The Film Daily (1938)

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Iffl! Wednesday, October 5, 1938 DAILY Vol. 74, No. 76 Wed., Oct. 5, 1938 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer; Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 193S, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $1.0 00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, "$3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Rauchstr, 4. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. f i n ft n c i a l NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 20 y2 193/4 20 151/s 141/2 Hi/2 _ i/4 Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc. . Columbia Picts. pfd.. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. . East. Kodak 1 do pfd 1 Gen. Th. Eq Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount Paramount 1st pfd.. Paramount 2nd pfd. Pathe Film RKO 20th Century-Fox . . 20th Century-Fox pfd. Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros do pfd 1% V/2 1% 8 8 8—1/4 78i/2 178i/2 178i/2 + 11/2 66 166 166 — 1 15% 151/4 151/4 — 1/4 52 513/8 51% — i/s 1 1 Vi 89 1H/! 9% 21/2 + 1 11 11 88 1/2 89 llVs Hl/8 93/8 93/8 — 3/8 23/8 23/8 — i/8 267/8 261/2 263/4 — i/8 40" 40" 40" +2' 634 63/8 65/8 .... NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith A-0 6s46 Loew 6s41ww 102 1/4 102 1/4 102 1/4 Para. B'way 3s55 Para. Picts. 6s55 Para. Picts. cv. 3 i/4s47 78 78 78 RKO 6s41 66% 66 66% — % Warner's 6s39 81 79 Vi 80 — 1 Vi NEW YORK CURB MARKET Crand National ... 7-16 7-16 7-16 +1-16 Monogram Ficts Sonotone Corp Technicolor 22 21 % 22 + V4 Trans-Lux Universal Picts N. Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCK MARKET Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd 98 101 Fox Thea. Bldg. 6yis 1st '36 Loew's Thea. Bldg. 6s 1st '47 Met. Playhouse, Inc. 5s '43 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 6 Vis 1st '43 Specialists for 2 J years in the storage of valuable film. LLOYDS FILM STORAGE CORR 729 SfVfn/TW AVf.N.YC , BRyant 9-5600 New GN Home Office Set for Rockefeller Center E. W. Hammons, president of Grand National Pictures, yesterday signed a long-term lease for an entire floor in the new Associated Press Bldg. in Rockefeller Center, where the company will maintain its home office. The new quarters will be occupied starting Nov. 15. The Grand National, New York exchange will continue to operate at 730 Ninth Ave., Educational will remain in the Paramount Bldg. until mirl-November. Meanwhile, Grand National is preparing to hold its second sales meeting in New York this week-end for its Eastern managers. Edward L. Alperson, due yesterday from Chicago, is scheduled to arrive today. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Sacramento, Cal. — Grand National has received a permit from the state corporation commissioner to issue 454,354 shares of common stock at $1 each and 30,000 shares of preferred at $10 each. Para, to Spend $100,000 on "Wings" Ad Campaign Para, will back its exploitation and publicity campaign for "Men With Wings" with a $100,000 ad appropriation in key city dailies and magazines, it was said yesterday bv Robert M. Gillham, company's ad-publicity chief. Pix starts Oct. 28 in 21 keys: Albany, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Nashville, New York, Pittsburgh, Portland, Ore., San Antonio, San Francisco, Seattle, Syracuse and Washington. From the company's studios Cliff Lewis and Jack Dailey will be in charge of the Coast and Western engagements while from New York Robert M. Gillham assisted bv Alec Moss, Hal Danson and Karl Kruger will handle many of the important Eastern engagements. U. A. Board Meeting Friday To Be Attended by Proxies Friday's meeting of United Artists' board of directors is ex pected to be attended largely by proxies. Samuel Goldwvn, who was reported to be coming East for the meeting, will not leave the Coast, it was said yesterday. Foreign situation probably will be the principal topic for discussion, although there have been rumors that more important business of a domestic nature was on the docket. Expected at the meeting are Emanuel "Silverstone, representing Alexander Korda; Dennis O'Brien, for Mary Pickford; James Mulvey, for Samuel Goldwyn; Charles Schwartz, for Charles Chaplin; Douglas Fairbanks, or his attorney, Edward C. Raftery, and Maurice Silverstone, general manager. Drive's Exhib. Contest Will be Open to Groups The $2,100 contest for exhibs. in the Motion Pictures' Greatest Year industry drive will be open alike to individuals and groups of exhibitors or to promotional committees established in various cities in connection with the drive, members of the recently established Contest Bureau agreed at their meeting yesterday. Judges will take into consideration the limited facilities of an individual manager as compared with a group so that every theater manager, and publicity man who enters the contest will have a fair chance of winning, it was stated. The Bureau has in preparation an entry blank which will be distributed through the various exchanges. Campaigns will be judged on the basis of originality as well as _ on proper use of campaign materials and accessories suggested in the press book. Jurisdiction Warning Sent 20,000 Affiliates of AAAA Moving to further solidify the position of the AAAA, Frank Gillmore, president, yesterday dispatched letters to all affiliated branches in which he advised: "Any member of any branch of the AAAA who accepts an engagement in the jurisdiction of any sister branch must immediately upon accepting his or her engagement make application for membership in the branch to which he or she is transferring." Failure to do so will result in discipline, Gillmore warned. Approximately 20,000 players are affected. Balaban, Griffis Go West Next Week for Studio Look Barney Balaban, Paramount president, and Stanton Griffis, chairman of the executive committee, will leave for the Coast next week for their annual studio checkup. Trip was to have been made last week but was deferred because of the European situation. Griffis said yesterday he could not say who would fill the post of managing director in England as a successor to John Cecil Graham, whose resignation was announced yesterday. Appointment is expected within the next few weeks. Mich. Co-op Board Meets Again Friday on Reorg. Detroit — Directors of Co-operative Theaters of Michigan will meet Friday to take further reorganization action. Sam Barrett, former booker, becomes a new assistant to Carl Buermele, general manager. "Room Service" Sets Third RKO "Room Service" has been held for a third week at the Rivoli. cominG mid dome 99 E. L. ALPERSON, general sales manager for Crand National Pictures, arrives in New York from Chicago today. MACK LITTMAN, American representative of Herbert Wilcox, is scheduled to leave New York tomorrow for a two-week trip to j^-.^tn exchanges. V J. H. HOFFBERG plans to leave for a nationwide tour this week-end. JOHN B. NATHAN, Paramount's general manager in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, arrives in Hollywood today from New York. MORRIS STOLOFF, head of Columbia's music department, leaves Hollywood shortly for a Honolulu vacation. MR. and MRS. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS are staying at the Waldorf. JUNE LANG is also stopping at the Waldorf. RAY WHITLEY, cowboy actor, has arrived in New York from the Coast to take part in the annual rodeo. JACQUES DEVAL is stopping at the Savoy Plaza. RALPH WHITEHEAD of the A F of A is in Houston for the A F of L convention. BENIAMINO CIGLI, opera star, is due at the Coast late this month for role in Goldwyn picture starring Jascha Heifetz. DOANE HARRISON, Paramount film editor, is in Montana for a month's vacation. MRS. MARK OSTRER has arrived in New York, and Mark Ostrer may join her here shortly. ALICIA ADAMS, 6-year-old Boston girl, signed by Crand National for the six Hedley Family pictures, reported at the studio this week. ERNEST SCHWARTZ, president of AgfaAnsco, is due back in Hollywood shortly from New York. Chi. Allied Trust Case Oct. 13 Chicago — Suit for a temporary injunction filed by Illinois Allied's Attorneys, Rosenberr, Stein & Rosenberg before Judge Wilkerson has been postponed until Oct. 13. The continued activity and increased interest and appreciation of English Production prompts this paper to incorporate in the 1939 Film Year Book a complete English Section which will be of unusual and vital interest to the industry here and abroad. THE FILM YEAR BOOK 1501 Broadway New York City The 1939 edition now in preparation