The Film Daily (1938)

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M 21? 44TH Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought FILE COPY OO ISJOT REMOVE The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old ^n. vo NO. 99 NEW YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1938 TEN CENTS Korda Concentrates on Production Under LF's Reorg. MSTRll., ALLIED JGREE ON REFORMS Para. Nets $1,876,469 in 9 Mos., $650,658 in Quart. Compares With $6,696,000 and $2,398,000, Respectively, in 1937 Paramount estimates its earnings after interest and all charges for the third quarter ended Oct. 1, at $650,658. This amount includes $495,000, representing Paramount's direct and indirect net interest as a stockholder in the combined undistributed earnings for the quarter of partially owned non-consolidated subsidiaries, also $233,000 profit on purchase of debentures of Paramount Pictures Inc. Computed on the same basis, earnings for the 9 months ended Oct. 1, are estimated at $1,876,469, includ(Continued on Page 8) JACK COHN WILL TALK NEW DEAL WITH ASHER Discussion of a new contract with Irving Asher, who is producing quota pix for Columbia in England, outlines for a new British program and a general survey of the European situation are the principal purposes of Jack Cohn's trip to Europe, the Columbia viee-prexy, told The Film {Continued on Page 4) Montague Goldman Quits Paramount British Post Paramount's home office announced yesterday the receipt of a cable from John W. Hicks, vicepresident in charge of company's foreign department and acting head (C.'J tinned on Page 4) Bernstein and Maj. Warner Will Head Charities Drive David Bernstein and Maj Albert Warner will again head the Motion Picture and Theatrical division of the 1938 campaign of the New York {Continued on Page 8) THE WEEK IN REVIEW MPTOA, SMPE Meet ■ By GEORGE H. MORRIS DOMESTIC Five sectors of the nation, — Oklahoma City, Detroit, Chicago, Hollywood and New York, — vied with one another in the supply of headline happenings. In first of these sectors MPTOA held its four-day 18th annual convention at the Biltmore Hotel from Sunday to Wednesday, inclusive. Topic of trade practice reforms was chief highlight, principally expounded by William F. Rodgers who gave assurance that this step will set a new milestone in industry affairs. Plans, he said, have been approved by all parties concerned, but he did not divulge details. SMPE's Fall convention at De (Continued on Page 11) Freeman Huddles at Coast With Execs, on New Berth West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— With Y. Frank Freeman, heretofore Para.'s vice-president in charge of theater operations, shifted to the studio as the corporation's rep, it is anticipated here (Continued on Page 8) Oral Understanding to be Reduced to Writing — Resume MPTOA, Indie Talks This Week— " Early Completion Seen By CHESTER B. BAHN Trade reforms, long agitated by U. S. exhib. interests, today appeared heading down the home stretch, with a program at once acceptable to MPTOA, Allied States and representative indie units definitely in prospect. An "oral agreement in principle" was reached with Allied States at a conference between representatives of national Allied and the distributors' negotiating committee in Chicago on Friday. Formal announcement to that effect by William F. Rodgers, Metro sales chief and spokesman for the distribs.' committee, followed exclusive publication in this paper on Friday of a report that the committee previously had accepted a majority of the trade reforms sought by the MPTOA. Early Completion Forecast The agreement "in principle" with Allied, it was stated, is "subject to the reducing of such agreements to (Continued on Page 8) $276,965 HART BALM VERDICT FACES FIGHT O'Brien, Driscoll & Raftery, counsels for United Artists, declared on the week-end that appeal will be taken from the jury verdict returned in Supreme Court, New York County, on Friday in favor of William S. Hart and Mary Hart, copartners, doing business as The Wil (Continned on Page 8) Grand National Foreign Deals Set by Barnstyn Foreign distribution deals for Grand National Pictures have been closed in the majority of important territories, and within a short time the company will have representa(Continued on Page 4) Coming Reorg. of London Films Will See Company Divided Into Two Units 24 "All-American" Shorts to be Made by FitzPatrick A series of 24 "all-American" travelogues in Technicolor covering both North and South America will be made by James A. FitzPatrick during the next two years for M-G-M release, the producer told (Continued on Page 11) Complete reorganization of London Films will be undertaken in the near future, with the company split into two separate units, one a production division headed by Korda, and the second a financing and studio operating company with Prudential Assurance, Ltd., the financial sponsor, Stephen Pallos, general sales manager for LF, told The (Continued on Page 4) URGES EXHIBS. SPEND MORE IN NEWSPAPERS Advocating that exhibitors allocate a larger percentage of their advertising budgets to newspapers, and drop scatteration practices which deprive them of greater revenue, S. Charles Einfeld, director of publicity-advertising-exploitation for War(Continued on Page 8) Ultra-High Frequency May Solve Tele Network Puzzle NBC is reported considering the employment of an ultra-high frequency above the band now in use for experimental telecasts to trans (Continued on Page 4)