The Film Daily (1941)

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DAILY Thursday, May 22, 194 New Argentine Tax May Affect Films {Continued from Page 1) tax bill recently introduced, accordingto John Nathan, Paramount's Argentinian manager. Under the proposed law, Nathan said, any figure more than 8 per cent of the invested capital would be regarded as excess profits. Nathan said that theater business in Buenos Aires was good although the economic situation in the interior and other important seaports is critical because of the inability to export commodities due to the war. During the first four months of 1941, foreign trade dropped 41 per cent under that of the first four months of last year, with a corresponding effect on theaters in the affected areas. A new production company has started operations in Buenos Aires, Nathan said. This is Baires Films which recently finished its first picture and is starting on its second. Approximately 50 native pictures are being made yearly and, like American product, the good ones do good business. Playing of German and Italian pictures is negligible, Nathan said, adding that American pictures continue to get the major portion of playing time. Nathan is here for a month's vacation and is making' his first visit here since July, 1938. Budd Rogers as Capra Rep. In "Doe" Foreign Distrib'n (Continued from Page 1) tion of the Frank Capra-Robert Riskin production of "Meet John Doe," which is being released by Warners. Rogers will work in collaboration with the foreign sales department of Warners. Small Pacts Gene Lockhart West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Gene Lockhart was signed yesterday by Edward Small for one of the top roles in "International Lady." Lockhart will portray the leader of a gang of airplane saboteurs who are seeking to break up the flow of airplanes from the U. S. to Britain. Frank Named Circuit Booker Chicago — A. P. Frank has been named film booker for the Nat Bernstein Theater circuit with headquarters in Chicago. Camp Patronage Aids Nashville Biz Nashville, Tenn. — That patronage from the 30,000 soldiers in training at Camp Forrest is lifting b.o. receipts perceptibly and may completely counteract the usual summer slump is contention of manager of local and Middle Tennessee theaters. T T ▼ Bundle o* Notes • • • WALTER Gould, foreign head of UA. is handing out monster (stet.) cigars following a blessed event which took place over the week-end at his Maryland farm The youngster, named Willrock, weighs 85 pounds and is the first colt Gould has ever been midwife to His friends are calling it 'That Uncertain Foaling" which is no "plug" intended for a certain UA opus with that Lubitsch touch T T T • «. « BECAUSE of simultaneously scheduled events including the 29th FILM DAILY Golf Tournament luncheon of the m.p. division of the United Jewish Appeal has been switched from next Tuesday to June 3 at the Hotel Edison. . . . • That All-Star team (comprising Frank Jones, Frank and Pete Alexander, Ed Lawler, Leo Hill and John Joseph) of the Wilkes Barre division of the Comerford Theaters Bowling League captured the circuit championship t'other night in Scranton by winning the second game of a home-and-home series. . . 0 Following a two-way broadcast tonight 'twixt England and the U. S Lord Halifax will repair to the Museum of Modern Art as the guest of John Hay Whitney for a privately -tendered dinner at which His Lordship will formally open the "Britain At War" exhibit in which films will play an important role T T T • • • KING Farouk of Egypt liked Columbia's "Master of the Cue" (one of the "World of Sports" series) so well that he has ordered a print for his private film collection according to a cable dispatched to the home office by Columbia's Egyptian solon, Richard Menasche. . . • Major Edward Bowes is taking a vacation from his famous Family Hour but'll continue presence on his Amateur Hour. . . • Sunday night brings to the Imperial Theater a star-studded revue, "Let Freedom Ring" sponsored by the National Woman's Division and the New York Chapter of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies Among those appearing will be Irving Berlin, Robert (Metropolitan Opera) Weede, Lester Cole, Irving Caesar, Joe Laurie, Jr., Senator Ford, and flocks of gents from the composer-roster of both Ascap and BMI T ▼ T • • • TWO of the original members of the first screen production of "Blood and Sand" — Lila Lee and Nita Naldi — will be guests of the Roxy Theater tonight at the world premiere of the new 20th-Fox pic version of Vicente Blasco Ibanez' renowned yarn. . . « Irene Dunne did right niftily in that "Friendship Bridge" broadcast on Tuesday during which she appeared with 12 British evacuee kids who sent greetings to their families in England via Station WMCA. . . » Invitations to tonight's gala opening of the new Daytona Theater, Daytona Beach, Fla went out under the names jointly of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Eberson Former, who is the junior partner of the architectural firm of John and Drew Eberson, was a film director on the Coast These newly weds were hitched recently in suburban Pitts burgh She, — the former Frances Glendenning, — has appeared before Hollywood's cameras on productions with which hubby was associated Now they're both exhibitors Such versatility! «« « « » %> Today: Republic regional sales meeting, Chicag May 24: Albany-Troy Warner Clubs Spring ba Ten Eyck, Albany. May 27: FILM DAILY Golf Tournament, Cl< Oaks Country Club, Great Neck, L. I. May 27-28: Republic regional sales meetin New York. June 6: Chicago Film Bookers Club <J:"nc dance, Sherman Hotel. coii June 6: Actors Equity annual meetin, it Astor. June 7-8: Columbia executive sales meetin Chicago. June 9: Chorus Equity's annual meeting. June 9-11: MPTOA-PCCITO convention, Air bassador Hotel, Los Angeles. June 11-13: New Jersey Allied convention, Rib Carlton, Atlantic City. June 16-19: RKO Radio sales convention, Wa dorf-Astoria. June 24: Boston Variety Club charity ball. June 2: Ascap annual membership meeting. July 13-14: MPTO of Virginia mid-summer cor vention, Hotel Chamberlin Old Point Con fort. Sept. 16-18: National Allied convention, Ber famin Franklin Hotel, Philadelphia. June 17: Paramount stockholders' meetini home office. June 17-19: ATO of Indiana convention, Pota watomi Inn, Pokagon Park. Sept. 19: Philadelphia Variety Club — The E hibitor golf tournament, Philmont Countn Club. Nov. 2: Pittsburgh Variety Club banquet. ORG Bill Amendment Bar Office From Issuing Pix (Continued from Page 1) ing films and radio scripts. Th^ Senate action sent the measure bacl | to the House for concurrence. The OGR is headed by Lowell Mel lett, administrative assistant to th<! President. Under the pending bill it would be set up as an independen f agency with an annual authorizatioi " of $1,500,000. Critics have assailec it as a move towards censorship ancf; propaganda. h Reopen Conn. Summer Houses " Sound View, Conn. — John P. Glack in will open his Strand summei house for Saturday night perform, ances in June and expand his sched-, ule in July. Adolph Johnson ana,.' Albert Poulton will reopen the New , Colony here on June 28 for theii, second Summer season. Cain on "Shanghai Gesture" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILi Hollywood — James M. Cain, au-i^ thor of "The Postman Always Rings: . Twice" has been signed by Arnold, Pressburger to write the screenplay and dialogue for "The Shanghai , Gesture." j It's Catching Albany — Boxoffice slump in recent weeks in pix biz, despite improved purchasing power of the communities in the Albany exchange territory is also being felt by theater competition. Baseball, a keen competitor found it necessary to turn on the arc lights for night games earlier this year than ever before, but general lassitude and cool weather have kept attendance below par.