The Film Daily (1938)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought INI O I iv'iO v The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old rC,'^74, NO. 77 NEW YORK. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1938 TEN CENTS Mexican Producers Move for Unified DistriL System early Hart for trade practiceTarleys 1938 U. S. Admissions Tax Collections at $20,800,779 (roadway Area Contributed More Than Quarter of the Total Vashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Admissions tax reeipts for the fiscal year of 1938 otaled $20,800,779.49, according to . preliminary statement issued by he Treasury Department's bureau f Internal Revenue yesterday. Com•arable 1937 figure was $20,974,i31 33 Of the $20,800,779.49, $6,276,736.96 vas collected from the third New fork District or Broadway area. In urn, the $6,276,736.96 included $5,i54,984.01 derived from the so-called traight admissions levy, imposed at he rate of one cent for each dime (Continued on Page 6) 3inanskTre=named ry allied of mass. Boston — For a third year, Samuel Mnanski of M & P Theaters will ierve as prexy of Allied Theaters of Massachusetts, Inc. Other officers enamed include: John H. Devlin, Loew's Theaters, /ice-president; Stanley Sumner, University Theater, Cambridge, (Continued on Page 8) Zanada Sees U. S.-British Trade Pact Signing Near Ottawa — Following a report from Janadian negotiators in Washing;on, Prime Minister Mackenzie King has declared here his belief that (Continued on Page 8) Premature In the wake of this week's RKO reorg. hearing, it was declared by sources close to the parent company and the plan's proponents that no moves will be made toward the selection, even tentatively, of the new company's board until confirmation of the plan by the court. Naming of possible directors, until then, is branded as pure speculation. EDUCATIONAL'S NET $120,819 Stockholders' Meeting Is Called for Oct. 21 Educational Pictures, Inc., and subsidiaries report a $120,819.27 net for the year ended June 25 last as compared with $168,056.26 for 1937. Earnings per share were approximately $1.35 in 1938 as against approximately $1.87 per share in 1937. Report sent to stockholders by Earle W. Hammons, president, says that the financial condition of the company has shown "continual improvement," and that during the year a $301,903.99 cut in liabilities was effected. Assets were reduced only $168,066.84, it is also pointed out. Hammons discusses the Grand National deal in detail, and then says: "The officers of your company in (Continued on Page 7) Weigh License System for Canadian Itinerants Toronto — To solve the 16 mm. tangle in Ontario, the Motion Picture Bureau, it is reported, may establish a license system for itiner (Continued on Page 7) "Go Ahead" Signal Given by Majors' Counsels for Exhib. Meetings This Month — Kuykendall Sees "Decisive Adjustments" Conferences, out of which will come "decisive adjustments in trade practices," will be held definitely this month, with affiliated and unaffiliated units invited to participate. This was announced yesterday by Ed Kuykendall, MPTOA president, who stated that the organization's executive committee had been meeting with various major distributors during the past few weeks. "We have the assurance of Sidney R. Kent and William F. Rodgers, who represent the distributors' committee, that meetings will take place at the earliest possible date consis (Continued on Page 6) GN BOARDPARALLELS THAT OF EDUCATIONAL WB SETS "FLEXIBLE" SALES PLAN IN S. A. Warners' sales policy in Argentina, Chili, Uruguay and Paraguay will be "flexible" for the new season's product, it was stated yesterday by Harry Novak, WB manager for these countries, who is scheduled to sail on Saturday noon for (Continued on Page 8) Miami Blast at Movie Quiz Results In Suit Threat Legal action against "Miami Life," a gossip sheet of Miami, Fla., is being considered by the Motion Pictures Greatest Year committee because of published blasts regarding the Movie Quiz contest. The (Continued on Page 8) World-Wide Unified Distrib. System for Mexican Pix Talked by Producers NEC Public Hearings May Not Start Till December Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — National Economic Committee is not expected to start public hearings until early December, it is authoritatively reported here. Previously, Oct. 15 has been mentioned as a possible inaugural date. Meanwhile, it is understood on (Continued on Page 7) By MARCO-AURELIO GALINDO FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Mexico, D. F. — First move towards the establishment of a unified distribution system for Mexican pix, world-wide in its scope, has been taken here. The Mexican Association of Motion Picture Producers has appointed a four-man commission to study the establishment of such a selling (Continued on Page 8) Grand National's board of directors under the new setup is substantially the same as that of Educational, with the addition of Edward L. Alperson. The board, aside from Alperson, consists of E. W. Hammons, John Munn, Norman C. Nicholson, Bruno (Continued on Page 8) "Responsibilities Program" Sought of AAAA by Equity Following announcement by the AAAA this week that any member of any affiliated branch must immediately make application for membership in whatever sister (Continued on Page 8) MPTOA War Dance Oklahoma City — It may be significant and then again, it may not. At" any rate, the MPTOA convention arrangements committee has scheduled a Cherokee war dance for the exhib. conclave. It'll be staged by Chief Da-Ga-Doh-Ca (Standing Star).