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Wednesday, April 26, 19,
Vol. 75, No. 80 Wed., Apr. 26, 1939 10 Cents
DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor
Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays ana Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. Mexico City — Marco-Aurelio Galindo, Depto. 19, 5A, Dr. Lucio No. 102, Mexico, D. F. Buenos Aires — Chas. de Cruz, Heraldo Del Cinematografista, Corrientes 1309.
Net High Low Close Chg.
Con. East. East.
Am. Seat
Columbia Picts. vtc.
Columbia Picts. pfd.
Con. Fm. Ind
Fm. Ind. pfd.
Kodak rts
do pfd
Gen. Th. Eq
Loew's, Inc
do pfd
Paramount 1st pfd..
Paramount 2nd pfd.
Pathe Film
20th Century-Fox
20th Century-Fox pfd.
Univ. Pict. pfd
Warner Bros
do pfd
NEW YORK B. F. 6s46 . .. 6s 41ww B'way 3s55 Piers. 6s55
Para. Picts. cv. 3</4s47
RKO 6s41
Warner's 6s39
Warner's db. 6s 48 NEW YORK
Monogram Picts.
Sonotone Corp
Universal Picts.
9 8% 9
i397/8 138% 138V4 — 3/s
iy4 TVs i'/s
ioyi ioyj iovi — "vi
39% 39V2 39% + %
107 107 107 + 1%
8 7% 8 + y8
9% 91/s 9% — V«
8 1/2 8l/8 8V8 — 1/4
13/4 1% '% — Vb
183/4 18% 183/4 + 1/4
Keith Loew Para. Para.
4% 43/4 43/4
1001/4 100 i/4 100 i/4
ioii/2 1011/2 16.1/2 + "i/8
1001/2 1001/2 1001/2
90 90 90
2 2 2
171/g 171/s 17% 1% 1% 1%
Bid Asked
"Indiscretions" to Start
"Indiscretions," Sacha Guitry's satiric farce, opened at the Fifth Ave. Playhouse Saturday.
Storage by Reel or Vault
729 Seventh Ave. New York City BRyant 9-5600
Eng. Budget Provides Bigger Tax on Film
London (By Cable) — Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in presenting to Parliament yesterday his budget for $6,500,000,000, included blank film among the commodities to bear an increased tax. The increased duty is expected to yield an additional $4,682,500 from films.
Schwartz Heads Brandt British Production Costs Up
Circuit GNY Fund Drive I Under Sharp Numerical Drop
At a meeting of all unit managers of Brandt Theaters yesterday in the Alden Theater, a sizeable stride was made by the circuit to raise its quota for the Exhibitors' sub-committee of the Greater New York Fund.
Following the session, Harry Brandt announced Arthur Schwartz, Brandt Theaters booking department head, had been appointed central captain of his organization's campaign. Brandt asserted that a 100 per cent response is indicated.
Todav at ITOA's meeting at the Hotel Astor at 1 p.m., Brandt will outline a campaign to that exhib. body.
Leon Schlesinger Signed
to New WB 1-Year Pact
Wc*t Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Leon Schlesinger has had his option as producer of cartoons taken up for another year by Warners. He has been with studio for past nine years. His 1938-39 schedule of 26 "Merrie Melodies" and 16 "Looney Tunes" starring Porky Pig will be completed and shipped to New York by June 1. "Old Glory," a special patriotic cartoon, will be included in this group. The producer already has 15 pictures in production in 1939-40 schedule which calls for 42 subjects.
RKO Comoleting Four Major Attractions, Levy Reports
RKO will complete four major attractions within the next six weeks, Jules Levy, general sales manager, stated yesterday following his return from a pre-convention trip to the studios. Final product on the 1938-39 program will eaual or rival the company's previously released top pictures, such as "Gunera Din," "Love Affair" and "The Storv of Vernon and Irene Castle," Levy said.
Ermini Joins Dufaycolor
to Develop Movie Field
Dufavcolor Company, Inc.. has apnointed Aldo Ermini, color phofosranhv expert, to its staff where he will be in charge of the development and introduction of the new Dufaycolor process in motion pictures. Ermini formerly was with Tpchnicolor in Hollywood and London and is said to be a veteran in the field.
Jack Goldhar's Arm Injured
Detroit— Jack Goldhar, UA Eastern District Manager, received undetermined right arm injuries in a fall while riding a horse.
London (By Cable) — Not only was there a falling off in British pictures during the first full year under the new Films Act, but the total of all films registered was the lowest in a number of years. The total was 638 against 842 for the previous year (in both cases the year ending on March 31).
Total number of British features registered was 103, a decrease of 125 from the total of 228 the preceding year. But 78 of the 103 British features received renter's quota, and 25 registered for exhibitor's quota.
The Economist, British publication, estimates the total cost of the British features at $17,500,000, although Oliver Stanley, in his statement in the House of Commons, stated that the average footage cost for the first full quota year was three pounds, five shillings (approximately $16.25), which would bring the total year's expenditure to $22,500,000.
Increase in average cost of features for the year was $150,000, according to the Economist, having risen from $125,000 to $275,000.
Hold "Wuthering Heights" for Indefinite Run Here
"Wuthering Heights" is being held for indefinite runs at the Rivoli, New York, and the United Artists, San Francisco, after establishing records for initial weeks at both houses, United Artists announced yesterday. Picture hit an all-time high for the first week at the Rivoli where it starts a third week tomorrow. A 16-month record was chalked up at the San Francisco engagement. "Heights" also is an indefinite holdover at Warner's Aldine, Philadelphia.
Additional playing time and moveovers for the picture have been recorded at the Downtown and Hollywood, Los Angeles; Roger Sherman, New Haven; United Artists, Chicago; Palace, Washington, and the Orpheum, Montreal.
Lulu Belle, Scotty Wiseman to Make Two for Republic
Chicago— Lulu Belle and Scotty Wiseman of the WLS National Barn Dance have been signed for two pictures yearly with Republic, deal being set by Herbert J. Yates for Republic and E. W. Kurtze, head of WLS Artists, Inc. Pix will be based on their new WLS serial, "Hometown" and will go into production in July on the Coast. Duo were seen with Roy Rogers in "Shine on HarI vest Moon" last year.
HERBERT J. YATES leaves for the Coast day.
JAMES R. GRAINGER, Republic president general manager of distribution, leaves Hollywood Sunday.
HAROLD HENDE was in Philadelphia yesterday.
THIL REISMAN, director of foreign distri tion for RKO, sails from England today on Normandie after an eight-week European : vey trip.
CHARLES ROBERTS, Columbia home of! supervisor for the Latin American territq arrived yesterday on the Orizaba after a ? month tour of the territory.
A. J. HERMAN, Eastern district manager Universal, returned yesterday from a sJ meeting in Boston; leaving for Washingtorjj few hours later.
THEODORE CARR, joint managing dirert for United Artists in Great Britain, sails I New York today on the Normandie.
FRANK C. WALKER, head of the Comerfjj circuit, has returned to the home office a a trip in the West.
A. W. HACKEL, head of Supreme Pictu| is here from the Coast.
WILLIAM BRANDT returns a vacation in Cuba.
JOAN BENNETT arrives from the Coast I plane tomorrow.
LEON G. TURROU, author of Warners "cl fessions of a Nazi Spy," arrives in Washing! tomorrow.
Film Production Stint
In Prospect for Sidn
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM Da\
Hollywood — Louis K. Sidney, w has been here for some time to p] duce the "Good News" radio sh for Metro, will take on picture p] duction in addition to his radio st later in the year.
George Abbott Productions
"There have been a number of good girl and music shows in town of late, but this is by all odds the most brilliant of the lot. " — Watts, Her.-Trlb. George Abbott— Rodgers and Hart
The Boys from Syracuse
with Jimmy Wynn Eddie Teddy SAVO MURRAY ALBERT HART
ALVIN, W. 52d St. Mats. Wed. & Sat. COlumbus 5-4114
■"The lowest, roughest, toughest, tenderest, dirtiest, most decent, and certainly funniest play for your money put on sale this season.** ■"— George Jean Nathan, IXetcsweek*
By Rob't L. Buckner and Walter Hart
with Helen Betty Mary Russell
CORT, West 48th St. Mats. Wed.
and Sat.
BRyant 9-0046
"Roars of Pleasure"— Atkinson, Times.
with EZRA STONE as Henry Aldrich
MANSFIELD W. 47th St., Mats. Wed.
and Sat.
Circle 6-0640