The Film Daily (1940)

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W'^WUIY Tuesday, December 10, 1940 Vol. 78, No. 113 Tues., Dec. 10, 1940 lOCents JOHN W. ALICOATE DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter. Sept. 8, 193S. at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free} United States outside of Greater New York $10 00 one year; 6 months, $5.00: 3 months. $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber _ should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway. New York. N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd.. Phone Granite 6607. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle. La Cinematog raphie Francai=e, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). MEXICO CITY — Marco-Aurelio Galindo. Depto. 215, Calle del Sindicalismo, 99, Tacubayo, D. F. FINANCIAL {Monday, Dec. 9) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net Low Close Chg. High Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (2y2%) 6 Columbia Picts. pfd.. 23 Vs Con. Fm. Ind 9-16 Ccn. Fm. Ind. pfd... 8'/4 East. Kodak 139i/2 do pfd Cen. Th. Eq 11% Loew's, Inc 31% do pfd. 5¥4 6 + V2 2iy2 23 V8 + 1% 9-16 9-16 +1-16 8 8 1/8 — % 38 138 — 13,4 11% Hi/4 + 1/4 30% 30% — 3/g 10% 98 10% 10% 2% Paramount .... Para. 1st pfd.. Para. 2nd pfd Pathe Film RKO RKO $6 pfd 38 20th Century-Fox ... 5% 20th Century-Fox pfd. 16% Univ. Pict. pfd 104 Warner Bros 3% do pfd 50 NEW YORK BOND Keith B. F. ref. 6s46 Loew's deb. 3V2s46104% ' Para. B'way 3s55... 51/4 Para. Picts. 6s55 Para. Picts. cv. 3V4s47 .... Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 93% NEW YORK CURB Monogram Picts. . . Radio Keith war.. . Sonotcne Corp Technicolor Universal Corp. vtc. Universal Picts... 10 10% + % 967/8 96% — 3/g 10 10% + % 10% 105/8 + % 2% 23/4 -f % 37 38+2 5% 5% — % 16% 16% 04 104 — % 3 3 — % 50 50—1 MARKET 043/s 1643/3 — "% 51 1/4 51 1/4 — % 1/4 13/4 93/4 141/4 3-16 'A +1-16 13/4 13/4 — % 9% 9% 5 5 + % 13% 133/4 + 7/8 "Vigilantes" Big at Rialto "Trail of the Vigilantes" gave the N. Y. Rialto its biggest three-day week-end biz of the year, Universal reported yesterday. Pix is in for an indefinite run. Cinema Lodge Officers Will Meet Tomorrow First meeting of new officers of Cinema Lodge, B'nai B'rith, will be held tomorrow, probably in the office of Arthur Israel, Jr., president, in the Paramount Bldg. Plans for the new year's activities are to be set up at the session. Newly elected officers, aside from Israel, include the following vicepresidents: Leo Jaffee. Columbia; Jack Sichelman, 20th Century-Fox; Abel Vigard, Warner Bros.; Moe Streimer, United Artists; Irving Greenfield, RKO; A. R. Steinberg, Loew's, and Adolrjh Schimel, Universal. Max B. Blackman, Warner Bros., was elected treasurer; Julius ColHns, Ascap, recording secretary; J. Hyman. corresponding secretary; Irving Cohen, Paramount, monitor. Advisory council which was recently named includes Barney Balaban, Joseph Bernhard, Harry Warner, Nate Blumberg, Maurice Silverstone. Harry Brandt, Jack Cohn, M^x Fleischer, Nate Snineold, Major Albert Warner, A. S. Weber, Abe Montague, C. C. Moskowitz, Dr. David De Sola Pool. Abe Schneider, Herman Starr and Sam Schneider. Warner Theater Managers Hold Washington Meeting WasUnaton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — General quarterly meeting: of Warners' theater managers in the Washinerton zone will be held today. John J. Payette, zone manager, will preside. Managers from Virginia, Maryland. Pennsylvania, West Virginia and the District will attend. Speakers will include George A. Crouch, assistant zone manager, Frank La Falce. director of advertising and publicity; Harry M. Anger, in charge of production: Harry E. Lohmeyer, Washington district manager; Guy L. Wonders, Virginia district manager; Nat Glasser. Maryland district manager; A. Julian Brylawski, real estate department; Charles E. McGowan, contact department; J. Alton Pratt, projection department and Louis F. Ribnitzski, booker. Bernhard and Goldberg At WB Cleveland Meet Cleveland — Nat Wolf, Warner zone manager, will hold a meeting of the Warner managers of both Southern and Northern districts in Cleveland today and tomorrow. Joseph Bernhard, general manager of Warner Bros.' theaters, and Harry Goldberg. he«d of the theater advertising and publicity, will attend. Eastern Penn. Allied Will Meet in Philly on Jan. 14 Third annual meeting of Allied Theater Owners of Eastern Pennsylvania has been set for Jan. 14 in Philadelphia. Sessions will last through the day and will be climaxed by a banquet at night. Agfa Ansco Worhers Get $130,000 Bonus Binghamton — Three thousand employes of Agfa Ansco will share in a Christmas bonus division of about $130,000, to be made Friday. Bonus goes to all employes engaged before July 1 last and will be based on length of service. BMI to Acquire Catalogues Of Film Co. Music Houses? Resumption of negotiations whereby Broadcast Music, Inc., the radiocontrolled rival of Ascap, would acquire the catalogues of music publishers affiliated with film companies was reported yesterday, although confirmation was lacking. Julian Abeles, attorney for the music publishing interests of M-G-M, 20th Century-Fox and Universal, said the reports were speculative. Rumored entrance of BMI into the picture setup followed the shifting of the E. B. Marks Music Corp. music from Ascap to the new organization, although Ascap announced last night that the transfer affected only the company and that the composers and authors who created the songs in Marks' catalogue were remaining loyal to Ascap. Reports from Hollywood yesterday indicated that Columbia Pictures and RKO had agreed to release some of their music scores to the radio-controlled rival of Ascap, BMI. Art Himmelein, Veteran Exhibitor, Died Sunday Altoona, Pa. — Art Himmelein, veteran exhibitor, died Sunday night after a lingering illness. Until his health began to fail, he was general manager of Altoona-Publix Theaters and an associate of A. N. Notopoulos, head of the organization. He is survived by his widow and two brothers, Charles and John. Funeral services snd burial will be in his home town, Sandusky, O., on Thursday. Schenck, Sears, Deoinet Aid Greek War Relief The Greek War Relief Association, Inc., reported yesterday that Nicholas M. Schenck. Gradwell Sears and Ned E. Depinet had joined the ranks of film men who have contributed. Schenck contributed $500, Sears gave $200 and Depinet gave $100. New Chi. GHQ for Browne Chicago — By Jan. 1, George Browne, IATSE prexy, will have Western offices on the 12th floor of the Steuben Building, 188 W. Randolph St. Local operators and stage hands unions will also establish headquarters there, moving from the Burnham Building. COmiRG and GOIM EDWARD PESKAY, Eastern representative for Hal Roach, and CRACE ROSENFIELD, Eastern publicity representative for Roach, are visiting several mid-Western cities in connection with Roach's forthcoming "Road Show." WILLIAM PINE, C. B. De Mille's associate producer, is here from the Coast. JOSEPH BERNHARD. general manager of Warner theaters, and HARRY GOLDBERG, ad. manager for the circuit, were in Cleveland yesterday for a meeting of the Ohio zone managers. LINDA DARNELL arrives here tomorrow on the Century. WILLIAM R. FERGUSON, exploitation manager for Metro, flies to Atlanta today via Eastern to supervise GWTW opening. HARRY SMITH, BOB DONAHUE, JR., and CLARFNCE ELLIS, of Pathe News, are en route to South America on the Santa Lucia to film material for several shorts. AARON JONES, president of the Jones, Linick & Schaefer circuit in Chicago, has left for MILTON A. MOONFY, head of Co-operative Theaters of Ohio, MRS. MOONEY and their two sons, leave Cleveland Dec. 20 for a 12-day cruise through the West Indies. TED SHAW, assistant to Wil'iam C. Gehring, Central division manager for 20th-Fox, has left for Toronto and Detroit on business. He returns to the home office the end of this week. SAM CALANTY, mid-East division manager for Columbia has returned from a visit to Pittsburgh and Washington. NORMAN MORAY, short subject sales manager for Warners, is expected to return to the home office this week from a tour of the branches. DREW EBERSCN left New York last night for Texas. JOHN HAY WHITNEY returns from the Coast this week. CARL BRISSON has arrived on the Coast. BOB MOCHRIE, Eastern division manager for RKO, left last night for Cleveland. FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT, JR., and ERROL FLYNN left Chicago on the TWA Stratoliner last night for "Santa Fe Trail" premiere in Santa Fe. RICHARD CONDON, Walt Disney publicity director, and FRANK BRADEN have left on a national tour in the interest of "Fantasia." WILLIAM LONDON and CARL BUERMELE of Detroit are in town. Ennis' Mother Dies Funeral services for the mother of Bert Ennis, advertising head of Caravel Films, were held yesterday. Mrs. Ennis died Saturday. EVERY TELEGRAM'S A RUSH TELEGRAM AT Tostal Telegraph CHARGES FOR TELEGRAMS 'PHONED IN APPEAR ON YOUR TELEPHONE BILL.