The Film Daily (1938)

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TNI DAILY Wednesday, October 12, 193 NO ADVANCE REFORM PLAN GOES TO D OF J (Continued from Page 1) last week that his association was willing to join in the sessions, but added that the "only condition to this is that, in the nature of the case, we cannot agree to any proposals that would not be acceptable to the Department of Justice." Clarification of Allied's position, in the light of Myers' proviso, is expected at the meeting of its directorate next Monday. Board meets to act formally on the invitation to participate in the reform discussions. Conference quarters in this city are yet to be determined, it was said yesterday, and may not bie until William F. Rodgers returns to New York early next week from Minneapolis. No decision has been reached as to whether the parleys will be behind closed doors or open to representatives of the trade press. Matter may be left to the discretion of the conferees, it was said yesterday. "Letty Lynton" Plagiarism Hearing Shifted to Oct. 21 (Continued from Page 1) M-G-M, was postponed until 10.30 a.m., Oct. 21. Hearings currently are concerned with determination of damages suffered by the plaintiff, and are legal steps pursuant to the decision rendered on Aug. 4, 1936, in U. S. District Court by Federal Judge Knox who held that the literary property of Sheldon and Barnes, "Dishonored Lady," was plagiarized by the defense. Hammons Will Negotiate With Several British Cos. (Continued from Page 1) during E. W. Hammons' stay in England. The G. N. prexy sails today on the Normandie, accompanied by Jack Barnstyn, foreign manager. Hammons expects to go to Hollywood for production conferences shortly after he returns to the U. S. late this month. Jack Skirball will be in executive charge during Hammons' trip abroad. WEDDING BELLS Pittsburgh— Dorothy Alexander, daughter of James Alexander, local franchise holder and branch manager for Republic Pictures, was married to Francis Bright, of this city. The newlyweds are honeymooning in Washington. SHORT SHOTS fROfll EflSTCRII STUDIOS ^^^== By SID WEISS =^^==^ WAITH the Floyd Gibbons' thriller series set as a solid shorts attraction and Ira Genet's new color series "Mechanix, Illustrated" proving another spellbinder, it appears that Sam Sax has picked his third winner in a row in the Grouch Club. This group, which has cut a fancy figure in West Coast broadcasting circles, definitely reveals celluloid possibilities and Lloyd French made the most of it in a recently completed short. Honors must also go to Arthur Q. . Bryan, air announcer, making his movie debut in the short. In a word, he's a riot. Both the William K. Howard-Bernard J. Steele picture and the Dudley Murphy -Harold Orlob production are running along smoothly at the Astoria studios, both well within their schedule. In the former are Wallace Ford, Stu Erwin, Aline McMahon and Patricia Ellis. Hal Mohr and Bill Kelly are in charge of the camera. Johnny Walker is production manager and Harold Godsoe is assisting Howard in the direction. Featured in ". . .one third of a nation. . ." are Sylvia Sidney, Leif Erikson, Hiram Sherman and Muriel Hutcheson. Bill Miller and Eddie Hyland are at the camera and Saul Harrison is assisting Murphy. # * * On and off the sets. . . .Joe Bannon, casting director on the Astoria lot, has a memory like an elephant — only he's got something to remember! . . .Seldom drops a bet where memory is involved. . . .Eddie Forman and Jack Henley are collabing on a Henry Armetta story ■ — his last in the East for some time. . . Things are booming so well with the Eastern Service studios that they were forced to build sets at the Film Art studios for overflow production. . . .And back-to-farm advocates: Aline MacMahon, who has hers in Croton, N. Y. . . .Eddie Senz, crack makeup man, is doing the Sam Harris show when he's not on the Bill Howard set. . . .Fred Reil, another veteran, is now with Harold Orlob. . . .Cy Wood is working on a story for the Harvest Moon dancers. . . .Johnny Hans, who used to shoot stills for Henry King, is with the ". . . .one third of a nation. . . ." unit and is turning out some grand work. . . .Most of his shots look more like portraits than stills. . . . * * * Production notes. . . .Roy Mack makes a Woody Herman short on the 13th. . . .Clyde McCoy starts on the nth with Joe Henabery directing. . . . Lloyd French is down on the 19th with Henry Armetta. . . .On the 25th, Mack will do one with the Harvest Moon dancers. Jim Barton, pal of Bill Howard, was on the set the other day and kept the cast in a constant howl most of the afternoon recounting stories as only Barton can . . . . Incidentally, Wally Ford is no mean story-teller himself and his take-off on the Hitler proclamation is a classic. . . Johnny Walker, associate producer of the pix, is running into a series of tough breaks ... No sooner had his eye healed from a cut requiring six stitches than he cut it again in a bad fall calling for additional needlework. Screen Jumbo, New Game, Demonstrated for Exhibs. Some 75 theatermen attended the demonstration showing of Screen Jumbo yesterday afternoon in the Lincoln Room of the Hotel Lincoln, Eighth Ave. at 43rd St. Device, invented by Samuel Licht, president of Samuel Licht Enterprises of 351 West 44th St., is capable of projecting on a screen a circular field of assorted numbers, which, when motivated by air pressure, circulated in shuffling patterns before audiences. A mechanical "slot" is used to segregate the numbers one at a time. Latter never repeat during the screen game. Screen Jumbo, pursuant to the "slot" selection of numbers, is played like several other screen games, since a block of 25 numbers appear on a card with the numeric square made up of five numbers to a side. Licht's organization is retaining the New York territorial rights, with remaining territories nationally open. Rodgers and Myers May Film Trade Reforms Today (Continued from Page 1) are expected to be of national significance and are eagerly awaited by the several hundred exhibs. and exchange men now assembled here. Opening session of the convention yesterday afternoon followed a morning on the Cascade Hills Club links. The showmen were welcomed by Mayor George W. Welsh, with President Ray Branch responding. Branch and Treasurer Edgar Kirchner submitted their reports. Allen Johnson of Grand Rapids was named chairman of the Resolutions Committee, Fred Pennell, Decatur, chairman of the Membership Committee, and Kirchner, chairman of the Credentials Committee. Conventioneers saw a screening of Metro's "Stablemates" last night. S. CALIF. ITO ASKS OCT. 24 PARLEY DAT!! (Continued from Page 1) with the distributors' committe headed by Sidney R. Kent. Galston has sent the fol1^. nnj telegram to William F. Rodgers Metro sales head, who extended th invitations on behalf of the Ken committee: "We are very pleased with pro posed conferences to be held in Ne\> York and are particularly impressei that you are a member of tha committee. We in Southern Califor nia have advocated just such a plai many months ago. We sincerely be lieve that only through such a plai can a better relationship be estab lished in the industry between ex! hibitor and distributor. Thanks foil your invitation to this trade confer ence. We will be represented bjl Robert Poole, our general manager' and myself on Monday, Oct. 24 Please confirm date and place oJ| meeting. Kindest regards." Babb Joins Filmack Chicago — Kroger Babb, advertising director for Chakeres-Warner theaters in Ohio the past four years, now heads the advertising department of the Filmack Trailer Co. FPC Leads Move to End Giveaways, Jump Admish (Continued from Page 1) aways and is also pioneering the step for increases in admissior prices. A survey establishes that gift nights have become burdensome, particularly in western parts It was -found that 15 of the 23 neighborhood houses in Winnipeg were giving premiums and these are being voluntarily eliminated. No general move is being taken for increased admissions in the Province of Ontario because of assurances to the Government that scales would not be raised following the abolishment of the amusements tax last year. Elsewhere, however, there has been a stiffening of prices, notably in Montreal and Winnipeg. Policies of two Ottawa first-run houses have been changed but this did not bring about ticket increases, it is pointed out. Eastman Gets Injunction First contested suit over the FeldCrawford act in the photographic industry resulted this week in the granting by Justice Edgar J. Lauer in local Supreme Court of an injunction restraining Foto Shops, Inc., of 136 West 32nd St., from selling products of Eastman Kodak Co. in violation of the fair trade law. Legislation is designed to restrain! price cutting. Sweet Solution Cleveland — Nabe exhib. faced with the problem of juve patrons who habitually remained through three or four shows on Sunday, found his solution in a slide reading: "Any child leaving the theater at this time will be presented with a five cent candy bar on his way out."