The Film Daily (1940)

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-w DAILY: Thursday, April 4, 1940 Vol. 77, No. 67 Thurs., April 4, 1940 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B, BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-oflfice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10,00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120. 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). MEXICO CITY — Marco-Aurelio Galindo, Av. Coyoacan No. lOOB, Mexico, D. F. BUENOS AIRES— Chas de Cruz, Heraldo Del Cinematografista, Corrientes 1309. B H MDflnCIDL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat IQS/s IQS/g lOS/g + 1/4 Col. Picts.vtc. (21/2%) 75/8 75/8 75/8+ I/g Columbia Picts. pfd.. 21 Vi 211/2 21 'A Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. lO^g 10'/4 10% -f V4 East. Kodak I52V4 151 1/4 1521/4 -f 1/2 do pfd Gen. Th. Eq 13 13 13 + Vi Loew's, Inc 373/8 365/8 371/4 + 1/2 do pfd Paramount SVa 7% 814 + % Paramount 1st pfd... 91 1/2 91 91 1/2 + Va Paramount 2nd pfd.. 934 91/2 934 -f 1/4 Pathe Film 12 lis/g 12 + 1/2 RKO IVs 11/8 11/8 20th Century-Fox . II34 1 1 14 llVi— Vs 20th Century-Fox pfd. 24 24 24+1 Univ. Pict. pfd 106 105 105 — 1/2 Warner Bros 37/8 35/8 3% + '4 do pfd NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith B. F. ref. 6s46 Loew's deb. 3i/2s46.104% 1043^ 1047/8 + Vi Para. B'way 3s55 Para. Picts. 6s55 Para. Picts. CV.31/4S47 90 877^ 90 -f 2 RKO 6s41 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 8978 8974 897/8 + % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts 11-16 11-16 11-16—1-16 Sonotone Corp 2i'8 17/8 21/8 -| Va Technicolor I51/4 15 I51/4 -1 1/2 Trans-Lux }% 11/4 1 1/4 — Vs Universal Corp. vtc. 5% 53^ 534 Universal Picts N. Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER SECURITIES Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd Fox Thea. Office Bldg. 1st '46 Loew's Thea. Realty 6s 1st '47 Met. Playhouse, Inc. 2nd deb. '45... 73 74 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 4s 1st '57 6534 673,4 Trotta and Gould Named United Artists Listing 19 to Fill Ampa Slate Gaps Producers; Neville Added Amjja's nominating committee yesterday named Vincent Trotta of Ad.ertising Accessories, and Joe Gould of UA, as candidates for the offices of vice-president and secretary respectively on the orRanization's ifficial slate. Trotta and Gould were designated following; requests by Lou Pollack of Universal and Kenneth Clark of MPPDA that their own names be withdrawn as nominees. Currently, Trotta is Ampa vice-president and has consented to serve another term in office, if elected. Elections are scheduled for April 11. Because of the necessarv interval before elections, prescribed by the constitution, there will be no Ampa meeting today, it was asserted by President Paul Lazarus, Jr. Indies' Giveaways Bring Price Cuts as a Counter St. Louis — As a competitive move, occasioned by indie resort to giveaways, some houses in the St. Louis Amusement Co. string have slashed their prices. A few triple feature programs also ax'e being used. Bank Night Decision Held Favorable Despite Reverse Des Moines, la. — Theater operators using Bank Night view as favorable a Iowa Supreme Court opinion involving a dispute over a $275 prize, although the high tribunal reversed a trial court which absolved the theater from paying the claim and ordered a new trial. Exhib. angle is the Supreme Court based its decision on a previous case which held that Bank Night was not a lottery. The court could have held that Bank Night was a lottery and upset the present setup. In the present case, Mrs. Ruth St. Peter of Jefferson, la., sought the $275 prize from the Pioneer Theater Corp. Iowa Theater at Jefferson. Court Refuses to Dismiss Waldo Anti-Trust Suit Addition of Neville E. Neville, English producer, to the United Artists roster, the company is listing 19 producers to date for the 194041 season. Neville recently formed Aurora Pictures, Ltd., having formerly been associated with Aldwych Productions, and will make three pictures. Mary Pickford is listed among the 19 producers although she has no production plans for this season. The others include Charles Chaplin, Samuel Goldwyn, David 0. Selznick, Walter Wanger, Hal Roach, Edward Small, Sol Lesser, Ernst Lubitsch, David Loew, Richard Rowland, James Roosevelt. Gabriel Pascal, Armand Denis, Aldwych Productions. Neville E. Neville, John Ford and World Windows. "An Englishman's Home," which was made by Neville, will be released in the U. S, by Columbia under the title of "Invasion." but will be released elsewhere by UA. Boston — Motion brought by Loew's, Inc., RKO and 20th Centui-yFox seeking dismissal of the $250,000 anti-monopoly litigation brought against them and other major distributors by George S. Ryan, attorney for the Waldo Theater Corp., operating the new Waldoboro, Me., theater, has been dismissed by the Federal District Court sitting at Portland, Me. M. P. Film Editors Win 10 Per Cent Wage Tilt IVcst Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Members of the Society of Motion Picture Film Editors have been granted a 10 per cent wage increase retroactive to Feb. 20. In the event the lATSE unions relinquish their 10 per cent wage increase, the editors also agreed to rescind their pay checks. Single Feature on Tele NBC's television program for next week sees feature fihns down to one — "Rainbow's End," Hoot Gibson western, to be televised April 13 as a night event. Maurice Silverstone, head of United Artists, yesterday announced that "Rebecca" was one of the biggest grossing pictures the coinpany has had in its 20 years of operations. Browne, Radway in St. Louis Seeking Local 143 Adjustment St. Louis — George E. Browne, lATSE prexy, and Joseph Radway, its general counsel who also represents the A F of L, are in St. Louis in an effort to reach a settlement with the new officers of Local 143 of the differences that resulted in the ousters of John P. Nick and Clyde A. Weston from control of the Local. In the event a settlement is reached as to the status of projectionists now employed in certain Fanchon & Marco theaters, picket lines in front of those houses will be withdrawn in a few days. It is understood that under no circumstances will the anti-Nick faction accept any settlement that would permit Nick and Weston to resume control of the Local, but it is possible some compromise may be worked out as to the $48,399 Circuit Judge Oakley ordered Nick and Weston to pay to the Local. Examine Montague Today in Gov't Equity Action Adolph Zukor will appear tomorrow in the Federal Court for questioning by Paul Williams, special assistant attorney general, in the Government's equity suit. Abe Montague, Columbia sales manager, will testify today. cominG nno Goinc SIDNEY R. KENT and MRS. KENT returnt yesterday from Florida. LOUIS D. FROHLICH returns to New Yoi today from the Midwest. ARTHUR KELLY is vacationing in Bermuda. BEN KALMENSON, Warners' Western ai Southern sales manager, has retuy tf rom two weeks' trip through this terri^'iste GEORGE MURPHY and his wife '^are at t^ Sherry Netherland. LUPE VELEZ arrives here Saturday for a p.; at the Paramount next week. JOAN CRAWFORD plans a New York vaca tion the latter part of this month. VINTON FREEDLEY leaves for a Florida vacj tion tomorrow. Soundmen Threaten to Call Strike at Republic Studios IVcst Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Soundmen's Local 659 has notified Republic that unless it meets the Local's tei'ms by Monday morning Republic soundmen will be called out on strike. Court Orders Night Session in Buffalo Bingo Tria Buffalo — Seeking to expedite th Bingo trial of Old Vienna, InQ charged with violating the state I(J tery laws. County Judge George S Rowe ordered a night session la? night. During the day the prosecutio placed on the stand four policeme: and a woman. The latter told o winning $60 in one Bingo game. Sh testified the $1 admission alway was paid when she went to the form er Gaiety Theater housing Old Vien na on Bingo nights. Patrolman Arthur J. Pesch testi fied he entered the theater on Nov 17, 18 and 20, bought a $1 ticket eaci time, sat through the motion picture and played his Bingo card, but didn' win a prize. He said the winner drew various sums of money am turkeys. The patrolmen said th money distributed as prizes rangei between $500 and $600. Mother of Scott Dunlap Dead; Coast Rites Heli IVcst Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAIL ^ Hollywood — Funeral services tool place on Tuesday in the Hollywood Cemetery Chapel for Mrs. Louisi Dunlap, 80, former musical comedi and vaudeville singer, and mother I Scott R. Dunlap, vice-president I charge of production for Monograi| Mrs. Dunlap died here last Sund; at her home, 5734 Carleton Wa; following a long illness. FRIENDLY SERVICE! Tostar Telegraph CHARGES FOR TELEGRAMS 'PHONED IN APPEAR ON YOUR TELEPHONE BILL