The Film Daily (1940)

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W*\. DAILY Thursday, June 13, 1940 300 Exhibs. Attend Party for Sears {Continued from Page 1) zone manager, at the William Penn Hotel. At the party, Sears was presented with his appointment as an honorary police lieutenant by Judge M. A. Musmano. . , The party was the convention s swan-song,'. Charles Einfeld, with Mort Blumenstock, Mitchell Rawson, Paul Lazarus, Stanley Hatch, i. E. Dolid, Charlie Kemke and Charlie Baily of the home office, return to New York this morning. Other h.o. execs., including Sears, Carl Leserman, Roy Haines, Ben Kalmenson, Norman H. Moray, Arthur Sachson and A. W. Schwalberg, leave today for Chicago where the second convention opens at the Blackstone Monday. Eastern and Canadian delegates also entrain today for their respective territories where district and branch managers will hold local post-convention meetings. Among exhib. guests registered at the Sears cocktail party were: A Joseph, J. Gellman. L. Schmidt, Silbur Hepp, Sam Gould, J. Richman, Jack White, I Browarski, N. Felishman and Son. M. Samuels, Wm. Finke!, E. Michels, M. Fmkel. Alex Moore, A. Fineman, R. V. McCalmont. M. Rosenberg, H. Hendel, I. Roth, Mike Shapiro. Tack Littestone, Dave Fineman. Clark Poke, N. Huhn, C. Philbrook. Tom Lund, Morris Roth, Andy Askounez, Claude Hodder, Russ Wehrle. Frank Panopolos, Vince Choate, A. Glazer, M. Aksalrad, Cooke Anderson, Scaader O. Kihchel, Beedle Bros., Dr C. Herman. Anthony Vincent. R. Coyle. T McC.illick, Gilbert Gellman, P. Antonpolus, Geo. Corcoran, A. Slessinger, M. Wmograd, Henry Schultz, Wm. Walker, J. Jaffurs ; also — Harry Walker, A. McCormack, Wm. Scrrao A. Antonopolis. F. E. Hasley, J. Sperra, S. Newman, J. P. Benedik, J. Burin. S. Rodenok, J. B. Kane, Harry Meyers, Wm. Wheat, H. R. Wood, H. Rachiele, Melvin Helfant, H. J. Rankin. G. Geinzer, A. Mun gello. M. Goldman. F. King. P. Caleffe, S. Yakish. Mrs. L. Muir, M. Battiston, J WWick. Thomas Scheets. J. Jennings, G. Olgietti, T. Castell. Guy Ida, J. Huszaiz, S. H. Griffith, E. Datolla, F. McBride, J. Moritz, A. Rottenstein, Ray Wheeler, T. Melroy, M. Steinberg. J. Slotz, A. A. Weiland, R. Navarri. I. Kolivosky, J. Marinoe, T. J. Hickes, H E. Hammond, M. Gelanis, F. A. Fairgraves, B. J. Newyland, Jos. Seyboldt, Leo Guerrein, C. Lampros, J. B. Kosco ; also — Phil Brozier, John Perry, M. Faenza, C. W Dickinson, W. L. Zedaker, Werner Lund, L. Demichelis, J. M. Booth, L. Cuperaggi. Tos Bell, P. Profili, L. Lowstutter, J. Costclio, T. Mikalowski, Mrs. Geo. Craig, M. Karoloik. A. S. Mapel, Alex Silay, A. Latella, lohn Sheppard, I. L. Butler, Geo. Otte, T. J Laskey, C. G. Velas, I. Slavik, Geo. Capps. R Marks, John Urse, M. E. Sperling, N. G Anas, J. L. Bush, John Panolplos, Frank Tuccio, N. W. Evans, H. C. Coffman, Garland West, Chas. Griffith. J. Reese, A. C. Morris, Glen Floyd, C. W. Marx, C. W. Marsh, O. H. Gainer, J. E. Heaton, D. Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Church, Mrs. Edythe Mclntyre. M. Currey, Wm. Demos, A Koontz, Miss E. McGaffney, Miss C. Pomeroy E. E. Ours, J. Koozak, James Work, Frank Raspa, Alex Iller, Miss L. M. Monroe. S. A. Peters, C. L. Sutton, J. W. Mercer. Dick Palmer, B. P. Drey, C. A. Jocobi, Mrs. J. Hauer, Wm. Zeny, Dave Victor; also— A J. Masters, John Gable, H. Stahl, M. Marks. M. Shea. T. Gibson, C. Truran, A. P Way, A. Biordi. D. Houton, C. S. Brown. C. E. Gable, J. G. Langese, I. Valenti, L. Rottenstein. M. Proctor, T. Birooco, C. F. Filkinger, Miss S. Blatt, A. E. Andrews, J. T. Birocco. A. Rotenstein, M. Kirkpatrick. E C. Flesher. P. Natarianna, H. Hayes, L. Peretta. J. A. Blatt. W. E. Anderson. J. A, Blatt, J J. McFadden, M. Serventi, C. W. I\BC Television Programs ISext Weeh to Lean Strongly on FUtns; Four Features Announced NBC's tele program for next week will lean strongly towards films, calling for no less than four features, a serial, a M of T subject, cartoons, travelogues and assorted commercials and industrials. ,, ■ <. W2XBS will go double feature Tuesday when it will have "Sunset Range in the afternoon and "Crooked Circle" in the evening as the day's only tele offerings. "White Heat," a third feature, is set for Friday afternoon and "Murder on the Campus," a fourth, on Saturday afternoon. Allied Reservation List at New High (Coitlliiucd from Page 1) ported, the effect has been the opposite and indications are that independents from all parts of the country plan to swoop down on Chicago. While the reservation list is not yet complete, it is said that the Pittsburgh unit has chartered two Pullmans to take its delegation to the convention. The Philadelphia contingent will include approximately 20 exhibitors and New Jersey Allied has pledged at least 10 delegates. Michigan and the Northwest units are slated to send large parties. W. F. Rodgers, M-G-M general sales manager, said yesterday he expected to attend. Several other industry executives have been invited and probably will be on hand. Convention opens next Wednesday at the Hotel Morrison in Chicago and is scheduled to end Friday with the usual windup banquet. Abandon Effort to Get Orks in Pix Theaters Set Northwest Allied Convention for July 10-11 Minneapolis — Annual convention of Northwest Allied has been set for July 10-11 at the Nicollet Hotel here. Strong sentiment in this territory for a buying organization probably will result in the plan materializing at the sessions, according to reliable sources. Appointment of a successor to Al Steffes, unit head, also is on the docket. Steffes has been given a leave of absence because of recent illness. Convention, which is to be open to all independent exhibitors, will discuss the issues to be brought up at the national conclave next week in Chicago. Annual Variety Club golf tournament is to be held the day after the close of the Northwest meetings. Gilbert Nathanson, local Republic head, is chairman of the golf tourney. (Continued from Page 1) President Joseph N. Weber, following discussion of the resolution on the floor, stated that there were too many small pix houses which could not afford to hire musicians. Resolution to support the Neely anti-block-booking bill met with but a cool reception, it being asserted that the bill would not help the employment of musicians. Weber pointed out that there was not any one measure that would cure the ills afflicting the A F of M. Resolution to stop members of the organization from making electrical transcription was killed, executive board pointing out that it had done everything in its power to correct this ill and had found that it was one of the things that cannot be stopped. Pascal Will Produce Next Pix in Hollywood (Continued from Page 1) dicate he has given up production in England for the time being. He was scheduled to shoot G. B. Shaw's "Major Barbara" in England, and picture was in production at last reports, but apparently this film has been abandoned temporarily. Cummins Sues Claiming Film Contract Breach "Our Land Of Peace" (Spanish dialogue, no English titles) E. F. A. 75 Mins. DAILY NEWS: An absorbing historical document. NEW YORK TIMES: Considey^q technical limitations, production f i good job. ^--^ CREDITS: Producer, Henri Martinet; Director, Arturo S. Mom. PLAYERS: Pedro Tocci, Elsa Martinez, Emperatriz Carvajal. "The Lady In White' (Italian dialogue, no English titles) Esperia Films 80 Mins. HERALD TRIBUNE: Film is a torpid and ineffectual vomedy. NEW YORK TIMES: Although story is old it is still good for laughs. CREDITS: Fono-Roma production; Director, Mario Mattoli. PLAYERS: Elsa Merlini, Nino Besozzi, Enrico Viarisio. "A Wife In Peril" (Italian dialogue, English titles) Esperia Films 90 minw DAILY NEWS: Film misses to^ brackets because of slow start. NEW YORK TIMES: The audience is laughing most of the time HERALD TRIBUNE: An arresti^fij little bit of nonsense. CREDITS: Astra Film production; Director, Massimo Neufeld. PLAYERS: Marie Glory, Antonio Centa, Laura Solari. Majors Bid for Three British GN Pictures Breach of contract suit for $12,.500 was filed yesterday in the New York Supreme Court by Cummins Pictures, Inc., against Benjamin Brodie and Premier Trading Corp. Suit claims that Brodie induced Premier to breach a contract made in Dec, 1938, under which the plaintiff was to co-operate in the distribution of a Polish motion picture. Perine, H. H. Baldenpserger, J. A. Nodquist, G. Schaeffer, W. K. Smith, J. B. Christy, H. L. Fry, Jr., E. P. Brown, J. Silverman, L L. Chamberlain, A. Parkas. A. Peterson, R. J. Redfoot, J. Sullivan, J. Bi.xler, Miss R. Leibowitz, Josep Delizi, Thos. Bello, H. Cromwell. C. Szewczyk, Wm. Nideth ; also — C. L. Hall, S. Bianco. W. E. Yealey. H. Rachielle, M. Single, J. K. Stiickey, J. Wiseman, K. Dawson, L. Baczansky, R. Civi. C. J\I. Sherkel, T. Dimauro, P. Semyan. W. M. Lodge, O. Heckler, Drew Kolb, J. C. Shapiro. W. J. Blatt. Mrs. L. Interrante, A. L. Hodgson, J. Younderidge, J. A. Angros, Jos. Grav, J. Sabella. M. Dimauro. R. D. Grassmey'er, Wm. Lipsie, John Lipsie. B. Bucheit, M. Manos, B. H. Potts, F. Weitzel, Chas. Anderson, Walter Urling, C. R. Blatt, J. Blatt, Wm. Blatt, John H. Harris, Frank Harris, Tames Balmer, J. McGreevey, Geo. Tyson, v. F. Scott, Ray AUis, L. Allison. "Leopard Men" in Hub Bow B. F. Zeldman's "Leopard Men of Africa," featuring Dr. Paul L. Hoefler, will have its premiere at the RKO Boston Theater, Boston., June 20. "Melody Maker" to Hoffberg "The Melody Maker," musical feature with six new song numbers, in addition to several other musical numbers, has been acquired by J. H. Hoffberg for release. Menard Acquires a Second Amitv, Ark. — The New Theater has been bought by E. C. Menard, owner of the Menlo, Glenwood. (Continued from Page 1) ber" and "Room for Two." Bernan brought over an uncut negative O) "Pastor Hall," which will be editco over here. Bernard said yesterday that threi companies had made offers for th* pictures and negotiations were oil with two others. "Pastor Hall" H said to be a timely picture, based or the activities of Pastor Niemoeller* the German pastor who waged s long battle against the Nazi regime Wilford Lawson plays the title rolj' and others in the cast include SiJ Seymour Hicks, Nova Pilbeam, Marii us Goring, Hay Petrie, Eliot Makei ham, Edmund Willard and Peter Cotes. "Room for Two" co-stars Francej Day and Vic Oliver in an adaptatioJ of a successful stage play. "Yoti Will Remember" is based on the lif: of Leslie Stuart, composer of som| of England's most popular songs. Three other pictures are in worl for British Grand National release They are "Under Your Hat," wit.| Jack Hulbert and Cicely Court! neidge; "The Man Who Lost Himij self," starring Leslie Howard, am "Alibi," with Michael Redgi-ave anf Maragaret Lockwood. Bernard plans to remain in th U. S. about four weeks.