The Film Daily (1940)

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Tuesday, December 10, 1940 Ws? SDEA Not Worried Over Decree's Effects » (Continued from Page 1) Falls announced themselves as unworried over its effect on their business. No action was taken, but a committee will be appointed later to handle complaints or difficulties should they arise. SDEA went on record opposing a boost of the Federal tax on lower admissions and opposed legislation restricting or taxing entertainment further. Dues were dropped from three to two cents per seat. Officers elected were: Dean Nash, Canton, president; John Anderson, Plankinton, vice-president; A. P. Sorensen, secretary treasurer; Charles Hyde, Pierre, E. G. Sorensen, Chamberlain, Bert Jchnson, Rapid City, board of directors. RKO was represented by Sheer M. Fitch; Paramount by Gil Sessler; Minnesota Amusement Co. by Ralph Phillips. Joe Powers of National Screen Service gave a talk on advertising. Margolies to Work Closely With Producers Publicists Al Margolies, who recently was promoted to the post of director of publicity for United Artists, will work more closely with the publicity men of the individual producers. Margolies will co-ordinate the studio campaigns with the New York plans. Publicity is now being mapped out by Margolies on seven pictures. They are Richard Rowland's "Cheers for Miss Bishop," Loew-Lewin's "So Ends the Night," Hal Roach's "Road Show," Gabriel Pascal's "Major Barbara," and Alexander Korda's "New Wine" and "Lady Hamilton." Music Hall Holds "Thief"; 300 Holiday Bookings Set "Thief of Bagdad," which will stay a second week at Radio City Music Hall, is set for 300 holiday dates around the country. UA said yesterday that the first four days' biz was the biggest the Hall has had in the last' four months. m^y™* THE FILM DAILY to Victor McLaglen George Lewis Una Merkel Sidney Fox Syd Weill Anna Valladares RKO Opens Depinet Drive on Jan. 25 ▼ t ▼ • • • 'TIS debatable as to the exact date of the Big Wind in Ireland but not so of the Big (GWT) Wind in Atlanta Latter blew in via an historic world premiere the night of Dec. 12. 1939 Consequently, day after tomorrow Georgia's metropolis and Metro-Selznick solons are gonna commemorate, and littingly, the original event via a First Anniversary Premiere proceeds of which will go to the Atlanta Committee of the British War Relief Society Loew's Grand is to be the scene of action and its stage will be peopled by Director Alfred Hitchcock, Vivien Leigh, Laurence Olivier, Publisher Clark Howell of the Atlanta Constitution (as emcee), and members of the Atlanta Committee of the BWRS Just by way of glamorizing and to show that his hand has never lost its skill our Mister Hitchcock will direct the filming onstage of the celebration and La Leigh will cut the birthday cake All in all, it's a trail-blazing idea: namely, the "reissue" of a world premiere A sidelight will be the selection of "Miss (GWTW) Anniversary" Out of a bevy of 100 beauties 11 will get screen tests T T ▼ • • • A mite less than a week later — Dec. 17 in Washington, D. C will be held a special banquet under National Aeronautic Association's sponsorship for which a flock of U. S. notables will be on deck at the Hotel Carlton Event will be a contribution to the observance in this country of Pan-American Aviation Day and from our own industry's standpoint is linked to the hemispheric premiere of Metro's "Flight Command" the movie about Navy fliers, starring Robert Taylor Right after the banquet, the guests will be transported to Loew's Capitol to see the film ▼ T T • • • MRS. Leo Spitz and Mrs. Roger W. Straus are co-chairmen of a cocktail party on Friday at the home of Mrs. Straus, 6 East 93rd St as part of the Mobilization for National Unity Campaign of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. . . • Youngsters residing in Prince George and Montgomery Counties will be given an opportunity to bring happiness and cheer this Xmas to their less fortunate neighbors .... by attending on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 19, the annual Toy Matinees to be held at Sidney Lust's five Maryland theaters T T ▼ • • • WARNERS are distributing as part of the current National Safety Campaign broadsides to 150,000 schools in every city and hamlet in the U. S bidding for safety in the home, on the streets, and at play Copy is in the form of a statement from Errol Flynn, star of WB's glittering new opus, "Santa Fe Trail" V T T • • • STUFF: Donald Tatro, projectionist up at the Palace Theater in Pittsfield, Mass., went deer hunting, brought back a wildcat, received $10 County bounty for killing the latter, and is now going out again for the elusive deer, says a dispatch to our desk (What t'hell more d'ya want Don, . . didn't you go deer hunting and get ten bucks?) Virgil Jackson, owner of four Columbus, Ohio, and one Queen City theaters, is the newly-elected Chief Barker for the Columbus Variety Club The Amusement Division of the Chicago Community Fund, under the able direction of Jack Kirsch, turned in 112 per cent of its quota, or $27,985, — being among the seven highest in the drive Gem from a certain casting director's conversation discussing a certain Hollywood actress: "She was too old and, what's more, couldn't learn lines. You can imagine how the role would have taxed her ingenue-ity!" (.Continued from Page 1) ing May 9, it was announced yesterday. Drive captain will be Leo Devaney, Canadian Division manager, who has been conferring at the home office with execs, and Walter Branson, Midwestern district manager. Devaney will hold individual meeting's at each of the RKO branches prior to the official starting date of the campaign, outlining the plan and aims of this activity, as well as the list of liberal cash prizes to be awarded. He will start his first tour immediately after Jan. 1. Majors, and DG Counsel To Meet on Differences Interpretation of wording in some of the clauses in the Dramatists Guild pact with film companies has caused a hitch which may prevent a number of film companies from producing under its terms unless agreement is reached, it was reported yesterday. A meeting between representatives of the film companies and Sidney Fleischer, attorney for the Guild, is scheduled for this week. Warners has already withdrawn its support of the basic pact and it is expected that other companies may follow suit unless the dispute is ironed out. Paramount is reportedly going ahead under terms of the agreement, but Metro, which is reputedly going to back "Mr. And Mrs. North," is said to have taken the position that it won't finance any further ventures until agreement is reached. TO THE COLORS! Scranton, Pa. — Joe Novack of the Capitol Theater has joined the 109th Infantry which will leave for a year's encampment after Jan. 1. Albuquerque, N. M. — Albuquerque Theater employes have answered the call to the Colors. David Hall, doorman at the Chief, is at U.S.N.T.S., San Diego; Bill Keener, doorman at the Kimo, is at Brooks Field, San Antonio, Tex.; and Tom Jelly, doorman at the Chief, is in the Merchant Marine, San Francisco. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Helen Owings, secretary to S. Charles Einf eld, has joined the Navy. Miss Owings, who has been at Warner Bros, studios for four years, goes into the office of the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Navy Dept., in San Francisco, this week. Judith Sandler continues as executive secretary to Einfeld. Honesdale, Pa. — Edward Mullen, usher at the Lyric Theater, is a member of the 109th Infantry National Guard, which will leave for a year's service after the first of the year.