The Film Daily (1940)

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■^'"*\4onclay, June24, 1940 Co*, * Vii Hatry fori } »n 'A m THE< DAILY 4ame Four to Allied >ro(lud Survey Com. Mil In (Continued from Page 1) ^^ irthur Howard, Boston. HeadquarfSrs of the committee will be in 'hiladelphia. Product survey cards, to be filled by exhibitors in all territories, seek information as to percentand flat rental deals, whether 'xhibitors are paying more or less loney this year than last and 'whether companies are selling fast r slowly in each area. Purpose of the plan is to guide nd advise exhibitors in their prodct deals and to eliminate discrimiation by the distributors. ^irCji rtriil! 13 of 20th-Fox's 52 Uready in Preparation ratk ' IMl 'acilin Ctisl mi I, ii W lll|!|t, Tori I ^est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — At the week-end, 20th'ox had 33 productions for next season in various stages of preparation, dth eight features in the cutting ooms. Six more pictures will be tarted this month. It was also earned that Darryl Zanuck has bandoned plans to make "Man Eunt" this season. Herman Wobber, sales head, who Vas here last year conferring with (anuck, stated that the company's announced program of 52 pictures Vill be adhered to for 1940-41. Wob9er stated that the negatives of four !ritish-made films have already een received in New York. o\. Signs Heavyweight fest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Columbia has signed 'tie heavyweight fighter, Jack Roper, Jo a mobster role in "Before I Die." lati: Marriage of Jewel Hart, daughter if Mr. and Mrs. I. Schwartz, to oseph Henry Cohn, son of Jack Oohn, Columbia vice-prexy, and Mrs. |ohn, was solemnized yesterday afternoon, at the home of the bride, yith Supreme Court Justice Ferdiiand Pecora officiating. Bride is ^Vell known on the stage, groom is ssociated with the law firm of ichwartz & Frohlich. Miss Hart was attended by her ister, Shirley, as maid of honor, nd by Mrs. Ralph Cohn as matron if honor. Latter is the wife of the room's brother, Ralph Cohn, Co mbia associate producer who came 0 New York for the ceremony. Best an was another brother, Robert ohn. Newlyweds have left for a weding trip to Havana. Richmond. Va. ■ — Robert Taylor, iJast End Theater staff man, was I ISnarried Saturday to Geraldine VanI'lergrift. WITH PHIL M. DALTi T ▼ T • • • RESOURCEFULNESS is a pretty long word to put on a business crest but it definitely belongs on the WB shield which iamiliarly flashes on screens as part and parcel of Warner productions The suggested word would describe myriad deeds of the Warners from their company's inception to date Currently, WB resourcefulness comes vividly to the fore in the instance of "All This And Heaven, Too" T ▼ T • • • CAPABILITY of rising to an occasion which defines resourcefulness, was exemplified hy Jack L. Warner, vice-president in charge of production, and Hal B. Wallis, executive producer. . . .during every stage of the picture's making It turned out possessed of a stature enjoyed by few films of this or any other season Despite the super-special quality of "ATAHT" it was sold to outlets via regular deals Then the resourcefulness of Grad Sears manifested itself through an idea which would vastly aid circuits and exhibs. at large to get the most benefit out of the picture T ▼ T • • • THE idea in point was and is a great one because of its wholly unselfish nature Outlets were urged to give "ATAHT" roadshow treatment on a policy and practice essentially the same as that followed by houses in the case of "GWT W" including the sharp boosting of scales The urging required was only mild for showmen in key situations were thoroughly attuned to the move as the result of superb promotion "breaks" obtained nationally by Charley Einfeld and publicity resuhs achieved hereabouts by Mort Blumenstock T T T • • • YES, unselfish is the word for the Warner move to get roadshow results for circuits and indie exhibs Remember that when the idea was hatched more than 11,000 contracts had been sewed up with customers The first situations to jump into action on the roadshow policy were standout stands in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Hartford, Providence Kansas City, Boston, Cincinnati, Omaha, Des Moines, San Francisco and Dallas A checkup discloses that all these situations cashed-in handsomely and other selected spots are ditto-ing and "ATAHT" is now right up where it belongs! Over 100 dates have been set for the roadshow pattern T V T • • • THERE are some vital conclusions to be drawn anent what has resulted from, outlets extending roadshow status to "ATAHT" It indicates clearly that scale jumps on big pix can be absorbed by the public It indicates a willingness on the part of that public to shell-out generously when convinced by strong promotion of an anticipated story property that they are going to get their money's worth in entertainment It indicates that warm months need not be feared when product is truly rugged It indicates that recent expressions of leading industry minds will prove correct namely, that it is feasible for theaters to "up" admissions and allocate a portion of the additional revenue to paying a slight advance in film rentals so that Hollywood can continue to turn out big pictures which will keep the public coming to theaters and the industry prosperous in the face of economic stroin • • • IT indicates, too, what we said at the outset: Resourcefulness belongs on the WB shield Maxwell Studying Canadian Production (Continued from Pai/e 1) now working here who would be available to do production work in the Dominion should Associated decide to produce there. It is understood that Associated British has representatives in Vancouver to survey production conditions there. Upon their report and that to be forwarded by Brisson, Maxwell's final decision rests. The Maxwell transfer of activities to the Dominion, if it transpires, will give Canadian production its greatest lift. Ortus Films, Ltd., headed by John Sutro, is preparing to make a feature there, and there have been reports that others — Alexander Koi-da and Monty Banks have been mentioned — were considering Canadian production. The latter reports, however, have found no confirmation thus far. Movietrola Will Produce Own Reels, Use New Talent Movietrola Corp. of America will produce its own reels for its slot machine projectors rather than turn that end of the business over to others, it was said at the week-end by Emile Hollander, company's prexy. Movietrola considers talent the least of its worries, according to Hollander, and will largely depend upon new players and bands for its artists. He sees the new "nickel movies" as a testing ground for talent, with the result that it will "feed" Hollywood. While the company already has lined up some new talent, Hollander said it was at present concentrating on getting its machine into production. Tacme Film Service Receives ICC's Okay Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The ICC today granted the application of Tacme Film Service, Inc., to operate as a contract carrier of motion picture film, and motion picture theater accessories and advertising display material, between New York City and Butler, Clifton, East Rutherford, Franklin, Garfield, Hawthorne, Little Falls, Lyndhurst, Passaic, Paterson, Pompton Lakes, Ridgewood, Secaucus and Sussex, N. J. Wildhack Rites on Coast li'est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Last rites for Robert Wildhack, 58, screen, radio and stage actor, who died of a pulmonary ailment at Montrose, were held at the week-end. He leaves a widow, a daughter, Mrs. Margery Forman of Connecticut; a sister, Mrs. Edna Morgan, and his father, William A. Wildhack of Los Angeles.