The Film Daily (1938)

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.v) i > i > m m J< i J i s t 2U W 4 4TH ST Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought =£= D VOL. 74, NO. 123 NEW YORK. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1938 TEN CENTS ' ii .1! Paramount to Complete all British Plans This Week MAXIMUM 20TH-FOX CONCESSIONS IN DRAFT Korda Here to Study Possibility of U. S. Production London Films Head May Make "Pocahontas" as First Effort in U. S. Alexander Korda's plans for production in Hollywood are not so , clearly defined as have been indicated, the London Films head said Friday upon his arrival from England on the Aquitania. Korda said he, w' o u 1 d study the p o s sibilities and benefits of producing in the U. S. during his month's stay (Continued on Page 11) ALEXANDER KORDA LOBBY "STORES" UP AT MEMPHIS PARLEY Memphis, Tenn. — Operation of concessions in theater lobbies is scheduled for discussion and consideration by the MPTO of Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee at its annual convention at the Hotel Gayoso here today. P. M. Jackson, operating the (Continued on Page 11) Ruling on Motion in B-K Contempt Case on Jan. 16 Chicago — Federal Judge Charles Woodward has under advisement until Jan. 16 the defense motion for a bill of particulars in the Govern (Coniinued on Page 10) Ben Bernie Luncheon Will Highlight Charity Drive A luncheon in honor of Ben Bernie, sponsored by Eddie Cantor, at the Hotel Astor next Monday, will be (Continued on Page 10) 1,371 Film, Theaters in Australia Today Sydney (By Cable) — Year-end survey shows 1,371 pix theaters now operating here. Total seating capacity is 1,100,000. Native production for 1938 stands at eight features. American films continue to dominate the market, with closest competition from British product. Bondy Will Modify '34 RKO Order If Consistent With Chandler Act Federal Judge William Bondy, at a hearing on the RKO reorg. plan in chambers Friday, declared he would grant modification of that section of the order signed in 1934 by Federal Judge Coxe relating to the manner in which stockholders' consents shall be filed. The Court stipulated, however, that its granting is predicated upon whether it is consistent with the Chandler Act, and, further, practicable under the meaning and spirit of that Act. The order of Judge Coxe provided that certificates must be presented with consents. The motion for modification had been made at a previous hearing by (Continued on Page 4) THE WEEK IN REVIEW Trade Reforms in Draft Form — 20th-Fox in France Bv GEORGE H. MORRIS — DKMWSTJC TRADE REFORMS: (New York) Text of a memorandum covering understandings reached in principle at confabs between distrib. and exhib. trade practice negotiating committees was issued to interested participating bodies and exclusively published in the East by The Film Daily as the week opened. Memo (Continued FOREIGN DISTRIBUTION: (Rome) Four U. S. major distribs.— UA, RKO, Universal and Columbia, — were notified of six-months extension of Government decree, exempting them from ENIC provision. Move was regarded by observers as an attempt of Fascist officials to drive a wedge into the united American front been Page 11) Hicks and Rose Arrive for Confabs/ Graham's Successor to be Announced Film Execs. Among 1,000 at Philly's V. C. Dinner Philadelphia — With over 1,000 in attendance last night, the Philly Variety Club dinner was the largest affair of its kind that has ever been (Continued on Page 9) Details relative to Paramount's exact English production plans and the appointment of a successor to John Cecil Graham as managing director for Paramount in the United Kingdom are expected to be announced following executive sessions in New York this week, it was said (Continued on Page 4) 20th-Fox Prexy Confident Exhibs. Will Okay Reform Outline By HOLLIS KENNAHAN FILM DAILY Staff Writer Sidney R. Kent, 20th-Fox prexy and chairman of the distributors' negotiating committee, on entraining for Hollywood Friday night told The Film Daily that— 1. He expects the trade reform proposals now before exhibitor neg o t i ators and the Department of Justice will be adopted. 2. The draft presents a fair for (Continued on Page 9) SIDNEY R. KENT HEARINGS COMPLETED ONW.VA.TAXGASE Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Arguments in the West Virginia-United Artists tax case before the U. S. Supreme Court ended Friday when Robert G. Kelly, counsel for UA, and C. W. Meadows, (Continued on Page 9) "Snow White" Finally Gets 2nd Run in Detroit House Detroit — The "return engagement" of "Snow White" to the United Artists Theater ended the (Continued on Page 4) Hollywood to Ask Exhib. Co-op in War on Nazism West Coast Bureau of THE FILM \DAILY Hollywood — Plans to extend Hollywood's war on Nazism to the (Continued on Page 10)