The Film Daily (1938)

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10 WE DAILY Wednesday, October 12, 1938 A "mU" from Hollywood "£ots f* HOLLYWOOD Editing "Little Orphan Annie" JOHN SPEAKS' picture "Little * Orphan Annie" is now in the process of being edited. Ben Holmes directed and Paramount will release. The picture stars Ann Gillis who played Becky Thatcher in "Tom Sawyer." Speaks is now preparing the screenplay to the Collier's Magazine story "Melody Morgan" by Richard Wormser. He expects to have it ready for an early production. T T T Jester Gets S-I Space Ralph Jester has taken space at Selznick International's where he is now preparing "The Good Samaritan." Dana Burnett is working on the story and production will start in about two weeks. To Shoot All-Negro Western Hollywood Productions, with headquarters at 2510 South Central Avenue, goes on location to Victorville, where it will shoot an all-negro Western titled "The Bronze Buckaroo," staring Herbert Jeffrey and Mantan Moreland. On completion of the feature, "Harlem Rides the Range" will go in work with Jeffrey and Moreland starring. Richard Kahn will direct. Distribution will be handled by Sack Amusement Enterprises through their exchanges in Chicago, Atlanta and Dallas. WHO'S WHO IN HOLLYWOOD • • • Introducing Interesting Personalities: No. 197 • • • • • • Introducing Interesting Personalities: No. 198 • • © QAVID HEMPSTEAD. Born Oct. 2, Salt Lake City, son of a former U. S. ■■' Assistant Attorney-General. Attended Westminster Collegiate Institute. Took his A.B. degree at the University of Michigan. Career actually began at Michigan, where for three years in succession he wrote the book and lyrics for undergrad musical comedies. First spot in pictures followed the sale of a screen yarn. Subsequently became a producer at RKO. Then moved to 20th Century-Fox as assistant to Nunnally Johnson. Now on Darryl F. Zanuck's staff as an associate-producer. Within the last year has produced "Happy Landing," "Little Miss Broadway," "Just Around the Corner," "Straight, Place and Show," and his studio's new political satire and football opus, "Hold That Co-Ed." At present is preparing latest Sonja Henie vehicle, a j|4.3 musical for Alice Faye and Don Ameche, and a film to star Nancy Kelly, new 20th Century-Fox discovery. Married to the former Eleanor Avery, he lives with his wife and two children, Avery ■» and David, IV, in Beverly Hills. Admits that his favorite indoor sport is viewing approximately 50,000 feet of film each week. Another Acting Ameche the musical comedy version of "The Jimmy Ameche, younger brother i Three Musketeers," in which Don of 20th Century-Fox star, Don ' Ameche is starred with the Ritz Ameche, who took over the latter s Brothers, radio work in Chicago when Don j went to Hollywood, now appears to j be following even more closely in ' Binnie Larnes Cast his brother's footsteps. Screen test Binnie Barnes will have an imed by his brother's studio, Jimmy j portant featured role supporting is now being sought for a role in | Warner Baxter and Loretta Young Para. Purchases $977,000 of Its 3!4% Debentures (Continued from Paye \) bentures, due in 1947 and during the period from Sept. 1 to Sept. 30, it purchased, $40,000 more of the debentures. Paramount also purchased from a consolidated subsidiary $740,000 of the debentures. The transaction reduced their outstanding debentures from $12,507,200 to $11,529,200 at the end of Sept., 1938. Randolph Operating Co. was reported dissolved by Paramount in special report of changes and Jackson Tennessee Enterprises, Inc., stock was transferred to an affiliated company, not controlled by Paramount. "Gay Nineties" Clicks Astor Pictures' "Gay Nineties" is reported to be doing big business at RKO Terminal Theater, Newark. Not an Educator Minneapolis — A drive to place John P. Devaney, Northwest Allied chief consul and former chief justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court in the presidency of the University of Minnesota to replace the late President Coffman, who died recently, was nipped in the very start by Devaney's statement that he was a lawyer and not an educator. Rep. Talking Sponsorship Deal for Autry on Air (Continued from Paye 1) ing role. Negotiations for a sponsor are in progress. Rift of a few months ago twixt Republic and Autry is reported to have occurred partially because the star felt that he might be more gainfully employed on the radio if that field were opened up to him in conjunction with his movie activities. Pam-O-Film Gets Pix Deal has been closed by Pam-OFilm Exchange, Inc., of Buffalo, to handle Select Attractions releases in the upstate New York territory, it was learned yesterday. "Moonlight Sonata," "Money," "The Glory Of Faith," "The Slipper Episode" and "Spy Of Napoleon," as well as several travelogues will be handled under terms of the deal. Distribution rights for the up-state New York territory to "Son Of The Sheik" have also been closed by the exchange. Use Premiums in Chicago Chicago — Schoenstadt Circuit, which has reopened the Crane, Crown and Archer theaters is now using some form of premium in practically all 15 houses. Gutlohn Gets 16 mm. Rights To Strand Film Co. Product Exclusive distribution rights in the United States and Canada has been granted to Walter O. Gutlohn, Inc., for the 16 mm. sound and silent films produced by Strand Film Co., Ltd., it was announced yesterday by Harry A. Kapit, president of W. O. Gutlohn, who recently returned from Europe. Distribution deal for the 16 mm. sound and silent films of Educational and General Services, Ltd., has also been closed, Kapit announced. At the same time, reciprocal agreements were signed with these companies for distribution of Gutlohn films in England and on the continent. Kapit expressed the opinion that the documentary and educational films produced in England x-anked with the best productions along these lines in this country. Legi ion Post to Install Boston — Annual dinner-dance and installation of officers of the Lt.. A. Vernon MacCauley (theatrical) Post of the American Legion will be held at the Copley Plaza Hotel on Oct. 25. Joseph Kantor is chairman of the entertainment committee and Kenneth Forky is general chairman. in "Wife, Husband and Friend," 20th Century-Fox announces. T T T Sam Wood Off for Englan^ \ "Good-bye, Mr. Chips" wliFbe the next Metro production to be made in England. Robert Donat, who recently completed the male starring role, opposite Rosalind Russell, in "The Citadel," will star in "Good-bye, Mr. Chips" and Sam Wood will be the director. To start preparations for the picture, Director Wood will leave California today sailing for England early next week. Ben Goetz, company production head in London, is flying East today and will precede Wood abroad. Lantz Buys Kalmar-Ruby Song Walter Lantz has purchased the popular song, "I'm Just a Jitterbug," from its publishers, Kalmar and Ruby. The song will furnish the theme for Lantz's forthcoming Jitterbug cartoon which will bear the same title as the song. "First Co-ed" for Goldwyn "The First Co-Ed," an original screenplay by Mary McCall, Jr., and Stanley Rauh, has been purchased by Samuel Goldwyn, it was announced today. Andrea Leeds has been awarded the title role, with Joel McCrea as her leading man. Set Grand National's First Two Pix to be Made Here (Continued from Paye 1) of production, expects to have the shooting schedule completed before returning to the Coast in about 10 days. Production on "Exile Express," starring Anna Sten, gets under way in about two weeks at the Hollywood studios. GOP Nominee Owns House Utica — Julius Rothstein of this city, Republican nominee for Attorney-General, owns the Avon Theater building here and was formerly financially interested in film biz. Avon is under lease to Warners. League Sent to Syracuse Syracuse — Walter League of Gloveisville has arrived to manage the RKO-Schine Strand. For Souls At Sea London (By Cable) — Announcement is made here that when the new liner Mauretania sets out on her maiden voyage next summer she will have three pix theaters, one for each class of passenger, — cabin, tourist and third class. In cabin class will be a proscenium as large as in many theaters ashore, it is declared.