The Film Daily (1940)

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rm^m muY Thursday, June 13, 19-1 May Attack True Bill Against Sdienck {Continued from Page 1) of taxes. Both defendants were released on $1,500 bail after Judge Bondy ordered their appearance on July 29 to set date of trial. Max D. Steuer, attorney for Schenck, obtained permission to either withdraw the plea or to file demurrers to the indictments within 30 days. He was told that the Court would allow the filing of a motion even after that period. It w^as learned that Steuer reserved the right to change the plea as a preliminary step in disputing the sufficiency of the indictments if a study shows that they did not state a crime. Steuer asked that bail be set at $1,000 while Chief Assistant U. S. Attorney Mathias Correa asked for $2,500. 'Judge Bondy remarked that there was little danger of the defendants defaulting in appearance at trial and that high bail was unnecessary. Schenck was informed that he would be at liberty to return to the Coast after he had secured judicial consent. John Burns represented Moscowitz in the case. Ereisler Gives Exhibs. Chance at Prize Money Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Exhibitors Appreciation Award campaign has been instigated here by Manager B. Bernard Kreisler of the Universal exchange, with prizes for exhibitors and bookers. Prizes will be awarded on a dating point basis for all features and other subjects played by exhibitors and booked by exchange workers between June 1 — Sept. 1. Kreisler is using part of the branch's second place prize money in the recent Scully Drive for the awards. ET to Pay SVa on Pfd. Montreal — Directors of Eastern Theaters, Ltd., have declared a dividend of ZVz per cent on the preferred, payable July 31 to shareholders of record June 29. Tay Garnett Basil Rathbone Ian Hunter David J. Chatkin ALCNG THE WITti PtilL M. DALTi T T T • • • HOLLYWOOD is pulsating with activity as preparedness measures for the forthcoming season continue at a high pitch with production channels completely conscious of the fact that each 1940-41 feature will have to be stepped up to the fullest strength so as to step out with maximum appeal to both theotermen and their patrons The Coast knows that it can't "coast" now So it's full steam ahead with signal flags proclaiming: "Hollywood Expects Every Picture To Do Its Duty" and that duty is the exacting of lop revenue from the domestic field and what is left oi marts abroad. T T T • • • HARRY Sherman announced on the Coast yesterday that his Hopalong Cassidy series for 1940-41 will be made as 70-minute shows instead of the 60-minute length which has prevailed heretofore He asserted that the change is not a personal move but one which springs from exhibitors' requests with latter pointing out that in many situations where the Hopalongs are played these pictures are single billed This corner's reaction is that the stretching of each Hoppy by some thousand feet is important but even more so because the step is indicative of the growing collaboration 'twixt producers and exhibs to achieve maximum results Spyros Skouras, on the basis of his recent Ampa speech should be the first to compliment and congratulate Harry Sherman T T T • • • THIS week on the Paramount lot plans are complete for "There's Magic In Music" to go before the cameras on Monday Grace Bradley has been signed for this opus as have Richard Bonelli and Irra Petina of the Metropolitan Opera. . . • That studio also grabbed H. Bruce Humberstone to direct "Touchdown" a gridiron classic due for shooting commencing July 1. . . • Boris Morros and Robert Stillman solons of Notional Pictures are studding their new musical "Second Chorus" with big b.o. names having signed Fred Astaire to star and Artie Show, plus a number of other gross-grabbing personalities to make the production sure-iire bait for the public T T T • • • METRO has contracted for Robert Young who gives a thundering performance in "The Mortal Storm" to play the American war correspondent in the new version of "Clear All Wires". . . • Irving Cummings is intensively engaged in study and research before taking over direction of the 20th-Fox feature "Down Argentine Way" ... • Rapid progress is reported on "Hired Wife" the William Seiter directorial effort for "U" T ▼ T • • • WAYNE Morris has been assigned the male lead opposite Rosemary Lane in Warners' tentatively titled "Ladies Must Live" which Noel Smith is directing. . . • A wire from the WB lot advises that "My Love Came Back" is the new title for "Men On Her Mind" scheduled for release July 20. . . • Pitchers on the Hollywood baseball club are going without their kisses Every time Hollywood wins, Gail Patrick, with permission of her hubby. Bob Cobb prexy of the club bestows o kiss on the winning pitcher But, olas and alack, Hollywood has lost seven straight games T T T Chaplin Sues, Wins Injunction vs. Life (Continued from Page 1) culation of Life to 1,600,000 copii now in the hands of dealers. T: Court, after a short hearing, order; the defendants to remove the ( fending picture from 1,200,00» ies of Life still in possession C fendants. During argument for the tempc| ary injunction, Judge Knox was i formed that the defendants claim to have purchased the pictures frc a man of unknown identity, and th{ Chaplin was informed of the pt chase on June 6. Chaplin, in his complaint, clair that defendants, some time befc| June 6, "surreptitiously" secured c« tain photographic stills from t Chaplin studio without knowled or consent of Chaplin and has pi posed to reproduce them in the Ju, 17 issue of Life. Inspection of copy of the magazine revealed tb the full page picture shows Cha lin dressed in the uniform of a d tator. Chaplin claims that he stands make over $5,000,000 profit from t picture and that the defendan have damaged "irrevocably" t possibilities by their actions. T complaint Insists that it is e;-' tial for the plaintiff to employ own chosen mediums for expl . I tion of the film and that Cha; has been deprived of valuable ri-: to the sale of first publication ri.: of the story. Complaint also cha: a violation of the New York '■ Rights law. Gillespie Toining UA James F. Gillespie, recently vh RKO in the Washington-Baltimc] territory, on Monday joins the pui licity exploitation department United Artists, making his hea quarters at Atlanta, Ga. His ter tory will embrace the region frc Charlotte, N. C. to New Orleans. WEDDING BELLS Josephine Natalie Day, daught of John L. Day, Jr., Paramoun manager in South America, will married Saturday in Montclair, J., to Lieut. Charles David HooV' U. S. N. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAI Hollywood — Application for a mi riage license has been filed by Jo David Wertheimer, producer a Mrs. Marjorie Reid Sampson w plan to be married June 23 at t home of Lynn Carver, sister of t bride. Albuquerque, N. M. — Madon Priestoff, cashier at the Kimo The ter here, and Don Moye will be mi ■ried today.