The Film Daily (1940)

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M I ' ' I / I I I) 1)1 1.1 Hi W 4 A ST timate in Character nternational in Scope idependent in Thought t ULL COPY DO NOT remove: The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty-Two Years Old OL. T^^NO. 95 m NEW YORK. TUESDAY. MAY 14. 1940 TEN CENTS Claims For Neely Bill Find House Committee Curious 12 FORlA IN 1940-411ILL COST $31000,000 aciFic Coast Conference Plans National Duals Drive can to Contact Exhibitor Jnits, PTA's Throughout the U. S. By RALPH WILK fast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — The Pacific Coast Jference of Independent Theater J lers means business in its drive :(|3liminate duals. nnouncement is made that L. 0. an, chairman of the PCC's com tee on duals, will make a na i-wide tour of exhib. organiza s and Parent-Teachers Associa l (Continued on Page 3) :W TEMPLE DEALS ALKED WITH MAJORS icture deals for Shirley Temple : under discussion with several 'ors, Frank Orsatti, her agent, :losed yesterday. The Temple tract with 20th-Fox was settled r the week-end, and "Young Peo!' will be her final starrer for the 'ipany. Any future deals will be effected before 1941 and will if or single pictures. Not more n three features over a two year I (Continued on Page 11) j>nston Denies Schwab, ■i Roosevelt Are Leaving Co. I) t Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY -lollywood — Edward H. Schwab, ^ irman of Samuel Bronston Proj tions' executive committee, denied jifiors he was resigning. President inuel Bronston branded as false i 'eport that James Roosevelt is I'ing the company to join a major lifit. jykendall Raps Two-Part ' Plan for "Heaven" Release 'aced with the releasing problem sented by the fact that "All This Heaven, Too" as previewed runs roximately 20,000 feet in length, rners are asking exhibs. and the {Continued on Page 11) Filmland's Only Fixed Star Attraction Will Be Held at Glen Oahs on June 11 Despite the European war, the Government equity action, the Neely bill, percentages, et al, also etc., the only really permanent thing in the industry will take place on Tuesday, June 11 . . . that grandest of filmland's events, — THE FILM DAILY'S Annual Golf Tournament! The course selected is nearby and ultra-convenient Glen Oaks Golf and Country Club, Great Neck, L. I. This year's tourney, the 28th, will be the last word in gala divot-digging and grand fellowship for it marks an anniversary. Just 20 years ago the first of the series wa5 held. $2,900,000 IN BONDS RETIRED BY SELZNIGK Retirement of an issue of 3 per cent debentures of Selznick International in the amount of $2,900,000 will be started tomorrow by the Bank of America, continuing the company's policy of realignment, it was learned yesterday. Retirement of the bonds leave 2,043 shares of class A common; 1,485 shares of (Continued on Page 6) Will Seek Further Delay in Adelphi Trust Action Chicago — Further delay in the Adelphi anti-trust suit against B & K and the majors will be sought by plaintiff's counsel at the scheduled hearing tomorrow. Illinois Allied seeks to defer action until a decision comes down in (Continued on Page 11) 15 T NEW SEASON PIX READY BY SEPT. 1 Atlantic City — Fifteen of Universal's new season pictures will be completed and in the exchanges by Sept. 1, President Nate Blumberg told Eastern division sales representatives at the closing session of the company's convention here yesterday. Cliff Work, studio head, said five of the 15 would be top bracketed productions. Having completed the commit (Continued on Page 11) $167,528 "Letty Lynton" Judgment is Satisfied Judgment for a total of $167,528, filed in the plagiarism suit of Edward Sheldon and Margaret Ayer Barnes against M-G-M Pictures Corp., M-G-M Distributing Corp., Loew's, Inc., and Culver Export Co., (Continued on Page 3) Civic Groups Press for Neely Bill s Enactment as House*s Hearing Opens Coast's Studios Sending 10 More Before Cameras IVcsf Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Ten pictures are scheduled to go into production this week. At Columbia: "Military Academy" with Bobby Jordon, Tommy Kelly, David Holt, Jack Searl: "the Du(Continued on Page 11) By MILTON F. LUNCH Washiugtnn Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Washington — Arguments for the Neely bill predicated on the contention that it is in essence an "open sesame" to free community selection of its film entertainment drew repeated questions from members of the House Interstate Commerce Committee as it opened public hear(Continued on Page 6) Six More on Current Program Also Available, Says Silverstone A minimum of 22 pictures, representing an investment of almost $30,000,000, constitutes UA's 194041 program, Murray Silverstone, c 0 m p any's top exec, announced a t the opening session of UA's Eastern convention at the Waldorf-Astoria yesterday. Six pictures, left over from the current pi'ogram, additionally (Continued on Page 6) MURRAY SILVERSTONE N. M. SCHENGK EXAM. SLATED FOR THURSDAY Pending confirmation, the pretrial exainination of Nicholas M. Schenck, president of Loew's, Inc., in the Government's equity action against the majors, has been set for Thursday at 10 a.m., the U. S. Attorney's office announced yesterday. No other examinations are scheduled for this week. Would Extend Theatrical Taxes to Slot Machine Pix IVnsliington Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Washington — In a resolution against coin-in-slot movies, Allied's board of directors voted over the (Continued on Page 6) Fewer European Pix Insure Continued U. S. Foreign Biz Shortage of European-made pictures will insure the continuation of American film companies* activities (Continued on Page 3)