The Film Daily (1938)

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M | > I > 1 1 { ) I J iJt I ) I S T 2B Yi 44TH ST N Y C Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought HJ. UUP? DO NOT REIiVIOVt; ■iij* The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old -WAILY' OL. 74, NO. 78 NEW YORK. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1938 TEN CENTS Allied Board Acts Oct 17 on Trade Parley Proposal IISTRIBSTCALL 10 EXHIBJNITS TO TRADE TALKS i Hicks Named Managing Director For Para, in Britain at< ' places Graham for Indefinite Period; Weltner Takes Over Here Appointment of John W. Hicks, iramount's foreign department managing director of hf anager it as aramount/s terests i n e United .^Ingdom for . indefinite riod was arned yesrday. Hicks kes over s duties nmediately. is post here ill be taken v e r by aorge Welt\r, assistant reign maner. Hicks' appointment follows (Continued on Page 5) R0P0SED CITY MOVE THREATENS MARQUEES JOHN W. HICKS the Approximately 25 film theaters png upper Broadway from ap•oximately 66th St. Northward to (Continued on Page 2) iberal Fee for Alger RKO Services is Urged Application for allowances in mnection with the RKO reorganiition was made to Judge William (Continued on Page 2) Loew's at Netv High Loew's preferred hit a new high for the year yesterday on the N. Y. Stock Exchange as amusement issues generally moved ahead. Loew's preferred closed at IO71/2. up three-eighths from the previous high. Biggest advance yesterday on the Big Board was made by Paramount first preferred, up 3 points to 95. George J. Schaefer Has Not Resigned UA Post While there has been some discussion concerning Ceorge J. Schaefer's resignation from UA, it is definitely known that the sales chieftain has not yet resigned. There are strong reports on the contrary that he may join RKO when that company comes out of reorg. Schaefer's present UA contract continues to March. At the present time, THE FILM DAILY established yesterday, nothing has transpired either as to his withdrawal from UA or association with RKO. JACK WARNER WILLING MONO. SALES UP 43%, TO LEND BETTE DAVIS JOHNSTON DISCLOSES Warner Bros, is willing to lend Bette Davis to David 0. Selznick for the Scarlett O'Hara role in "Gone With the Wind," Jack Warner, vice-president in charge of production, said yesterday just before sailing on the Queen Mary for Eul'ope. Warner made this declaration, (Continued on Page 2) Agnew Lists Winners in "Para, on Parade" Contest Domestic and foreign winners in Paramount's $5,000 advertising and exploitation contest held in connection with the celebration of the company's international sales drive, "Paramount on Parade," were announced yesterday by Neil F. Agnew, sales head. There were 250 U. S. entries, 150 foreign campaigns. Foreign contest winners will now (Continued on Page 5) West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— On the basis of 4,000 theater deals already set, Monogram's sales for the season show an average increase of 43.49 per cent over the figures for the same situations a year ago, according to W. Ray Johnston, prexy. New accounts total 896, it is said. Johnston declared that on the basis of these figures, the company (Continued on Page 5) Loew Stockholders Suit Goes To Trial in Nov. Consolidated stockholders' suit against Loew's, Inc., seeking to abrogate executive profit-sharing contracts with the company is scheduled for trial in N. Y. Supreme Court in November, it was learned (Continued on Page 5) Allied Calls Board Session Ocf. 17 After Rodgers-Myers-Yamins Meet East Baton Rouge Parish Bans Pix Money Giveaways Baton Rouge, La. — Bank Night, and other film money giveaways were banned in East Baton Rouge, parish (county) yesterday as officials swung into a war on general gambling and closed the parish tightly. Allied 's board of directors will be called to meet in New York Oct. 17 for the purpose of considering-, and acting upon, a fair trade practice parley which was discussed yesterday by W. F. Rodgers, M-G-M general sales manager, Abram F. Myers, Allied general counsel, and Nathan Yamins, president of Allied. If the board approves the proposal, a (Continued on Page 5) Rodgers Wires Bids; Sessions to Start in New York on October 19 Invitations to eight exhibitor organizations, aside from the two national bodies, to send representatives to trade practice conferences in New York were issued yesterday by W. F. Rodgers, M-G-M general sales manager, in behalf of the distributors' negotiating committee. The heads of each organization were asked to send a committee to (Continued on Page 4) LOEW'S WILL OPERATE CRITERION UNDER DEAL Loew's, Inc., yesterday acquired a 50 per cent partnership interest in Criterion theater from B. S. Moss and will take over operation. No change in policy is contemplated, it was stated. Commitment runs for 20 years, (Continued on Page 5) Grand National's First Release Goes Out Oct. 14 Grand National Pictures, Inc., has scheduled its first feature release for Oct. 14. The release schedule, (Continued on Page 5) The Pay-Off! There was more humor on tap yesterday at the RKO reorg. allowances hearing in Federal Court. Hamilton C. Rickaby, who has frequently been termed in the proceedings "The Affable Counsel for the Atlas Group," was commenting on the merits of one of the claims when he wheeled to the clerk of the court and said "This is off the record." Then addressing Judge Bondy he said: "If you don't pay this claim, they (RKO) will only give it to a movie star!" Bondy said he would consider that "fact."