The Film Daily (1939)

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c, T| W T Hi )V||> S (!N tp p £ I) h w a '4 T H ST Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought FILE COPY DO NOT REMOVE! The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty-One Years Old VO 76, NO. 100 _aL NEW YORK. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1939 TEN CENTS Report N. y. Banks Ready to Finance Production Here GRANT OFJIME AVERTSJMMEDIATE STUW STRIKE Mutual Protective Plan May Combat Radio's Giveaway Lincoln Exhib. Would Have Circuits Join in Insurance Setup Lincoln, Neb. — Attention aroused by Bob Livingston's single-handed combat against radio's giveaways — his offer to match the $1,000 prize given on the Turns Pot of Gold program if the person called was not at home and in his theater — has caught on with other exhibs. in the immediate territory and Livingston is already advancing his attack into the second phase. If the offer attracts sufficient at(Continued on Page 3) B. 0. UP IN 6 CANADIAN PROVINCES, OFF IN 2 Montreal — Box office receipts in motion picture theaters throughout Canada showed only a modest increase during 1938, although the number of theaters increased in every province, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reports. In Ontario receipts increased by 5.2 per cent, New Brunswick 4.9 per cent, Alberta 4.2 per cent, Manitoba 3.8 per cent, Nova Scotia 3.3 per cent, (Continued on Page 6) Film Transportation Recommendations Near Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Safety Section of the Bureau of Motor Carriers of the ICC will submit a report with recommendations to the full Commission about Dec. 1 on regulations for transportation of films, it is re (Continued on Page 8) Louisville Committee Will Fight Ky. Amusement Levy Louisville — A concerted move to effect a slash in Kentucky's amusements tax was launched here following investigation of a special committee which reported the tax (.Continued on Page 8) "Four Feathers," "Hollywood Cavalcade1" Form Technicolor Dual Bill in Chicago Chicago — And now they're double featuring Technicolor. At any rate, B & K is sending "Four Feathers" (UA) and "Hollywood Cavalcade" (20th-Fox) as a combination bill into three residential first-runs, the Mario, Tivoli and Uptown Theaters. POMMER, LAUGHTON NAT! POSTER ASSN. SIGN RKO CONTRACTS Erich Pommer and Charles Laughton have signed individual contracts with RKO, having suspended all activity of their producing organization, Mayflower Pictures Corp., because of the war in Europe. Laughton's first picture under his new contract will be a story produced (Continued on Page 8) Definite Upswing in Biz Indicated, Says Wobber Returning yesterday to the home office after a nation-wide sales trip, Herman Wobber, general manager of distribution for 20th-Fox, told The Film Daily that every indication pointed to a definite upswing in business generally. The trend, Wobber said, already has been reflected in the company's business, contracts (Continued on Page 3) CLOSES WARNER DEAL Closing of a deal between Warners and the National Poster Association, whereby members of the latter group, Republic Display Corp. and Associated Displays Corp., will handle Warner pictures accessories for the period of a year was revealed yesterday. Negotiations had been instituted almost a year ago. Individual agreements, — the form (Continued on Page 8) Balaban and Para. Execs. Off for Coast on Friday Headed by President Barney Balaban, a group of Paramount executives leave for Hollywood on Friday for product conferences. Scheduled to accompany Balaban are Stanton Griffis, chairman of the executive committee; Neil F. Agnew, general sales manager, and Russell Hol(Continued on Page 8) N. Y. Banks Ready to Finance Eastern Production Up to 50-70 P. G, Report Five Coast Studios Send One Each Before Cameras West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Five new pictures will go into production next week. The list: At Columbia: "The Lone Wolf Strikes" with Warren William and Joan Perry. At Paramount: "Golden Gloves' (Continued on Page 8) Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia has discussed Eastern production with officials of the Chase National Bank of New York, the Irving Trust Co., the Empire Trust Co., and other banks associated with the Morgan interests, sources close to the Mayor revealed yesterday. These banks and a number of other financial houses have indicated "great interest," it was stated. This is the first time that names (Continued on Page 3) Producers Given More Time To Study Situation; No New Deadline Set West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — An immediate studio strike was averted yesterday afternoon when union representatives granted the producers' request for another meeting and more time to study the situation and also did not set a new deadline. Both Joseph M. Schenck, president of the Association of Motion Picture Producers, and Meyer Lewis, Western representative of the American Federation of Labor, expressed optimism that the current wage con (Continued on Page 8) OOF J UNION STAND SEEN OF PIX IMPORT Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Principles enunciated by Thurman Arnold, Assistant Attorney General, in his pronouncement of D of J poHcy in the matter of labor union prosecution for alleged violation of the anti-trust laws, were studied closely yesterday by film attorneys here. While Arnold's letter to the sec < Continued on Page 3) War Brings Better Biz to FPC Circuit Theaters Montreal — Business of Famous Players Canadian Corp. in current quarter to date, which started Sept. 1 or with outbreak of the war, has shown improvement over corresponding period of 1938. Increased at (Continued on Page 8) Query AFM on More "Live" Music in Film Industry American Federation of Musician officials were asked yesterday what "contribution towards the re-employment" of members had been made by the picture industry at a meeting (Continued on Page 8)