The Film Daily (1940)

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rjy, May 24, 1940 •mt' DAILY I de Advantage i^ly Bill Aim (Continued from Page 1) itors for a Trade Practice Code finally resulted in an agree satisfactory to all, including !, but which was killed by Thur Arnold, Assistant Attorney ■al. Allied later denied having ^, he said, but "that is not un for them." Igers expressed doubt that than 5,000 theaters could be ed on the individual percentage plan used in selling GWTW le reason that price would have raised and he doubted if small theaters could pay the higher prices which would be necesEven on individual selling A percentage he said he was ue little exhibitors could meet dded cost which would result light not even be able to stay 5iness. Only two companies — ^etro, could stand the strain of a measure, he said. he Neely bill becomes law exrs will have to pay 50 per Dn selected pictures, Rodgers ided. He reiterated that I will cut production 25 per ipon enactment. is bill will be as unpopular ot of other noble experiments, roponents will be the first to ain," Rodgers asserted. nan Wants Bond Cut Liction of his bond from $100,$7,500 was requested yestery Milton C. Weisman, as reef Fox Theaters, in an applifiled in the Federal Court. lan alleges that the major if Fox property has been sured to Kenneth P. Steinreich imself as new trustees, and iie high bond is unnecessary. 'om Fizdale Staff in Levin, formerly of the B publicity department in Chi and John Gordon, formerly luthrauff & Ryan advertising V', have joined the staff of Tom e, Inc. MAY 24 Robert Sinclair Ira Genet Al Feinman Creighton Hale MAY 25 Morris Kutinsky MAY 26 I Jolson Viola Brothers Shore ul Lukas John Wayne '3 Talmadge Andy M. Roy WITM l^lilL yH. DALYi • • • FURTHER evidence was supplied yesterday that THE FILM DAILY Golf Tournament at Glen Oaks Club .on Tuesday, June 11 \will set an all-time record in the important matter of prizes Augmenting the vast array of cups and awards previously announced along come more trophies namely those posted by Columbia Pictures, UA and RKO Eastman Kodak, a wow of a camera an Alexander Smith rug and a Nat Lewis robe Leon Bamberger, Ampa Prexy, asks that all Ampa golfers desiring to qualify for the Ampa team in THE FILM DAILY Tournament advise him as to their club handicap and last three scores. T T T • • • THAT Ampa luncheon meeting yes'day was a gay, frothy affair Jimmy Walker flashed his best oratorical form. in the feature address devoted to current pix problems and in the splendid appeal he made to the gathering to support the great cause of the United Jewish Appeal Blanche Ring sang Jimmy's renowned song, "Will You Love Me In December, etc." plus "I've Got Rings On My Fingers" and "In the Good Old Summertime" Ethel Sheppard of WHN rendered Jimmy's newest song, "In Our Little Part of Town" and encored via "Ma, He's Kissing Me" Mel Morris accompanied the songbirds WOR's Uncle Don also delivered a neat spiel Prexy Leon Bamberger announced a bevy of new members and revealed that there'll be two more Ampa meetings June 6 and 20 before the summer shutdown Spyros Skoufas will be the guest of honor on June 6 T T T • • • AVAL ANCHING domestic and foreign nooze makes it tougher than nails for our industry promotional forces to crack the wire services and syndicates but the Paramount boys Tom Waller, Herb Berg and Boris (Talent Expert) Kaplan succeeded yesterday in fine fashion on the Bergen Sl, Brooklyn, Indian yarn Several hundred Mohawk Injuns speaking the Iroquois language are iron workers in Brooklyn and the Paramount boys arranged a pow-wow with 'em on Tuesday night More than 100 Injuns responded 30 in full war regalia It made swell human interest copy and photos which broke in every section of the U. S incidentally giving Cecil B. DeMille's forthcoming "Northwest Mounted Police" a whale of a lot of publicity and Paramount's talent department an invaluable file of real Injuns for the DeMille opus retakes and future company productions! T T T 0 • 9 IT is reported that on or about Sept. 15 Staten Island will have a new daily to be dubbed The Record It'll be a pictorial tab it's said and will go heavily on film nooze and art S.I. now is served only by The Advance. T T ▼ • • • ANNA Neagle and W. G. Van Schmus hosted a honey of a cocktail reception last evening in the Music Hall studio apartment Miss Neagle appropriately wore her Alice Blue Gown of the picture while the "Irene Club" composed of showgirls who appeared in the B'way engagement of the famous musical comedy and in roadshow companies sang the hit numbers, accompanied on the piano by the composer of the score Among those present were George J. Schaefer, W. G. Van Schmus, Jack Alicoate, Herbert Wilcox, Don Mersereau, S. Barret McCormick, Ned E. Depinet, Gus Eyssel Rutgers Neilson, Irving Shiffrin, Jack Lewis, Ken Hallam, Cresson Smith, Sammy Shain Andy Smith, Chick Lewis, Al Steen, A. Mike Vogel, Dave Golding, Fred Lynch, Radie Harris, Wanda Hale, Isobel Heath, Leon Leonidoff and hosts of press folk and celebrities of the entertainment world 15-20% Tax on British Rentals (Continued from Page 1) trade at a meeting here yesterday. While the meeting came on the heels of Parliament's action in giving the Government plenary powers over all interests and individuals, the tax measure is not a related step. The rentals tax would be passed by the distributors to the exhibitors, thence to the public, meaning admissions here must rise. Fairbanks May Make One Feature for Paramount (Continued from Page 1) I Die," for Columbia release. Columbia deal is in partnership with Ben Hecht. It is reported that Fairbanks and Paramount have been discussing a one-picture contract. Settlement of the estate of the late Fairbanks, Sr., is expected to result in the United Artists stock held by his father going to the son and the latter's stepmother. Ultimate outcome probably will place the younger Fairbanks in UA as a member-producer. Shapiro Case in Philly Set for Next Tuesday (Continued from Page 1) companies. Case comes up for trial next Tuesday. Rubin Shapiro, who operates the Admiral Theater, charges that clearance granted to Stanley-Warner houses constitutes a monopoly. He asks that the alleged unlawful practice be stopped and claims damages in excess of $50,000. "Baker's Wife" Remake Rights Interest Majors West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — The major studios — one of them said to be Metro — are reported dickering for remake rights to "The Baker's Wife," French pix. Proiectionists to Picket Picketing will be instigated today in front of the Continental Theater by Local 306, projectionists, and Local 1, stagehands, when a new picture opens in protest over the theater's hiring projectionists from the Empire organization. Possible retaliation by Empire may bring a wave of cross picketing along Broadway. WEDDING BELLS West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Marriage of Arthur Treacher and Virginia Taylor, St. Louis belle, took place at Las Vegas.