The Film Daily (1938)

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ntimate in Character International in Scope ndependent in Thought c>o not Raitvio y The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old V:>i~V4, NO. 79 NEW YORK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1938 TEN CENTS i*pitz and Rodgers Will be MPTOA Convention Speakers CHAEFER RESIGNSTMAY BE RKO PREXY IfOA Accepts Trade Reform Parley Bid, Pledges Co-op opeful That Constructive Measures Will Result, Declares Brandt ITOA co-operation in the pending ide practice parleys in New York .s pledged over the week-end when irry Brandt, president, stated that 5 organization "welcomed the oprtunity to prove that the motion :ture industry can regulate itself." "We are hopeful," Brandt said, lat the conferences will result in nstructive measures so that the ssibility of legislation, or the cessity for it, will be eliminated." Eight regional exhibitor associa (Continued on Page 12) IIGH. REPORTED COOL TO DIVORCE STATUTE Detroit — While state legislation is pected to occupy a prominent place the program of Allied Theaters Michigan convention, opening at e Morton Hotel, Grand Rapids, toorrow, it is reported here that ere is little support for a theater TOrcement measure. Among subjects slated for con (Continued on Page 9) odgers at New Orleans for Managerial Meeting New Orleans — Headed by William Rodgers, general sales manager, -G-M held a southern-southwestern anager and exploitation men's eeting here Saturday and yesterly. With Rodgers were Tom Con {Continued on Page 6) oss Federal Promotes Brown, Anderson, Lund Ross Federal Service, Inc., over e week-end announced enlargeent of its territories and pro-, otions from district managers to Kecutive supervisors of Walter I. {Continued on Page 6) THE WEEK IN REVIEW Trade Reform Parleys Set ■ By GEORGE H. MORRIS DOMESTIC Long awaited conferences, out of which are expected to come decisive adjustments in film trade practices, will get under way in New York this month, it was declared at midweek by Ed Kuykendall, MPTOA prexy, who revealed that prelim huddles had been held recently between organization's exec, committee and various major distribs. On Thursday, confirmation of the Kuykendall announcement bobbed up in the dispatch of invitations to eight exhib. bodies by W. F. Rodgers, M-G-M sales manager, representing distribs' negotiating committee. Allied's board will be called to meet in New York Oct. 17 to consider {Continued on Page 12) Local 702-Du Art Reach Agreement; Picketing Stops Settlement of the lengthy strike at Du Art Laboratory by Local 702, lab. workers union, was effected last Friday when Richard Walsh, IATSE vice-president, acting as arbitrator, {Continued on Page 12) RKO Prexy, Metro's Sales Head Will Speak at MPTOA Okla. City Meet UA Board Accepts Withdrawal With Regret, Praises Loyalty — Reported Choice of Rockefeller Interests for RKO Post George J. Schaefer, United Artists vice-president and general manager of distribution in the U. S. and Canada, announced his resignation, effective immediately, late Friday afternoon. Schaefer signed the resignation at 5:10 p.m., submitting copies both to Maurice Silverstone, UA general manager i n charge of world affairs, and Edward C. Raftery, assistant secretary, while the c o mpany's directorate was in session. It was stated on S e h a efer's behalf that he will shortly announce his future plans. Persistent reports have placed Schaefer's next affiliation as RKO, and in this connection the company's presidency has been mentioned. Leo Spitz, now holding that office, is represented as desirous of returning to his Chicago law practice upon the reorganization of RKO, reported due by Oct. 27. Schaefer, whose UA contract did {Continued on Page 12) NO BRIT. FINANCES SOUGHT IN GN DEAL Reported deal whereby British money would be put into the new Grand National setup is apparently cold. The company is being financed entirely by American money and none is being sought from abroad, it was learned over the week-end. It was also said that the reorganized company has all the money it needs. E. W. Hammons, president, and {Continued on Page 9) GN's Eastern Sales Reps. Confer on Sales Policies Grand National's Eastern sales representatives met at the Hotel St. Moritz over the week-end for conferences on selling plans and policies. Delegates were addressed by E. W. {Continued on Page 9) U. S. Film Interests Mark Time in Italian Dispute Failure of expected definite developments to emerge last week in the matter of the U. S. film position in Italy, was described over the weekend as "purposeful" on the part of the representative of American interests entrusted with the task of gain {Continued on Page 12) Leo Spitz, president of RKO, and W. F. Rodgers, M-G-M general sales manager, will be two of the principal speakers at the MPTOA convention in Oklahoma City, Ed Kuykendall, president, stated before leaving New York over the weekend. Spitz and Rodgers, both members of the Distributor Committee on Trade Practices, are among the first to accept invitations. Others (Continued on Page 6) GEORGE J. SCHAEFER EQUITY SUIT TRIAL IN DEC, U. S. PLAN? Washington Bureau of the FILM DAILY Washington — It is the present intention of the Department of Justice to press the New York equity suit for trial in early December, it was reported over the week-end. It is anticipated that the greater part of November will be consumed with advance-trial legal maneuver (Continued on Page 6)