN EAST A new Eastern production company is being launched by Raymond Friedgen, producer, and Marion Gering, director, who have two features in preparation. Pictures will be made either at Eastern Service Studios or at the Biograph plant, (Continued on Page 4) SAG's New By-Laws Will Eliminate Junior Guild West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — New by-laws of the Screen Actors Guild would eliminate the Junior Guild, it was learned yesterday when drafts were mailed to members. By-laws would substitute a class B (Continued on Page 3) Mystery! Business Slumps Monday for No Good Reason Circuit operators yesterday were puzzled over a one-day slump in business on Monday. Grosses were below normal all over the country (Continued on Page 5) Early Resumption of CEA-KRS Talks Seen London (By Cable) — W. R. Fuller of the CEA indicates that there will likely be an early resumption of joint talks between the CEA and the KRS on film trade problems. Among the most important subjects to be considered are: Overseating, barring of pictures (clearance), rentals for small theaters and television. Exhibitors and distributors are much concerned over BBC's recent television broadcasts of films. Brighter U. S. Prospects in Japan; Solution of Impasse Seen as Near Tokyo (By Cable)— As the result of recent progress made in the negotiations between U. S. film interests and the Japanese Government, a definitely more favorable status is expected to be attained by American product in this market within the not distant future, it is declared here by sources close to representatives of major companies. Government officials here are described as giving ever-increasing co-operation toward the solution of the impasse which has existed for many months and which has to date prevented the importation of U. S. pictures except on a widely curtailed scale. The problem of both importation (Continued on Page 3) Schenck, Zanuck, Goetz Pare 20th-Fox Holdings Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Joseph M. Schenck, 20th-Fox board chairman, disposed of 10,400 shares of the company's common in August, while Darryl F. Zanuck, production chief, and William Goetz, vice-prexy, each reduced their holdings by 10,000 shares the same month, according to the latest SEC report made public yesterday. Schenck, the SEC records disclosed, on Aug. 30 held 119,443 shares of common; he has disposed of 49,200 shares in the June, July, August quarter. Schenck held 23,284 shares of preferred on Aug. 30. Goetz at the end of August held 194,643 shares of common, 55,284 of preferred. Zanuck's holdings on (Continued on Page 3) London Reports Mark Ostrer Planning Early Visit to U. S. for Schenck Talks Gary Suit Charges Outside Trust Law Scope, Says Para. In a separate answer to anti-trust charges brought by the Gary Theater Co., Gary, Ind., against B & K, Warner Bros, theaters and major distributors, Paramount denies that the "subject matter of this action is in any way within or affected by the provisions of any" of the so(Continued on Page 4) London (By Cable) — Possibility that conferences between Mark Ostrer, Gaumont British president, and Joseph M. Schenck, 20th-Fox board chairman, may be renewed in New York in the near future appeared likely when it was learned yesterday that Ostrer is contemplating an early trip to the United States. Following Schenck's visit to England a short time ago, it became (Continued on Page 5) All Problems Facing Exhibs to Be Considered At O. C. Meeting This Month A tentative list of 14 important questions for discussion and study at the annual MPTOA convention in Oklahoma City late this month has been prepared by the organization's headquarters in New York, according to a general bulletin issued yesterday. These questions concern all problems now facing the independent exhibitors and touch upon selfregulation, taxes, trade practices and legislation. However, the bulletin points out that important difficulties and problems are never solved and disposed of at any exhibitor convention, but it adds that constructive progress is (Continued on Page 5) rodgersWattend mich. allied meet Grand Rapids — William F. Rodgers, Metro's sales chief, has accepted an invitation to attend the annual convention of Allied Theaters of Michigan, opening at the Morton Hotel here on Oct. 10, the (Continued on Page 4) GB's Publicity-Ad Plan to Be Launched Shortly Plans for the Gaumont British nation-wide advertising and publicity campaign on six feature pictures will be ready in about three weeks, it was learned yesterday. Selection of the four cities the campaign contest will be held in will (Continued on Page 3) Nakken Patents Corp. Sues Erpi; Claims Infringement Nakken Patents Corp. yesterday filed suit, based on a patent infringement claim, against Erpi and WE in U. S. District Court here. Plaintiff contends that Theodorus H. (Continued on Page 3)