The Film Daily (1940)

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riday, June 21, 1940 THE FILM DAILY MENT STUDIOS • SEATING • SCREENS • SOUND SYSTEMS Toi€7. 1 RRIS iliVl DAILY ler and H. B. Boshoven who also h /ate the Liberty and Franklin aters in that city. Their partner» is unique. In 20 years of exhihi, they have never had an argujit . . . among themselves. xhibition field will find of unal interest the recent edition of Bulletin, publication of the Re■ch Council of the Academy of ion Picture Arts and Sciences, fCaining the paper presented by •n K. Hilliard before the Pacific :st Conference of Independent later Owners and titled "The TheStandardization Activities of /Academy Research Council." ^ ^ ^ ierod Jimerson has been named Mant manager of the Rex, Little ik. Ark. * * * 'he South Bend Lathe Works, th Bend, Ind., announces the new nch Swing 1-inch Collet Capacity -ies "S" Tool Room Bench Lathe, mted on an extremely sturdy [jded steel bench, this lathe has , rigidity and stability of a floor e lathe, combined with the speed, jVenience and space-saving advan|fes of a bench lathe, its manufac?rs point out. * * * [(rank Kornig, prexy of the M. P. \ater Operators of Maryland for Ifiy years, is installing new RCA Otophone sound in his 600-seat fn, Baltimore, which house he has [rated for 25 years. 1 West Springfield House ^est Springfield, Mass. — The Ma |;ic, closed for remodeling, will m in early July. Air conditioning Int is being installed. A 45-ton |ipressor will furnish filtered cool in Summer and heat for Winter. Bair ducts with fans are being inlled, and the theater front will completed in Colonial style. ^uild Gordon Theater Erordon, Neb. — Black Hills Amusemt Co., of Deadwood, S. D., owner ithe Pace Theater which was deloyed by fire some time ago, is ijuilding and will reopen the house or about July 1. Theater will reits former name. It will seat m Artkrait Catalog Ready Liima, O. — A complete theater catg, profusely illustrated with marpes, porcelain fronts and poster jmes, is now available to theater (prators, architects, builders and (lifer channels, through the Artkraft cn Co. here. Keeping Screens While ImporlanI Wilmington, Del. — Importance of keeping screens white was stressed here by William Buchart, at Loew's Scenic Studio, New York, wi^.o recoated the screen of local Loew's Theater. The Loew organization, Buchart pointed out, takes the view that, with large sums spent to obtain the best in projection equipment, it is best to prevent screens from becoming yellowed with consequent reduction in the clarity of screen images. Twice each year, the screen in each of the 114 Loew's theaters is recoated by Buchart, who uses a special paint preparation which is applied with a spray-gun. Sharpness of the picture is greatly increased following the application, and contrast in the appearance of the screen before and after the operation is surprising. Few theaters, it is believed, equal those of the Loew circuit in attention to keeping screen as white as possible. Gyro-Spray Units In Lively Demand Oklahoma City — Gyro-Spray air conditioning units, manufactured by U. S. Air Conditioning Co., have been sold by the Oklahoma Theater Supply Co. to the following theaters in this State during the past few weeks: Villa, Oklahoma City; Liberty, Quinton; Ritz, Duncan; S. P. Seller's house, Westville; Rainbow, Nowata; Rugue, Topton; and Star, Sand Springs. Units were also sold to Arkansas houses, among which were the Rialto, Siloam Springs; Ritz, Morrilton; Strand, Paris; and Palace, Boone ville. • Basils Renew with Altec Basil Bros. Theaters has renewed Altec service agreements for Basil house in Buffalo and Niagara Falls. A. J. Raemacher negotiated for Altec. BERl FLAG AND VALANCE CO. 71 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 646 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 8954 Gibson Street, Lei Angeles, Calif. Glencoe Will Have Sam Meyers House Glencoe, III. — Filmgoers will have something for which to be thankful, in addition to the usual reasons, when Thanksgiving Day rolls around this year. On that date, the new Glenwin Theater will be opened here at the northeast corner of Scott and Linden Aves. by Sam C. Meyers and associates. Ground for the project has already been broken. House will be an 1,100-seater. New G-E Exposure Meter Proves Worth on Coast Schenectady — Modern exposure meter has enabled Hollywood cinematographers to photograph entire productions so correctly exposed that they print up with one, or at the most, two printing lights in the laboratory. Glen C. Anderson, commercial representative of G-E's exposure meter department declares. These excellent results have been obtained to a great extent by using the incident light method of measuring exposure, he said, and revealed the features and use of the new G-E DW-48 exposure meter just placed on the market. Additionally, he discussed the extended light measuring range of the new meter, — .05 to 1,700 candles per sq. ft. NTS Biz In Cincy Sliows 30% Jump Cincinnati — National Theater Supply Co. is remodeling their offices here. Streamlined cases, new offices and a decorative scheme in blue are features of the improvement program. Herman Hunt, manager, says that business in past six months shows a 30 per cent boost over preceding span. This is due, he asserts, to building of more film houses in the Mid-East, and also to the fact that there have been no strikes in the coal mining fields. General Seating Chairs For Beacon At Omaha General Seating Co. chairs have been installed in the Beacon Theater, Omaha, by Scott Ballantyne Co., supply dealers of that city. Chairs of the same manufacture have been purchased by the Rialto, Boaz, Ala., and the Rio, Meeker, Colo. The Capital City Supply Co. of Atlanta, Ga., made the former installation and supplied the seats. "GRAPES OF WRATH" Don't risk "box office wrath." Keep your patrons constantly satisfied by installing rich, colorful, luxurious Alexander Smith Carpet . . . the carpet you'll find in most of the country's successful theatres. ALEXANDER SMITH CARPET