The Film Daily (1938)

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romotional iver received! ever in all motion picture history have any iut the most important feature attractions leen given such nation-wide plugging! . . Stories, articles, art and pictorial layouts, ditorials and fashion announcements in magzines whose NET PAID CIRCULATIONS TOTAL 5,542,945! Look at the list already committed: IFE . . PHOTOPLAY . . CUE . . SCREEN GUIDE . . OGUE . . MICKEY MOUSE MAGAZINE.. LOOK.. lcCALLS..HARPER'SBAZAAR..STAGE..YOUNG IMERICA . . MOVIE LIFE . . LIBERTY. .WOMAN'S )AY. . MOVIE STORY. .THEATRE ARTS. . SCHOLASTIC . . ROCKEFELLER CENTER WEEKLY. Add to this a total of sixty-four licensees signed up for one hundred and two separate articles of merchandise. Big window displays everywhere. Big fashion parades in department stores. A PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN THAT CAN BE COMPARED ONLY WITH "SNOW WHITE:7 EADING FIRST RUNS EVERYWHERE!