The Film Daily (1940)

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7^4 OAUY Tuesday, May 21, Complete Plans For UJA Luncheon At a luncheon meeting held in the Hotel Edison's Seven Arts Room yesterday, the Amusement Division of the United Jewish Appeal, under the co-chairmanship of Da\id Bernstein and Maj. Albert Warner, made final plans for the Division's Annual Luncheon set for the Hotel Astor on Thursday of this week. More than 500 leaders of the film and kindred branches of the amusement field are expected to attend in order to hear Rabbi Hillel Silver National Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, speak personally to the gathering on solving the problems of suffering facing refugees in various parts of the world. Many celebrities will occupy the dais with Dr. Silver, and the luncheon is assured of being one of the most important gatherings yet held in industry circles in behalf of the highly important chai'itable work. In addition to co-chairmen Bernstein and Warner, others present at yesterday's meeting included Leopold Friedman, Howard Dietz, A. Schneider, B. S. Moss, Herman Robbins, Max Seligman, Max Rudnick. Max A. Cohen, Sam Rinzler, Harold Rodner, Charles Sonin, Abe Waxman, Ai-thur Israel, Sam Shain, Dave Golding, Joe Lee, Bert Lebhar, Jr., Milton L. Mayer, Mort Blumenstock, and Harry Buxbaum. Westinghouse Reduces Lamp Prices June 1 Westinghouse Lamp Division, 150 Broadway, announced yesterday that a schedule of price reductions on Mazda lamps becomes effective June 1. Decision, in keeping with organization's policy of sharing manufacturing economies with consumers, means that more than 100 types and sizes of Mazda lamps will be subject to revisions, averaging some 17 per cent. Included in the list are projection and stereopticon lamps, as well as spotlights and floodlights. Brosius' Mother Dead Detroit— Mrs. Caroline Brosius, 82, mother of Roy Brosius, manager of the Bagley Theater, is dead. Florence Hirsh Robert Montgomery Lola Lane Armlda Tamar Lane Sam Jaffe Jed Buell • • • ONE of the many impressive sequences in M-G-M's "Edison, the Man" is the fihn's flaming finale wherein Spencer Tracy, as the Wizard of Menlo Park, addresses a banquet honoring him and his accomplishments This comer was so impressed by the speech in light of what is happening in the world today thai we prevailed upon Metro to let us have the text verbatim and here it is: T T T • • • "To he told by the outstanding men and women of your time that you have contributed a great deal to human betterment is pleasant very pleasant I'd hardly be human if my heart didn't fill from such a magnificent compliment But, oddly enough, I haven't yet achieved a success I want Earlier this evening 1 talked with two school children Tomorrow the world will be theirs It's a troubled world full of doubt and uncertainty You say we men of science have been helping it Are those children and their children going to approve what we have done? Or are they going to discover too late that science was trusted too much so that it turned into a monster whose final triumph was man's own destruction? T T T • • • "SOME of us ore beginning to feel thot danger But we have a chance to ovoid it I once had t'wo dynamos They needed regulating It was a problem of balance and adjustment I believe the confusion in the world today presents almost the same problem The dynamo of man's God-given ingenuity is running away with the dynamo of his equally God-given humanity I'm too old now to do much more them say — put those dynamos in balance Make them work in harmony as the Great Designer Intended they should It can be done What man's mind can conceive, man's character can control This will happen and tomorrow man will go forward to more light" That speech was by Thomas Alva Edison more than a decade ago! T T T • • • RKO Radio's publicity force and the Walt Disney staff will clash in a howling match tonight on the Radio City alleys with the RKO's spotting the Disney outfit cameraman Joe Heppner who has an edge on all the hoys when it comes to focusing on the head pin Leo Samuels, Dick Condon, Bert Lewis and George Schmidt round out the Disney quintette while the RKO-ites line up with Lou Gaudreau, Ken Hallam, Al Adams, Jack Lewis and Jack Level. . . • Thursday's Ampa meetin' at Dempsey's will find Uncle Don, WOR's master o' the bedtime story on the program with James J. Walker and Blanche Ring plus two winners of the Uncle Don-Monogram Talent Contest Mar celle Wissman and Buddy Swan Sounds like a hummer! T T T • • • WILLIAM Anderson ("Bill") Orr assistant to J. Robert Rubin, v.p. and general counsel for M-G-M has been elected prexy of the Society of the Silurians the veteran local newspaper writers' org Bill began his joumahstic career hereabouts in 1908 and six years later w^as made city editor of the N. Y. Tribune A year later, Charles S. Whitman, then Governor of New York, selected Bill as his secretary later appointing him State Superintendent of Prisons. . . • Tomorrow afternoon. Merle Oberon will be honor guest at the exhibition titled "80 Years of Fashion" sponsored by the Duchess of Windsor's Committee in the John Wonamaker auditorium opens, DATE BOOK Today: Metro regional. Shoreham Washington. May 24-26: Paramount sales conventior bassador Hotel, Los Angeles. May 27-30: RKO sales convention. New May 25: Queen City Variety Club spring Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati. June 3: lATSE convention Hotel. Louisville. June 4-7: Columbia sales convention.^ June 5: RKO stockholders' meeting, Wilni June 9-11: TOA of North and South C convention. Ocean Forest Hotel, Beach. S. C. June 10-12: Warner sales convention. burgh. June 11: FILM DAILY Golf Tournament. Oaks Golf and Country Club, Great L. I. June 11-14: Columbia sales convention. tic City. June 16: Coast Warner Club golf tourn Altadena Country Club. June 17-19: Warner sales convention, CI June 18: Paramount stockholders' meeting June 19: Warner Club "mystery cruise' outing. June 19-21: Allied States convention, Ct Juae 21 : Baltimore Variety Club golf to Woodhome Country Club. June 24: MPTO of Virginia mid-summar vention, Chamberlin Hotel, Old Point fort. June 23-25: Southeastern Theater Owners elation convention, Jacksonville, Fla. June 25-27: Allied Theater Owners of li mid-Summer convention. Spring Hill mid-Summer convention, Spring Mill Mitchell. Ind. July 9-10: CEA Summer Conference, B( mouth, Eng. F of L convention opens, Nov. 11: A Orleans. Nov. 21: Motion Picture Associates ball Astor. Dan Stearns Planning Drive-ins for Toledo Willoughby, O. — Dan Stee owner of the Willoby Theater, nounces that he has negotiated a franchise to build and opera' chain of Drive-In theaters in Toledo territory where he now two sites under considerai Stearns also has an option on a f: chise for the Youngstown-Mansfi Canton territory. Cleveland — Milton A. Moor. Co-operative Theaters of Ohio book two new Drive-In theaters ' under construction. One is ' built by E. A. Ballou on R ut near Unionto^\^l. The other is tween Toledo and Fremont am being built bv Bernard A. Cousi Canadians Prefer Pi» To Higher Education Montreal — Canadians spend twice a much on movies as they do on highei education, a statistical study of uni versify and college revenues made b' the Dominion Bureau of Statistics i'a^ closes. The amount spent on higher educatioil in the Dominion for the previous aca-, demic year is estimated as being approxi-l mately 17 million dollars. r-l