The Film Daily (1940)

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M !=• 1^ l?C] 13 A ID I S T 2 H W UA-T H ST ! intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought ^^ FILE COPY DO NOT REMOVE The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty-One Years Old -l^DAILY VOL 77. NO. 67 NEW YORK. THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1940 TEN CENTS Forecast 12 Per Cent Busmess Gain For B & K Last Year ALLIEDWEIGHS D OTC'S CONSENT PUN ,1 Bare All Master Contracts In U. S., Mori Case Order it ' haintiff Scores Signal Victory in N. J. Anti-Trust Action Philadelphia — Plaintiff in the Mori ijVin eland, N. J.) anti-trust suit cored a signal victory when Fedral Judge W. H. Kirkpatrick appointed David Bachman a Special laster, and announced that beginning Tuesday, April 9, the plaintiff an examine, before the master, the ■ ollowing books and records of the efendants, Warner Theaters and lajor distributors. All clearance books, indicating learance in the Philadelphia area ince 1935 up to the present; all (Continued on Page 7) ilNSBERGlADS PARA. STUDIO OPERATIONS \est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY i Holly wood — Henry Ginsberg has ;en appointed general manager of ,udio operations at Paramount. His ppointment does not conflict with ieorge Bagnall's work as executive i'eneral manager of the studios. larry Kadis Coming East in Court Contempt Case 'est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — After conflicting testimony between Federal officials and efendant's medical expert as to hether it would be injurious to the ealth of Harry Kadis, a former . S. revenue agent, to return to ew York to answer a charge of bntempt of Federal Court for failre of Kadis to appear to a subpoena pfore the New York grand jury in icome tax matter concerning Hol (Continiied on Page 7) [ourt Reserves Decision in CFI Stockholders Suit I New York Supreme Court Justice Jaroll G. Walter yesterday reserved ecision after a two-week trial in (Continued on Page 6) UA REMAINS WITH MPPDA Hays Re-elected; Wanger New Board Member United Artists and the MPPDA have patched up their differences and the distributing company will remain with the Hays organization, it was indicated yesterday when Maurice Silverstone, UA top executive, was re-elected to the MPPDA board of directors. It had been reported that UA had sent a letter of resignation to become effective March 1. Will H. Hays was re-elected president of the "MPPDA for the 19th consecutive year and Walter Wanger was added to the board, increasing the directorate to 17, whereas 16 comprised the board previously. The board meeting yesterday was a continuation of the session held on (Continued on Page 7) Illinois Supreme Court Nixes Willie Bioff Plea Chicago — Application of Willie Bioff, lATSE exec, for a writ of supersedeas and bail, pending final decision in his case, was denied yesterday by the Illinois Supreme Court. Counsel for Bioff immediately announced that they would file a mo (Continned on Page 7) Failure to Accept May Block Suit Settlement — First Units to Act Emphatically Opposed — Conn. Demands Trial By MILTON F. LUNCH, Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Department of Commerce proposals for settlement of the New York equity suit via a consent decree have been under advisement by national Allied's board of directors for several weeks, it became known yesterday. D of C action in transmitting the proposals to Allied is regarded as tacit admission by the Department that Allied approval is as vital to successful culmination of the continuing negotiations as the okay of the Department of Justice and acceptance by the major defendants. Allied Reaction Negative Thus far, while no Allied board meeting has been held and no formal action taken by National Allied, (Continued on Page 6) $21,537,577 PROFIT FOR EASTMAN KODAK Eastman Kodak Co. enjoyed in 1939 the third most profitable year in the existence of the company and its predecessors, — a span which commenced in 1880, — according to the organization's annual report, released today. Consolidated net of the company and wholly-owned subsidiaries (Continued on Page 6) Nova Scotia Repeal Move Halted by Lynn Objection Toronto — Delay in having the Legislature of Nova Scotia repeal Bill 92, giving Nova Scotia Government the power to regulate the exhibition end of the film business in that province, has occurred owing to objections raised by E. E. Lynn, (Contimied on Page 7) 72 Per Cent Increase in Business In 1939 Over 1938 Seen for B & K Bert Allenberg Named Prexy of Artists' Managers Guild M'est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Bert Allenberg has been elected president of the Artists' Managers Guild; Frank Vincent, vice-prexy; John McCormick, secretary, and Leiand Hayward, treas (Continued on Page 6) By JOSEPH ESLER FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Chicago — Preliminaiy reports indicate that B & K will show about a 12 per cent increase in business for 1939, over the previous year. In 1938, the circuit earned $1,133,159 as against $2,052,653 in 1937. Preferred dividends of $91,427 were paid last year on the 13,061 (Continued on Page 7) GARMES TO DIRECT JESSEL-HECHT PIX? Lee Garmes is slated to act as director and head cameraman for the Ben Hecht-George Jessel Easternmade picture, "Before I Die," it was reported yesterday. Negotiations between the Hecht-Jessel interests and Garmes are said to have been completed. Garmes recently produced "Be (Continued on Page 7) Leon Fromkess Appointed Aide to Rathner at PRC Appointment of Leon Fromkess, former Monogram treasurer, as executive assistant to Harry Rathner, president of Producers Releasing (Continued on Page 7) British Statement on Quota Now Expected Next Week London (By Cable) — The long awaited statement by the Board of Trade on the quota situation and do (Continued on Page 6)