The Film Daily (1938)

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Monday, November 14, 1938 Vol. 74, No. 104 Mon., Nov. 14, 1938 10 Cents JOHN W. AL1COATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Ceneral Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer; Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Rauchstr, 4. Palis — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. f innnciflL (Friday, Armistice Day, being a holiday, the New York exchanges were closed) . 30 French, North African Houses Install WE Sound New contracts have recently been signed for Western Electric equipment in 30 theaters in France and in North Africa, according to a recent report by Societe De Materiel Acoustique, Inc., distributors of Western Electric Sound Systems. Two of these, the Loetitia and Ajaccio, and the Palmarium, Tunis, opened last week. Mono, in Circuit Deals Cleveland — Nat Schultz, local Mono, franchise owner, reports 100 per cent 1938-39 deals have been closed with the Schine circuit involving 13 houses in Ohio and with the Community Circuit involving 10 Cleveland houses. Altec Signs Malco Malco Theaters, Inc., of North Little Rock, Ark., has contracted for Altec service for 50 theaters located in Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi. PROGRESS FILM LIBRARY STOCK SHOTS of Every Possible Description Conveniently Catalogued. 729 SEVENTH AVE. N.Y.C , BRYANT 9S600 H The Broadway Parade ® Picture and Distributor . . Theater Men With Wings (Paramount Pictures) — 3rd week Paramount The Citadel (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) — 2nd week Capitol The Young in Heart (United Artists-Selznick) — 2nd week Music Hall Brother Rat (Warner Bros. Pictures) — 2nd week Strand That Certain Age (Universal Pictures) — 2nd week Roxy Vacation from Love (Metro-Coldwyn-Mayer) Criterion Tarnished Angel (RKO Radio Pictures) Rialto Hard to Get (Warner Bros. Pictures) Rivoli Cangster's Boy (Monogram Pictures) — 2nd week (a) Globe Gun-Packer (Monogram Pictures) — 2nd week (a) Globe Black Bandit (Universal Pictures) (a) Central Hoosier Schoolboy (Monogram Pictures) (a-b) Central Suez (20th Century-Fox) (a-b) Palace Swing that Cheer (Universal Pictures) (a) Palace ♦ TWO-A-DAY RUN ♦ Marie Antoinette (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) — 12th week Astor ♦ FOREIGN LANGUAGE FEATURES ♦ Grand Illusion (World Pictures) — 9th week Filmarte The Story of a Cheat (Gallic Films) — 8th week 5th Ave. Playhouse Lily of Killarney (Wm. Alexander) — 4th week Squire Professor Mamlock (Amkino) — 2nd week Cameo Ballerina (Mayer-Burstyn) Little Carnegie Wild Innocents (Herman Garfield) (a) Belmont A Waltz — by Strauss (Arthur Ziehm) (a) Belmont The 39 Steps (Gaumont British) (a-d) 55th St. Playhouse To the Victor (Gaumont British) (a-d) 55th St. Playhouse Adventures of Chico (Woodard Productions) — 3rd week (a-b) .....World Peg of Old Drury (Inter-Atlied) (a-b) ...World ♦ FUTURE OPENINGS ♦ Arkansas Traveler (Paramount Pictures) — Nov. 16 , Paramount Sixty Glorious Years (RKO Radio-Wilcox) — Nov. 17 Music Hall Submarine Patrol (20th Century-Fox) — Nov. 18 Roxy Little Tough Guys in Society (Universal Pictures) — Nov. 18 Rivoli Angels With Dirty Faces (Warner Bros. Pictures) — Nov. 25 Strand The Shining Hour (Metro-Goldwyn) Capitol Mr. Wong, Detective (Monogram Pictures) (c) Globe Say It in French (Paramount Pictures) (e) Paramount Sisters (Warner Bros. Pictures) — Nov. 17 (a-b) Palace Torchy Gets Her Man (Warner Bros. Pictures) (a) Palace (a) Double bill. (b) Subsequent run. (c) Follows current bill. (d) Revival. (e) Follows "Arkansas Traveler." Gov t Theory ... figure it out (Continued from Page 1) distribution on the one hand or monopoly on the other." — • — XA/HEN the Government's equity suit was brought in July, there was at least a hint that the Department of Justice would not be too cool to consent decree overtures. Which makes all the more interesting, yes, and significant, Arnold's theory just quoted. Motion pictures like autos are "common goods." As the New York World Telegram points out, Arnold's theory, carried to its conclusion, would "stem enterprise, paralyze initiative, instill hopelessness in anyone who thought he could create and distribute something better and cheaper than the other fellow. It would dull the ambitious and coddle the incompetent. . . . What is proposed is an economic narcotic." Correct. And if the Justice Department is permitted to give this industry an over-dose, the result will be fatal. For in this business perhaps more than any other, "salesmanship is distribution" and distribution is prosperity. Krugman In Philly Post Saul Krugman, former assistant to Edward L. Alperson under the old Grand National setup, has been appointed GN branch manager in Philadelphia, effective immediately. Westerns Are First Choice of British Juve Audiences London (By Cable) — Checkup by Odeon circuit of juveniles' taste in pix establishes that Westerns are still tops with British kiddies, with adventure pix a second choice. With reference to newsreels, survey showed that 83 per cent of the. tots like them as a whole and 53 per cent boo foreign dictators. Cartoons in color are preferred to black and white product, and 97 per cent of the youngsters prefer Mickey Mouse to Silly Symphonies. Top stars with the juves are Buck Jones, 26 per cent; Shirley Temple, 17 per cent; Jane Withers, 12 per cent; Tim McCoy, 11 per cent. V. C.'s McArthur Day Detroit — Variety Club will mark McArthur Day today, with George McArthur, theater supply dealer, as guest of honor. Variety's annual Keno Party will be held Nov. 19, in the Book Cadillac's Crystal Ballroom. Charles C. Berry of the Adams Theater is general chairman. cominc mid come MRS. ESTELLE GERMAN, wife of William J German, vice-president and general manage of J. E. Brulatour, has returned from Europi after a six weeks' vacation. HERBERT J. YATES expects to leav<( /; the Coast shortly. gT SAM SMITH, managing director of Britisl Lion, WILLIAM CELL, managing director o Pathe Films, Ltd., and ARTHUR LEVEY, Mono gram's British representative, sailed for Eng land Saturday on the Normandie. WILLIAM A. SEITER, director, and MRS SEITER, sailed Friday on the Santa Elena for ; vacation cruise. MARC LACHMAN, national exploitatioi manager for 20th-Fox, left the Coast by plane yesterday for Louisville, Ky., to work on campaign for "Kentucky." He is expecrei to arrive back at the home office tomorrow MACK CORDON and HARRY REVEL, song writers, arrive in New York this morning fron the Coast. FRANK LLOYD, producer and director fo Paramount, and MRS. LLOYD, arrived in New York Saturday on the Oslojo Oslofjord after ; European vacation trip. HARRY MICHALSON, short subjects sale manager for RKO, and WALTER BRANSON Midwestern division manager, are in Kansa City for conferences with sales forces in tha territory. MORT BLUMENSTOCK, in charge of advertis ing and publicity for Warners in the East sailed Saturday for a two-week cruise in th< Caribbean. MRS. FLOREINCE MARSTON, Eastern hea. of SAG, left over the week-end for St. Loui to attend the AFRA convention there. WOLFE COHEN, Canadian district manage for Warners, is here from his headquarters Toronto for conferences at the home office. BEN KALMENSON, Western and Souther sales manager for Warners, left New York fc Chicago over the week-end. PAUL TURNER, Actors' Equity counsel, is i St. Louis to attend the AFRA convention. NORMAN H. MORAY, Vitaphone sales man ager, leaves tonight for visits to Chicago, Pitts burgh and Cleveland. DOROTHY LAMOUR, Paramount star, has ar rived from the Coast for a six-day vacatioi here. GILBERT MILLER, producer, ALBERT PRE JEAN, French actor, ANDRE DAVEN, Frencl director, and GEORGE BLACK, JR., theatrica producer, sailed Saturday on the Normandie. NANCY KELLY, 20th-Fox player, arrives hen this week for the opening of "Submarin Patrol." MISS WELLS HILLS, cashier of the Chad wick Theater, Suffolk, Va., is honeymoonin; in New York with her husband, WILLIAN POWELL, also of Suffolk. UA Board Meets Today United Artists' board of directors is scheduled to meet this morning. Session is expected to be limited to i outine business. FFE at 545 Fifth Ave. Leo Malchin has leased space at 545 Fifth Ave. for exec, offices of the French Film Exchange. UA Sets Public-Kincey United Artists has closed a sea sonal product deal with the Publix Kincey Circuit. The deal was con summated by Harry Gold, Davii Prince and Jay Schrader, represent ing United Artists and H. F. Kin cey, representing the Publix chain Roman Rebush and L. Landy of Collective Film Producers ANNOUNCE THE PRODUCTION OF KOHL-NIDRE (IN U. S. A.) Vilner Balabesl (In Poland) Starring Moishe Oysher