The Film Daily (1940)

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A i Friday, June 14, 1940 IHIl DAILY Expert New Code Offer At Allied Meeting oveit t {Continued from Page 1) Film Daily, is that distributor iieads of the Big Eight, who have "jeen invited to attend the conven••ipn, will outline a new code pro1 to exhibitors following the ustry conferences with Govern(,5ji«nent attorneys in the New York >s jl .equity suit. 'on5j J Kirsch said that the Big Eight disjeut ;ributors' attendance would depend cl) J ,ipon whether their presence was gjji j'equired at the New Yoi'k suit. The euro Jhicagoan said he expects arbitra[ N); Jjon to loom large on the convention , Hi jiorizon. The exhibitor-members eqiiij jVill come primed to hear the latest neil'. joncerning the reported consent de:t. li free in the New York suit. Kirsch, , Las ryho visited Capitol Hill during his 'enjf several days' stay in Washington, ;kin laid the gathering would be disinctly interested in the latest deiberation regarding a revised Neely ill. Describing the forthcoming chief peaker for the Chicago convention s a "dark horse," Kirsch said adance meeting schedules called for total attendance of some 650 exibitors, of which 500 would com\ tiElrise out-of-Chicago exhibitor rep[^sentation from over the nation. I Aside from Myers and Cole, who ill follow Kirsch to Chicago, speakrs are not definite aside from other i^embers of the Allied high comjiand. Kirsch had no information as tola! I) a possible Representative or Senrest ior as convention speaker. :ies irrer Aitkt leptftep. Holds Conferences Business sessions of Republic's cal two-day regional sales meet|g having concluded on Wednesday Ight, yesterday was devoted to conirences between James R. Grain r, company's president, and indidual franchise holders and branch ]anagers, each of whom brought to ainger their problems for discus faikie in RKO Short [with Wendell L. Willkie, potential DP nominee, on the question firing le along with the regulars, the nformation Please" production set , I the Fox Movietone Studio yesterf^ iy brought out leading Metropolif|n columnists, syndicate writers id newsmen as well as a score of meramen. 3ust a Jones Custom Chicago — As the young manager of the White City Amusement Park here 35 years ago, Aaron Jones, Sr., now prexy II of the Jones, Linick & Schaefer circuit, If engaged Sophie Tucker for the opening bill. Since then, Jones has made it a point, whenever possible, to engage the singer for the opening bill of any new house. So with the Oriental reverting to a vaude policy, Miss Tucker headlines. '^'^Work Together So That Our American Institutions May Survive"" — Jack Cohn Atlantic City — Asserting "a is needed today more than ever the company's sales convention from the forthcoming "Arizona" fast." Cohn continued: "We all must get out and the world that we — and espec country is the one ray of democ "I see a hard road ahead of an earnest appeal to everyone — together so that our American reaffirmation of faith in America and its institutions before," Vice-Prexy Jack Cohn of Columbia, addressing here, found a text for the country today in this line : "We have got to work twice as hard and twice as work 'twice as hard and twice as fast' to prove to ally the showmen of this country — believe that this ratic salvation in a world torn by strife, us but we must not falter in these trying days. I make producer and distributor, exhibitor and public — to work institutions may survive." 11 Toreign Mart No Lost Cause"' Overseas Offices to Carry On — McConville Atlantic City — Those who proclaim "all is lost" when surveying the overseas scene were decried before the Columbia sales convention at the Ritz-Carlton here by Joe McConville, company's foreign sales chief. Said McConville: "We must not consider the foreign market a lost cause at this point despite the fact that Blitzkrieg seems to be the order of the day. "The foreign offices will carry on 66 Per Cent Against Duals In Poll of Women (Continued from Page 1) Associates, (Film Daily, June 6) reveals that 59.1 per cent of the women contacted preferred the average length feature and 38.9 per cent favored the long picture of the "Gone With the Wind" type. Those who expressed no opinion represented two per cent of the total. Poll was made shortly after the release of GWTW and it was noted with some surprise that such programs were looked upon with favor by so large a percentage. On the question of double features, the poll showed that 66.8 per cent of the women interviewed in the nation-wide survey were against duals, while 26.9 per cent were in favor of them. Neutral or indifferent answers were expressed by 6.-3 per cent of the women. Preferences for short subjects on single bill programs, the poll revealed, placed travelogues in the top position, with newsreels and the Walt Disney type of cartoons strong runners-up. Survey by Agnes Mengel Grew Associates is reported to be the most extensive attempted in industry history. "Cavalcade" on Coast As Relief Fund Benefit West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Noel Coward's "Cavalcade" will be produced as a British War Relief Fund benefit at Pasadena with a cast recruited from the English colony and Frank Lloyd directing. Arrangement with Coward was completed by Basil Rathbone, it is reported. Lloyd directed the 20th-Fox film version of the London stage hit in 1933. in spite of the seeming insurmountable difficulties of today. True, conditions are extremely trying and changing events have made matters even worse for our representatives in various European countries with each passing hour. "Our problem — and the problem of all of us who look to the foreign market — is in guessing the future. No one knows what will happen to tomorrow's business, but Columbia is looking ahead adjusting its foreign field activities to the everchanging conditions of a war-tossed market." Joseph Friedman, managing director of England, who recently returned from London, also discussed events abroad. Sliding Tax Scale For Amusements! (Continued from Page 1) admissions from 40 to 30 cents. Harrison estimated the sliding scale would bring in $60,000,000 additional revenue. Average admission price in the U. S. film houses is 23 cents. A second new proposal of interest to exhibs. yesterday originated with Democratic Leader Barkley. It calls for a cent a bottle levy on soft drinks. Thousands of theaters, particulai'ly during the hot weather period, sell soft drinks at lobby stands. Barkley told the Committee that the soft drink tax would raise $70,000,000 annually. Craven Forecasts Full Tele Commercialization (Continued from Page 1) engineering standards are agreed upon. Craven told Lundeen he would prefer to see the FCC follow a more liberal policy in handling television but concurred with the Commission in its latest report to attain "its broader objectives" and felt the differences were not sufficient to justify a dissenting vote. NOTICE ! ! ! Anyone wishing to buy an extra one of those portable radios that made such a hit as Foursome Prizes at — Film Daily Golf Tournament can do so at ClUoit-AleiAJ. Ilk Courtlandt Street worth 2-0106 Specially Priced at $12.50