The Film Daily (1938)

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Wednesday, October 12, 1938 THI DAILY A.-NEB. UNIT WILL TAKE PART IN PARLEY {Continued from Page 1) ill represent the organization at le parleys. TV^fcTO voted to hold a series of istrcrf, meetings covering the enre territory during the coming sar. Seven directors to serve for iree years were elected yesterday, ihey are: W. B. Frankie, Humboldt; hi] March, "Wayne, Neb.; W. B. i rossman, Nevada; 0. A. B. Hil >n, Sioux City; Clifford Niles, Ana iOsa, and Wolcott and Mansfield. I At the subsequent board meeting, p. R. Blair of Cedar Falls was amed vice-president and Wayne utton of Manchester, secretary •easurer. Highlights of convention business icluded endorsement of the Govrnment's New York equity suit, i ledge of support for a Federal anti[lock booking and blind selling patute and a request for a 60-day me extension for the Movie Quiz bntest. ulf States Selling Season Nearing Close (Continued from Page 1) ouisiana, Mississippi, and parts of labama and Florida, the majority t possibilities and almost all of le best playing time is accounted r. Only a few indies are left. Reported closing with Saenger re: M-G-M, Paramount, 20th Cenlry-Fox, Vitagraph. Columbia is jported to have a deal, while RKO negotiating and Universal and nited Artists are said to have iken no definite action to date. Pep Club Gives Party The New York Paramount Pep lub will hold a dinner and dance the Hotel Astor on Oct. 28. Best wishes from THE FILM DAILY to the following on their birthday: OCTOBER 12 Joseph S. Skirball Bob Doidge James Bradbury, Sr. Crauford Kent William Nigh Amerigo Aboaf John Graham George A. Noffka • • • RUNAROUND given to a representative of a manufacturing concern trying to tie up with a certain star name which was already sewed up with other manufacturers the gent wouldn't take no for an answer so the guy in charge of tie-ups for the producer was pestered to go to lunch every few days and "talk things over" so figuring he might as well have a nice lunch, the film mug says: "Okay. Where do we eat?" the commercial gent says: "Name your food joint" "The Astor" and so they dined at the Astor T T ▼ • • • AND WHAT happened? you'll never guess all through the luncheon film mugs kept ankling up to the table and talking to their pal and the poor manufacturing gent couldn't get to first base on the star tieup proposition "So sorry," apologized the film guy "That's all right," says the commercial lad. "Next time we'll go to another restaurant where we can talk in PRIVATE." so the film mug says: "Sure. We'll make it the Tavern." T T T • • • SO THE next time they ate and wined at the Tavern and this time two film gents drew up extra chairs and sat down at the SAME table with the film mug being entertained by the commercial lad who wanted to tie up a star and all through the lunch the commercial feller learned a lot of dirt about the film biz but nary a word of cheer about a tie-up with a certain film star BUT he had the pleasure of paying for drinks ordered by the two extra diners "So sorry," apologized the film guy "That's all right," says the commercial lad. "Next time we'll be sure to go to a restaurant where we can talk in PRIVATE" and the film mug, the dirty soand-so, says: "Sure, Well have lunch at Sardi's" well, you know what happened at the Astor and the Tavern happened more so at Sardi's the commercial guy paid for five lunches and four rounds of drinks and later at Dinty Moore's and finally Childs weeks had passed at this indoor sport, and still the commercial gent hadn't got a word in about the tie-up with the star ' T T ▼ • • • WAS THE commercial gent discouraged? ... .NO. .. . he grew foxy "Let ME pick the luncheon place this time," he says "Oke," says the film mug "Lefs dine at the Automat, just for the novelty of the thing." "Swell," says the film mug and at the Automat they ran into nine film execs, grabbing their supply of Pumpkin Pie in SEASON the poor commercial guy went out filled up with pumpkin pie which all the nine film execs, insisted he sample from their plates generous guys, these film fellers the film mug is waiting for another invtiation to lunch from the commercial gent who wants to tie up a star a month has passed now, and no invite it is beginning to look like a Lost Meal Ticket ▼ ▼ T • • • IT GIVES us extreme pleasure to record that Phil De Angelis, the bill posting syndicate of our town, is now a proud grandpappy his daughter-in-law Mrs. Edward De Angelis having presented the family with a beautiful baby girl the event took place at St. Joseph's Hospital in Yonkers hooray for Yonkers that's Our Town NEC EXPECTS TO OPEN HEARINGS NEXT MONTH (Continued from Page 1) tee has been scheduled tomorrow in Washington to hear reports of the executive agancies' preliminary surveys of. the industries which they have been studying for monopolistic practices. O'Mahoney stated that questionnaires recently sent to trade associations were being returned to Washington in large numbers. Canvass of these replies by the committee will start in the near future. In his address before the Board of Trade at the Astor yesterday, Senator O'Mahoney said that he has sensed "a growing disposition among all elements of our economy to cooperate in the effort to make its (the NEC's) work a constructive contribution to the development of the American social system." He asserted that "the general failure to recognize the distinction between natural persons and corporations has probably been the principal cause of our economic distress," and added, "If we must have a planned economy, it must be planned by public authority, but perhaps it is not necessary to have it at all. Perhaps we can still find a formula which, in the basic industries at least, will eliminate the evils of destructive competition while securing an adjustment that may be expected to stabilize employment and mass purchasing power." B & K to Ask Additional Time for Suit's Answer (Continued from Page 1) tuted recently by local indies, largely Illinois Allied affiliates. Rumors that B & K might seek an out of court settlement were met here yesterday with the statement that Weymouth Kirkland, senior member of Kirkland, Fleming, Green, Martin and Ellis, attorneys representing the circuit, was now active in the case, and that preparation of the defense was well in hand. B & K's counsel will oppose the application for a temporary injunction, made by the plaintiffs, end returnable for argument before Judge Wilkerson on Saturday. Unseld In B & H Ad Post Chicago — Robert H. Unseld, a former American Vice-Consul in Surabaya, Java, has been appointed assistant advertising manager of Bell & Howell. « « « » » » Flitter' s $100,000 Walter Futter was taking no chances on a possible bank moratorium in London in the event that the recent crisis in Europe had not ended peacefully, according to Allyn Butterfield, Pathe News' managing editor, just back from abroad. Futter carried around $100,000 in a money belt, Butterfield said.