The Film Daily (1938)

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New United Artists-Selznick Contract Almost Set k \\ Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought M (See Column 1 Below) The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old -WAILY Y==,. 74, NO. 114 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1938 TEN CENTS Safe J Heads May Complete Trade Reform Draft Today MAJORSHLE BRIEFS INTERNMENT EQUIJY SUIT Oregon Exhibs. to Fight Adverse Bank Night Decision "Inconvenience" of Non-Patrons Forms "Consideration," Court Observes Portland, Ore. — Ruling by Circuit Court Judge Robert Tucker that bank night constitutes a lottery under this state's laws will be immediately appealed to the Supreme Court, it is announced by counsel for Carl R. McFadden of the Laurelhurst Theater and other suburban houses. Judge Tucker's ruling sustained the demurrer of District Attorney James T. Bain. It was the contention of the exhibitors that bank nights, which (Continued on Page 6) UA-SELZlCKDEAL VIRTUALLY CERTAIN That Selznick International will sign a new distribution deal with United Artists in the near future is practically a certainty, it was indicated by David O. Selznick, S-I prexy, when he trained out for Hol (Contimted on Page 3) Freeman Leaves to Assume New Paramount Studio Post Y. Frank Freeman left for the Coast last night on the Century to take over his new duties as Paramount's home office contact at the studios. His former post as head (Continued on Page 6) 51 Pix Shooting West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Fifty-cne pictures are in production with Warner Bros, leading with 10. M-G-M has nine in work. Paramount is making seven; 20th Century-Fox and RKO, four each; Columbia and Universal, three each. Republic is making two. Small, Wanger, Goldwyn, Roach, Monogram, Lesser, Frenke, Katzman and Cinema Arts are down for one each. Stockholders Would Block Pathe Action Action was started yesterday in New York Supreme Court by 16 stockholders of Pathe Film Corp. for an injunction to block the stockholders meeting called by the directors to act on a resolution providing that certain assets of the corporation be transferred to a new firm to be organized by Pathe. Litigation was filed in the name of Anna Bashlow, representing 16 stockholders, who hold a total of 2,254 shares of stock in Pathe Film Corp. If is charged that the return would be inadequate and that the transaction generally is unfavorable to interests of the stockholders. Under Pathe plan, certain assets of the company would be transferred to a new company in return for $540,000 in debenture bonds. Efforts to obtain a statement from Pathe last night were unavailing. 2 Major Technical Limitations Still Held Bar to Rapid Tele Development Bill of Particulars Motion Is Backed by 35 Separate Requests All important defendants, with the single exception of United Artists, filed briefs yesterday in Federal Court in the equity action brought by the Government against "Two major technical limitations still act as a deterrent to the rapid establishment of television on a national basis," warns Dr. W. R. G. Baker, chairman of the management committee of GE's radio and television division, in a statement ad dressed to the company's field employes. These limitations, says Dr. Baker, are: "First, we do not know as yet how economically to 'pipe' programs (Continued on Page 6) M.[P. Art Fund to Aid Refugees Via Raffle Feb. 1 2 Motion Picture Art Fund for German Refugees was selected yesterday as the name of the organization of home office art directors and advertising and publicity representatives which has pledged itself to raise funds for refugee relief. Funds are to be raised by a nationwide raffle of paintings contributed by famous artists. The raffle is to be held Feb. 12. Yesterday's meeting was held at Sardi's with Al Margolies as temporary chairman. At the suggestion of Morris Helperin, head of the financial commit (Continued on Page 6) Final Trade Reform Draft May be Set for Submission to Exhibs. Tomorrow Chicago Anti-Trust Case Continued Until Thursday Chicago — Arguments were continued yesterday until Thursday in the criminal contempt proceedings instituted by the government against Balaban & Katz and all the major distributors except Columbia in the (Continued on Page 6) Consolidated draft of the fair trade practice plans is expected to be completed today when major company sales managers hold what is believed to be the final meeting on the issue. It was reported reliably yesterday that the plan will be ready for submission to the various exhibitor units by tomorrow. Acceptance of the plan depends on (Continued on Page 3) Washington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — Department of Justice is now shooting for a January trial of the Government's Neiv York equity suit, it ivas reported here yeslerdav. the film industry. The briefs presented requests and arguments in support of defendants' motion for (Continued on Page 3) COLUMBIA QUARTERLY LOSS AT $233,612 Columbia Pictures and subsidiaries for the 13 weeks ended Sept. 24 last report a net loss of $233,612.50, according to a consolidated statement issued yesterday. Figure includes operations of the foreign subsidiary (Continued on Page 6) All Directors Re-elected by United Artists Theaters All directors of United Artists Theater Circuit, Inc., were re-elected yesterday at the annual stockhold (Continued on Page 6) Slant on Chi. IQ Chicago — Each Chicagoan spends about one cent daliy for movies as compared with daily expenditures of two and onethird cents for radio, one and one-half cents for newspapers and magazines, six cents for gambling and eight cents for liquor, according to an elaborate survey conducted under the direction of Dr. Arthur J. Todd, chairman of the sociology department of Northwestern University.