The Film Daily (1940)

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ML5 to OO NOT R Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought /="/ i w .••j> The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty-One Years Old -IFDAil VOL. 77, NO. 64 NEW YORK. MONDAY. APRIL 1, 1940 D of J Integration Stand Seen Bar to Cons U. S. PROPOSES OISCRIMINATII OURE U. S. Pix Gain in Foreign Screen Time; Receipts Fall 1,738 Features Produced Abroad in 1939; Ini crease of 39 ' While U. S. pix showed an in'crease of two per cent in foreign markets screen time during 1939, receipts from abroad decreased by jabout 10 per cent, it is revealed by Nathan D. Golden, Chief, Motion jPicture Division, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, in his ReiView of Fox-eign Film Markets During 1939, released here today. Screen (Coittiniied on Page 18) IGARY THEATER MAY FIGHT SUIT OUSTER ; Chicago — Dismissal of the Gary [Theater Co.'s anti-trust suit against jColumbia Pictures, et al., by Federal Judge William Holly on Friday may be appealed to the Circuit Court of Appeals, it was indicated when defense counsel entered formal exceptions and reserved appeal rights. The Court, sustaining the defense findings of fact and conclusions of (Contintted on Page 15) Picture Pioneers to Hold j Spring Dinner on Apr. 26 1 Spring Dinner Conference of the Picture Pioneers will be held April i;26, Jack Cohn said following the imeeting of the Executive Committee lat the Hotel Astor Saturday. New (Continued on Page 15) RKO's *'Photo Finish" Due for the Dye Vat West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — RKO Radio will dip "Photo Finish," race track romance to be produced and directed for the 194041 program by David Butler, into the dye vat. Story is by Butler, James Kern and James Edward Grant who will also do the screenplay. RKO Radio cameras registered Seabiscuit's victory in the $100,000 Santa Anita Handicap for the pix. RKO CONCLAVE OPENS MAY 27 Four-Day Sales Parley Will Be Held at Waldorf RKO will hold its annual international sales convention at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, on May 27-30. Division, district and branch managers, as well as representatives from some foreign offices will attend. It will be the earliest convention RKO has held since 1932 when the annual huddles were called for May 16. A. A. Schubart has been named chainnan of the 1940 conference arrangements. Delegates are due to arrive on May 26. Five More Radio Giveaways Referred to Justice Dept. Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Five additional radio lottery programs, deemed to violate provisions of the Communications Act prohibiting lotteries, were turned over to the Justice Department yesterday for scrutiny by the FCC. They are "Musico" broadcast by WGN, Chicago; "Songo," broad (Continucd on Page 18) Control of Licensing to Newly Acquired Theaters Said Advanced in Department of Commerce's Suggestions for Consent Decree By MILTON F. LUNCH, Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A remedy for the alleged practice of discriminating against independent exhibitors by distributors and methods of controlling the leasing of product to newly acquired theaters by circuits are among the important proposals of the Department of Commerce as a basis for settlement of the Government's equity suit, it was disclosed Saturday by sources close to the situation. Subject to Arbitration When an exhibitor claims that a Terre Haute, Ind. — Release of the distributor has discriminated against $10,000,000 in 16 mm. shorts — com him over a period of time in favor prising 590 shorts — made available (Continued on Page IS) through the MPPDA to American schools last July will be extended by Teaching Film Custodians, Inc., distributing agency, to teaching (Continued on Page 4) SCHOOL SHORTS USE FOR YMCA CLASSES Jos. Bernhard to Resume Warner Duties This Week Joseph Bernhard, Warners' theater chief, returns from Miami early this week, and shortly will resume his official duties. Bernhard, who underwent a serious operation here some weeks ago, recently has been recuperating in the South. Equity Suit Aimed of the Trade, D at Fundamentals of J Aide Asserts Select Attractions, inc. May Produce Own Pictures Select Attractions, Inc., distributors, is planning to produce its own pictures, possibly starting later this year. Six stories, all authored by Bernard P. Arons, are being considered. Titles are "Dead Man's Auction," "Whispers of Warning," (Continued on Page 18) Possibilities of settlement of the Government's equity suit became slimmer in face of conflicting statements made Friday by Paul Williams, Special Assistant Attorney General and Judge Thomas D. Thacher, attorney for Paramount, as to ultimate aims in the suit. Williams said "we believe that the integration of production, distribution and exhibition by the five large producer-exhibitor companies has (Continued on Page 18) SCANTY PRODUCTION DATA, ADMITS U. S. Paul Williams, Special Assistant Attorney General, in fighting an application Friday by attorneys for the majors before Federal Judge Henry W. Goddard, conceded that (Continued on Page 15) Distribs. Expect Decision on Australia Import Rule American distributors are watching with interest the outcome of Australia's import licensing regulations which closed a four-month (Continued on Page 4) $16,500,000 Gross Registered by GWTW CWTW's gross receipts reached a total of $16,500,000 over the weel<-end. Picture was reported to be doing a strong business in Metropolitan subsequent runs. All negative charges have been paid off on the picture and net profit equal to 100 per cent on the negative cost has already been realized, as the picture continues its fourth month of exhibition.