The Film Daily (1940)

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I londay, June 17, 1940 THE WECr IN REVIEW Equity Settlement Impends: U. K. to Ease Quota? DOMESTIC EQUITY SUIT: Govt's equity ait remained matter of chief in';rest during past week, with prosects o^" ^settlement being reached till ;i^^red as good, though lajors' "counsel hinted at a limit of mcessions on part of the defendants'/'ith Thurman Arnold taking part I discussions, no serious impasse to »Ji ettlement was seen . . . Further adpurnment of the trial while confer en; noes continue was granted . . . mited Artists and Universal reirved freedom of action in case consent decree was agreed to by le other majors. * * * I; if: ' WARNER BROS.: At first of two> arner sales convention company ogram for new season was an)unced at 48 features and two speals, the latter being "The Man Who ^me to Dinner" and "The Life of ■)hn Doe." It was stated that War^3rs would have 20 percentage pix ■■1 its new list — four at 40 per cent id eight each at 35 and 30 per cent. I * * * J JCHAPLINSUES: Charles Chaplin >id Charles Chaplin Film Corp., Ijed Time, Inc., publishers of Life 'agazine, and its officers for $1, J 0,000 damages for inclusion of a otograph of the comedian in his w film, "The Dictator," in the June I issue of Life. He asked, and was anted, an injunction against pub ■ation of his portrait in the 1,200,lO copies of the publication which ^ ltd not been distributed. Publishers fid already distributed 1,600,000 Ijpies of the offending issue which l-jey were unable to recall. f] * * * ON VARIED FRONTS: Allied exacts distribs. to offer new Code oposals at its annual convention in licago, June 17-19 . . . House For^n and Interstate Commerce comijttee named seven to a sub-commit tee to study revamping Neely's antiblock-booking bill. Committee met and adjourned due, it was believed, to defense legislation needs . . . Samuel Goldwyn and his production exec. Edwin Knof, cancelled latter's contract by mutual consent. Action was believed to forecast Goldwyn's abstention from further production until his suit against UA is settled . . . Metro plans to withdraw "GWTW" from distribution about the end of July, and to bring it back under a different sales policy in January . . . Warners "ATAHT" will likely play the Center Theater after all, opening June 27. It is reported a smash b.o. hit in Los Angeles . . . Columbia reported planning "idea pix," based on events of the day, for small town theaters . . . Sliding tax scale on admissions, from 10 cents, indicated by such a proposal to the Senate Finance Committee . . . New admish tax looms in Louisiana . . . A F of M, at Indianapolis convention, gave up effort to get orchestras into film theaters. Jos. N. Weber retires from presidency of organization after 40 years . . . Poll of women showed 66 per cent opposed to duals. . . . Para.'s sales policy to be flexible, Neil Agnew announced . . . ITOA bids indies to a trade confab on Wednesday at the Astor Hotel. FOREIGN EUROPE: Robert T. Kane, back from England, stated that the British Gov't is expected to ease quota obligations . . . Kent Overseas Drive cancelled because of the war . . . Andre Heymann, returning from France, said that country had produced 26 pix since Jan. 1. . . . U. S. distribs. in Paris moved their offices to Bordeaux due to imminence of Nazi capture of Paris, an event realized at the week-end . . . Further loss of film revenue from Europe foreseen as a result of Italy's entry into the conflict. mold, Gleason Signed or Capra's "John Doe" •:sf Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Frank Capra has ?ned Edward Arnold and James eason for roles in "The Life of hn Doe" which starts shooting ly 8. elson and McCoy Bands or Slot Machine Reels Bands of Ozzie Nelson and Clyde cCoy in addition to Abe Lyman ,ve agreed to make picture recordgs for Phonovision, Frank Orsatti nounced Friday. The slot machine '2tures are to be made at the EdiIn studio in The Bronx. Paramount to Release Gene Markey Production? West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Gene Markey is reported setting a deal to produce independently, with Paramount as the distributor. Plan calls for Markey to make one with Bonnie Baker and Orrin Tucker. Irvine Interment Rites D&troit — William I. Irvine, sales manager for Wilding Picture productions, industrial film producers, was buried in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. His widow and two children survive. CBS in Philly Variety Show Philadelphia — CBS will have headquarters in the Variety Club rooms in the Bellevue here during the GOP convention. DAILY * 15 HE FOLLOWED ADVENTURE ..SHE FOLLOWED HER MAN.. She faced the untold dangers of the most lawless days America has ever known, to be at the side of the man she loved.