The Film Daily (1940)

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-Monday, December 9, 1940 RKO Trims Program; Major Pix Only Set (Continued from Page 1) u|'; program have been completed, three |\^re before the cameras and 11 are in Reparation. Seven of these 11 pictures will be started within the next 30 days. Studio survey establishes that the production pace is quickening as execs, strive to clear the decks for an early start on the 1941-42 program, to be sold under the consent decree provisions. Metro Has 21 Completed Of the 44-52 announced by M-G-M for this season, 21 are completed, three are shooting, five are in the cutting room and three go into production within the next few weeks. "The Land of Liberty," taken for distribution by Metro, is included among the 21 finished. Twentieth Century-Fox announced t52 pictures for the 1940-41 program, « . of which four were to be made in i ' England. Three of these British pictures have been made and the fourth ftis expected. Twenty-nine of the i*1 company's 52 announced pictures "Phave been completed and six are in T production. Approximately 23 pic|J tures are in preparation, some of I|( which will be delivered on the 1941' " 42 program. Of the 60 pictures announced by Columbia, including 16 westerns, 13 have been completed, eight are being edited and four are in the shooting stages. * WB Has 11 Ready for Release Warner Bros, has completed 11 of the 48 pictures sold. Eight are betfore cameras and 27 are in various (i stages of preparation. Of the 27, S eight will start within the next few weeks. A program of 52 features and seven westerns was announced by Universal. Thirty-one of the features and five of the seven westerns have been completed, in addition to three serials. Four features and one serial are in production and 18 are in preparation. United Artists has delivered 11 of the 22 pictures announced. Eight others will be ready for release during the next four months. Paramount announced 44 pictures, plus nine Harry Sherman westerns. Of the 44, Paramount has completed and released eight, 11 are completed and awaiting release and six are in production. Seven are in preparation, but none go before the cameras before Dec. 16. Gene Markey's one picture is in the cutting room, while one of the two Boris Morros pictures is awaiting release. Five of the Sherman pictures are finished and one is in production. Rep. Has Delivered 23 Republic announced 28 features and 30 westerns for the 1940-41 season. Ten features and 13 westerns have been completed and delivered, as well as two of the four "Chad Hanna" and "Western Union" Plugs Over the Ether Via Kate Smith Programs Continuing its policy of ballyhooing forthcoming attractions via air plugs, 20th-Fox has set "Chad Hanna" on the Kate Smith show Friday night. Company has also set "Western Union" for the Kate Smith program Jan. 31. Air preview Friday of the Technicolor special will be the tenth picture to be tied up with the Kate Smith show. The "Chad Hanna" air show will originate in New York and "Western Union" will be broadcast from Washington, D. C. Griffis Buys Para. Stock; Kent Sells 20th-Fox Com. Canadian Distribs. Will Name Association Prexy (Continued from Page 1) monthly summary of security transactions and holdings. The deal gives Griffis a total of 6,500 shares in the class. The 20th Century-Fox report states Sidney R. Kent has disposed of 1,000 shares of common no par value and now holds 1,180 shares. RCA disposed of 928 shares of RKO's $1 par common stock the report states and now holds 316,328 shares of that class. RCA also holds 555,254 warrants for common stock and 44,757 shares of 6 per cent convertible preferred. All the RCA holdings are as beneficial owner. Report of Universal Corp. states Preston Davie has acquired 200 common voting trust certificates, bringing his total to 2,400 and holds an additional 26,500 certificates through Standard Capital Co. Davie holds no common voting trust certificate warrants directly but holds 111,283 through Standard Capital. Robert L. Daine has disposed of 200 shares of Trans-Lux Corp. $1 par common stock and now holds 2,500 shares, the report states. Consolidated Film Industries reports E. H. Seifert has disposed of 160 shares of $2 cumulative part preferred, now holding 400 shares. Conn. Allied, MPTO Meet Jointly on Legislation (Continued from Page 1) rant, for discussion of legislation which may be brought before the coming session of the State Legislature. A. M. Schuman, president of Allied Theater Owners of Connecticut, and Irving C. Jacocks, Jr., vice-president of Connecticut MPTO, will preside. It is expected that the group further will also discuss provisions of the consent decree. At 10 a.m. tomorrow all film bowling enthusiasts, whether connected with exhibition, distribution or allied industries, are asked to gather at the 20th-Fox projection room for a meeting sponsored by Connecticut MPTO for organization of a state film bowling league. announced serials. Two pictures are in work. Monogram has completed and released 16 of its announced 42 pictures, all of which will be made on schedule. Two pictures are before the cameras, and eight are in preparation. (Continued from Page 1) ered its connections to become independent of the Hays organization. It has been agreed that the new head will be one of the Canadian general managers of a major company. Meanwhile, Col. John Cooper is acting as executive secretary of the organization. Boston College-Holy Cross Game Pix in Hub Theaters Boston — If the Boston College football players do not know every angle of the recent game played with Holy Cross, then it must be because of inability to see. The squad has been guests of no fewer than six film houses during past six days, in each of which pictures of the game which won the Sugar Bowl date for Holy Cross were shown. Coach Leahy said last night that he believed the exhibs. were hopeful that in some showing Holy Cross would fail to fumble and might score. Football pix currently is triple featured with "Third Finger, Left Hand" and "Dr. Kildare's Crisis" at both Loew's State and Orpheum. Prosecutor Sends Regrets So Gambling Forum Flops Milwaukee — A Milwaukee Woman's Club symposium on "Gambling— A Challenge to Milwaukee Officialdom," at which it was hoped to secure some indication from law enforcement officials concerning their attitude toward policy games, Bingo and gambling in general, turned out to be a flop when District Attorney Herbert J. Steffes sent his regrets because he was required to prosecute a murder trial. Members of the club were particularly interested in learning from Steffes why he was failing to fulfill the requirements of the law with reference to policy games and Bingo. Although Bingo has been outlawed by the State Supreme Court, the Bahn Frei hall here continues to play it despite the fact that a circuit court injunction had been obtained by Charles W. Trampe, local distrib. and exhib. against the hall. Payne, Wilcoxon Cast West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — John Payne has been cast by 20th Century-Fox in an important role in "The Great American Broadcast," and Henry Wilcoxon to Uncensored." Threat to U. S. Pix Looming in Mexico (Continued from Page 1) out Mexico to play one native film for one week every four weeks, or for as many days at a time as are usually given to any one picture in smaller houses. Likewise, theaters all over, the country by terms of the bill would also be compelled to give one week a month to foreign-made pictures other than American films, with only the time left over going to the Hollywood product. The bill also calls for the establishment of a financing institution which would be backed by the Mexican government to finance native production. Generally, hopes of Mexican motion picture producers for a definite, strong pickup in production activities are rising on the strength of the inauguration of a new administration under President Manuel Avila Camacho. The confidence generally displayed towards his government is seen as a sign that new capital will now be poured into the industry. Other plans are also under consideration which seek to support the long-ailing native picture industry, and there is talk of establishing a quota on imports of foreign-made films. One of these plans calls for the owners of first-run theaters throughout the country to finance the production of their own pictures, should the number made by regular producers prove insufficient to help them to comply with the law's requirements. Argentina may also feel the pinch if one of the clauses in the bill goes through. This would make it imperative for Argentine producers to take out a Mexican picture for distribution in the Argentine Republic for every Argentine-made one they introduce into Mexico. Producers of the Southern republic have made a noticeable headway here in the past two years, with about three Argentine films now being released every two months. Welles to Control All His Activities from the Coast (Continued from Page 1) production which will have a Mexican locale. Welles's company, Mercury Productions, recently added two new officers and its personnel now is: John Houseman, president; Welles, Arnold Weissberger, Herbert Drake, vicepresidents; F. Newton Todhunter, secretary; Donald Lawrence, treasurer; Richard Baer, assistant secretary. Fonda for "Swamp Water" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Henry Fonda will likely be cast for the stellar role in 20th-Fox's "Swamp Water."