The Film Daily (1940)

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Tuesday, June 11, 1940 Vi^ DAILY Warners Open First Of 2 Sales Parleys {Continued from Page 1) 3arry Warner, Major Albert Warier, vice-president, told the delegates that there was no place in ;he organization or any other \merican business for Nazis, Fas:ists. Communists or any other folf^^ig of such groups. "Loyalty to \'^*icanism and the American flag ■onies first," he said. Ed Schnitzer, Eastern district nanager, was announced as the third irize winner in the Sears drive and hecks were presented to Schnitzer ind the managers in his district, vho include J. Roger Mahan, New laven; Norman Ayers, Boston; yharles Rich, Buffalo; Sam Lefkovitz. New York, and Paul Krumenicker, Albany. Screening of "The Sea Hawk" was leld yesterday and "All This and leaven Too" is scheduled for today, 'harles Einfeld and Mort Blumentock are to outline advertising and lublicity plans today, while Norman /loray will speak on short subjects. )thers to talk yesterday were Joseph ijernhard, Albert Warner, Joseph 'lummel and Leonard Schlesinger. Varner Theaters Named n Suit by Patron ' Racine, Wis. — Suit has been jntered in municipal court here by 'rank LaBoda alleging that Warner Iros. Theaters of Wisconsin, Inc., efused to pay him $900 as agreed 1 connection with a "Treasure |ihest" award at the circuit's Venelan Theater here. I LaBoda contends he was declared ''inner of the award on May 18 and James Ely Arkin, manager of the 'enetian, and Jack Keegan, Mil'aukee, district manager of the cirjuit, in his action. !!harles Rich Named VB Cleveland Mgr. ! ' Cleveland — Charles Rich has been amed local Warner Bros, branch lanager to succeed Ted Mendelsohn. Rich has been Vitagraph ranch manager in Buffalo until his j'ansfer to Cleveland. I /ill Packard Dies I Frazeyburg, O. — William F. PackIj-d, 84, for many years operator of ' film theater here, died June 2, in t. Francis hospital, Columbus, ihree sons and two daughters sur ve. Deny Any Breah of 4A Menther Unions Blanket denial of any break between AAAA member unions and the Theater Authority, Inc., was isued yesterday by the organization. Denial came in answer to reports of a rift. Brazilian Beceipts From "JVazi Spt|" Will Go to Bed Cross if Country Allotvs Showing Pittsburgh — Joseph Hummel, foreign sales executive of Warner Bros., told company conventionites here yesterday that Harry Warner had cabled the Brazilian Government an offer to turn over the entire Brazilian receipts of "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" to the Red Cross if Brazil would show the picture. Censorship has held up its showing for several months. Eight Studios Start 13 Films This Week (Continued from Page 1) is the working title; "Wildcat Bus" with Fay Wray. At M-G-M: "Golden Fleecing" with Lew Ayres, Rita Johnson, Virginia Grey and Nat Pendleton. At 20th Century-Fox: "For Beauty's Sake" with Marjorie Weaver, Ted North, Ned Sparks and Joan Davis. At Warners: "Flowing Gold" with John Garfield, Pat O'Brien and Frances Farmer; "Tugboat Annie Sails Again" starring Marjorie Rambeau and Alan Hale; "Ladies Must Live" starring Rosemary Lane. At Republic: "Tulsa Kid," a Don Barry western; "Everybody's Happy," a Higgins Family sequel. At Monogram: "Kid Reporters" with Marcia Mae Jones and Jackie Moran; next Boris Karloff feature in the James Lee Wong series. At Edward Small's: "The Son of Monte Cristo" with Louis Hayward, Joan Bennett and George Sanders heading the cast. Albany Exchange People Feted by Frank Weiting Cobleskill, N. Y. — Albany exchange salesmen, bookers and branch managers were entertained from golf to steak here Saturday by Frank Weiting, who owns the Park Theater. A score of Albanians played golf at the Cobleskill Country Club and remained for a steak dinner, with Weiting footing the check for the whole works. Attending were: Dan Houlihan, 20th Century-Fox; George Tucker, Leon Herman and Bernard Kranze, RKO; Clayton Eastman and Dick Hayes, Paramount; Jim Moore, Vitagraph; Bill Gaddoni, Ralph Ripps, Bill Williams, Sid Stockton and Ralph Pielow, Metro; Harry Bernstein, The Rail, Albany; Lou Golding, Fabian district manager, and Gene Lowe, former Monogram salesman. 15 Chicago Theaters to Cut Out Triples on June 16 Chicago — Proxy Jack Kirsch yesterday announced that the following Chicago theaters would cut out triples June 16 and run only doubles in the future, as all 10-cent days are out: Revenue, Bugg, Lincoln, Commodore, Portage, Rosewood, Rivoli, Dlrake, Irving, Milfol'd, Admiral, Northcenter, Davis, Metro, Bertha. All are Allied members except the Rosewood. B & K has not taken any action yet. Ask Ohio Supreme Court To Pass on Bank Night (Continued from Page 1) view the decision of the Miami County Common Pleas court, which refused the company's plea that Newberry township officials be enjoined from interfering with Bank Night. The lower court held Bank Night to be a lottery in violation of the law and that the theater was not entitled to protection from law enforcement officials. New Rule on Canadians To Hurt Detroit Houses (Continued from Page 1) ing, exhibitors believe. Ruling is effective July 1, and is most serious here, where the only large population center right on the Canadian border is located, with tens of thousands of daily commuters. To Appeal Neb. Ascap Decision Within 2 Weeks (Continued from Page 1) that the anti-Ascap law was unconstitutional, expires at that time. Johnson's hope is that, even if the high court rules against it as the lower court did, that there will be some illumination in the decision which will be the basis on which other music trust legislation can be enacted. Gus Schaefer to Cuba To Wind Up Biz Deals Gus Schaefer, who has been drafted by Ned E. Depinet, vice-president in charge of distribution for RKO, from the foreign department to the domestic department, planed for Miami yesterday from where he will board a boat for Havana for a week's stay. There he will wind up his office affairs preparatory to entering the domestic ranks. Warners Set Four Pix For Release During July Warner Bros, will release following four features during July: July 6— "The Man Who Talked Too Much"; July 13— "My Love Came Back"; July 20— "The Bridegroom Misbehaves"; July 27 — "They Drive by Night." Lou Harris Aide to Lewis West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — -Lou Harris has been named advertising aide to Cliff Lewis at Paramount. 20111-Fox, M-G-M Abandon Bril. Prod. Direct production in England by 20th-Fox and Metro has been temporarily abandoned due to the precariousness of conditions there, it was learned yesterday following the arrival in this country of Robert T. Kane and Ben Goetz, English production chieftains for the two companies, respectively. General theater business, however, was reported to be good in most parts of the country. Theaters have been shut down on the East Coast due to bombings, it was said, but it was stated that the people who have been evacuated have swelled attendance elsewhere. Production was said to be at a standstill, with only a couple of British pictures in work and little possibility that production on any scale can be started again under present conditions. Goetz leaves for California tonight accompanied by his wife. Kane's plans are indefinite at the present time. All production by American companies has been abandoned, according to information provided by the two execs. Joseph Friedman Columbia's English head, also arrived from abroad and left immediately for the company's convention in Atlantic City. D. E. Griffiths Sales Mgr. for Para. Film Service, Ltd. The appointment of D. E. Griffiths to the post of general sales manager for Paramount Film Service, Ltd., replacing C. G. Dickinson, who recently resigned, was officially confirmed yesterday by John W. Hicks, Jr., Paramount vice-president and head of foreign distribution. Phillips 6c Nizer Expands Law Firm's Title Law firm of Phillips & Nizer, well known in the film industry, hereafter will be known as Phillips, Nizer, Benjamin and Krim. Robert Benjamin was an employe of the New York Flm Board of Trade while attending college 16 years ago. He has been a member of the law firm for the last five years. Arthur Krim's first job after leaving law school was with Phillips & Nizer. He became a partner three years ago. Here's Why Exhihs. Suffer Headaches Harrisburg, Pa. — You've heard of the guy asking the theater cashier if the same picture is being shown in the balcony as downstairs, but Johnny Rogers, manager of the State Theater, reports a new type of wise guy. On a recent warm day, Johnny reports, a prospective patron wandered up to the boxoffice and demanded to know if the house was airconditioned in the balcony as well as downstairs.